are you a woman who hunts?
yes : we need you!
The face of hunting is changing.
In the past decade more women are joining Europe’s hunting community, actively engaging in conservation and championing sustainable hunting, and a real connection with nature.
FACE is putting a special focus on women hunters and would like to learn more about hunting women and their motivations, challenges and viewpoints.
We want to put a face and a name to hunters by showcasing individual women hunters on the FACE website.
Please take 5 minutes to answer a few questions, and send it to Yasmin with a high-resolution photo of yourself (photos of you in hunting gear welcome!)
Help us to show the world what hunting is in reality, and that women hunt too.
Name and age:Where are you from? (city, country)
If you have a job, what is it?
When did you become a hunter? (please state age)
Why do you hunt?
What do you enjoy most about hunting?
How often do you hunt?
☐Daily ☐Weekly ☐Monthly ☐5-10 times a year ☐2-4 times a year ☐Once a year ☐Rarely
☐Other (please specify)
Do you hunt with an animal?
☐Dog ☐Bird ☐No
If yes, please include a photo J
Do you hunt with your family?
☐Husband/Partner/Boyfriend ☐Children ☐Parents ☐No ☐Other (please specify):
If yes:
Please give details of their names/ages:
Please include a photo J
Do you participate in conservation actions, if yes, what are they? (e.g. wildlife monitoring, habitat restoration, education)
☐Wildlife monitoring ☐Habitat restoration/clean-up ☐Education ☐No ☐Other (please specify):
If yes: Please provide details of where (location), when, what (species or habitat type)
Do you go hunting with other women? ☐Yes ☐No
Are you part of a women hunting initiative? ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, please provide name or link: