Cub Scout Satisfaction Survey

1. How many years has your son been associated with Cub Scout Pack 172?


2. Value of the overall program for the cost of registration.

Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied
3. Method of fundraising to support pack. (i.e. selling popcorn, meat sticks, candy)

Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

4. What other fundraiser would you support, if any (i.e. First Aid Kits, Rummage Sale, Magazine Sales)?

5. How satisfied are you with the typical pack meeting?
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

6. If you could change something about the pack meeting, what would it be?

7. How satisfied are you with your Cub Scout's typical den meeting?
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

8. If you could change something about your scout's den meeting, what would it be?

9. How satisfied are you with the pack's outdoor and special events (Blue and Gold, Pinewood Derby, Battleship Cove) programs?
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

10. If you could change something about the outdoor program and special events what would it be? Other ideas?

11. How satisfied are you with the awards and recognition program for the pack
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

12. How satisfied were you with the Battleship Cove Trip?

Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

13. If you could change something about the Cove Trip, what would it be?

14. How satisfied are you with the ceremonial aspects of the pack?
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

15. What would you change if you could?

16. How satisfied are you with the current leadership of the pack? (The leadership includes: Committee Chairman, Cubmaster, Committee members, Den Leaders and Assistants?
Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

17. What would you change if you could?


18. How satisfied are you with the scheduling of the Pack Meetings?

Very dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedNeutralSomewhat satisfiedVery satisfied

20. What Summertime Activities (top three, please) would you be most interested participating?
Get in the Game Geocaching
Bike Rodeo – Safety course
Outdoor Movie Night
Skate night
Car Wash
Twilight Hike at Roosevelt Forest
Indoor Movie Night
Sleepover at Baseball Game
Day Trip to the New England Air Museum
Main Street Festival Booth
Memorial Day Parade March
Volunteer Events
20. For what reasons (top three, please) is your Scout involved with Pack 172
Character Development
Has friends in the pack
Gets him out of the house
A goal setting/achieving program
Male role models
Camping/Outdoor activities
Spiritual development
Teaches citizenship
Cheaper than other extra-curricular programs
Fun projects
Someone else can watch him for a couple of hours
Learning morals
22. Any other comments/questions/suggestions/concerns?

23. OPTIONAL: Your name

24. Would you like to discuss these issues with the pack leadership?


25. Would you consider serving within the pack leadership?
