Name / 4-H
Age / Number of
in 4-H
4-H Club / Phone Number
Youth Signature
Club Leader Signature
Must be signed
Club Leader Phone #
Club Leader e-mail
If available
Parent Signature
Must be signed
Points Possible
(70% to pass)

Description of Your Horse/Pony

Type of Horse
What color is your horse / Mare or Gelding
Horse's Height / Horse's Weight
Breed Assoc. Location
Describe your horse
Horse Health

The 4-H member should research using the internet, Horse and Horsemanship, Horse Science books, hippology pamplets, and any other resource to obtain the information too complete the “Horse Health” and “Feeding & Bedding” sections of the book.

Your Veterinarian / Phone #
Vital Signs
Your horses vital signs are:
Temperature / Respiration / Pulse
What does "immunization" mean?
What immunizations are recommended? What ones do you give your horse?
What would the cost of immunization for your horse be for the year?
What does "deworming" mean?
How often do you deworm your horse?
How much per year would does it cost?
Dental Care
Your Equine Dentist / Phone #
How do you care for your horses teeth?
How much per year would it cost?

Hoof Care

Your Farrier / Phone #
How often is your horse or pony’s
hooves trimmed?
How much per year would it cost?
How much to have shoes put on your horse?

Coggins Test

Should your horse or pony have a current Coggins Test? Yes No

Exams, Illnesses, and Injuries

How much is a Farm Call?
How much does an X-ray cost?
How much is an antibiotic?
What is colic?
What are the symptoms of colic?
Tell us about any exams, illnesses, or injuries your horse has suffered this year

Feeding and Bedding

The 4-H member should research using the internet, Horse and Horsemanship, Horse Science books, hippology pamplets, and any other resource to obtain the information too complete the “Horse Health” and “Feeding & Bedding” sections of the book.

Where is your Horse or pony be kept? Tell us about it.
What would the cost be?
Does your horse or pony get grain? Tell us about it.
How much do you feed daily?
How much per year would it cost?
Does your horse or pony get hay? Tell us about it.
How much do you feed daily?
How much per year would it cost?
Does your horse or pony have a salt
or mineral block? Tell us about it.
How much would you feed daily?
How much per year would it cost?
Does your horse or pony get
treats? If so, tell us about it.
How much per year would it cost?
Would the horse or pony use any kind of
bedding to sleep on? If so, tell us about it.
How much per year would it cost?
Does your horse or pony have a barn or
shelter to sleep in? If so, describe it.
How much per year would it cost?


Locate and identify the missing parts of the horse: (39 points).

1 / Forehead / 14 / Chest / 27 / Abdomen
2 / Face / 15 / Arm / 28
3 / Bridge of nose / 16 / Elbow / 29
4 / Nostril / 17 / Forearm / 30 / Gaskin
5 / Muzzle/nose / 18 / 31
6 / Upper lip / 19 / 32 / Flank
7 / Lower Lip / 20 / Ankle / 33
8 / Under Lip / 21 / 34 / Point of Hip
9 / Throatlatch / 22 / Coronet Band / 35
10 / 23 / Ergot/Fetlock / 36
11 / 24 / 37
12 / Neck / 25 / 38
13 / Point of Shoulder / 26 / Barrel / 39 / Thigh/Quarter


Locate and identify the 5 parts of ONE type of bridle (5point)

WesternWeymouth English

1 / 1 / 1
2 / 2 / 2
3 / 3 / 3
4 / 4 / 4
5 / 5 / 5

Or Identify the 5 parts of the bosal hackamore


Locate and identify 10 parts of ONE type of saddle (10 points)

Which saddle did you choose? Western ______or English______


GROOMING (6points)

Identify each of the six (6) basic pieces of grooming equipment.



List the five (5) major colors of horses (5 points)

1 / 4
2 / 5

List the five (5) color variations of horses (5 points)

1 / 4
2 / 5


Answer each question True (T) or False (F)

1 / Never walk of stand behind a horse unannounced.
2 / Always walk under the tie rope or step over the tie rope when your horse is tied.
3 / When leading your horse always walk ahead of the animal.
4 / Keep your head in the clear when bridling the horse.
5 / Never tighten the cinch or girth
6 / Never mount the horse in a small barn, near fences, trees, or over hanging projections.
7 / If your horse is frightened by an obstacle, steady him, give him time to overcome his fear.
8 / Canter or lope your horse up and down hills.
9 / Green horses and novice riders make the best match at horse shows.
10 / Horse require kind, gentle, but firm treatment.


Give an example of each of the five basic nutrients (5 points)

Energy Nutrients
Source of Water


Explain the number of beats in each gait (1 point for each gait)


Name the four natural basic aids to riding (4 points)



List ten (10) items you would put in a first aid kit for horses

1 / 6
2 / 7
3 / 8
4 / 9
5 / 10


Write a story telling of any special accomplishments or experiences

Educational Experiences

Please list any seminars, clinics, demonstrations, meeting presentations, or educational books that you completed this year. (Examples: Showmanship Clinic at MSU; Equine Nutrition Speaker at 4-H group meeting; Vet-A-Visit; Communicating with Your Horse book by John Lyons; Learning to Groom video)

Date / Event/Topic
What I learned:
Date / Event/Topic
What I learned:
Date / Event/Topic
What I learned:

Club Meeting Log

Date / Location / Meeting Topics / Time Spent

Time Spent On Your Horse Record Book Project

(Project Time Log)

(include time spent doing research, interviewing, attendance at educational events, etc)

Date / Amount of Time / Activity


Member’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Leader’s Signature

I verify that this member is in good standing

Novice Horse Record Book Judge’s Page and Scoring Guide

You must achieve a score of 70 or more to complete your horse project. With a score of less than 70, your Horse Project will be considered incomplete.

X / Section/Elements / Score Possible / Score
General Elements
Required project animal photographs / 3
Written description of horse project / 2
Records reflect current 4-H year / 3
Project Time Logs / 8
Neatness/Overall Appearance/Required Order / 8
Creativity / 3
All Required Signatures / 3
Total for this section / 30
Horse Health
Vital Signs / 3
Immunizations / 4
Deworming / 4
Dental Care / 3
Hoof Care / 4
Coggins Test / 2
Examination/Illness/Injury / 4
Total for this section / 24
Feeding & Bedding
Grain / 4
Hay / 4
Salt or Mineral Block / 4
Bedding / 4
Shelter / 4
Total for this section / 20
Project Plans/Education/Shows
Purchases and Gifts / 4
Project Plans / 6
Educational Experiences (2 points per experience documented-maximum of 8 points) / 8
Report or Story / 8
Total for this section / 26
Bonus Section
Extra Report(s) (5 points for each report. Must be dated and completed in current 4-H year. Maximum of 15 points) / 0-15
4-H Meeting attendance (1 point per meeting attended & documented in record book) / 0-8
Photo section displaying 4-Her and Horse project / 0 or 5
Total Bonus Points Awarded

Outstanding Award (ribbon) = Individual record books selected by Record Book Committee for this award.

Honorable Mention (certificate) = score of 100 or better

A = 90+

B = 80+ Award for this record book:______

C = 70+

Questions about this score can be directed to:______

Comments from judge:


Complete the required elements for each bracket as directed at the beginning of each bracket. Each element needs to be submitted in the member’s Horse Record book with an Element Cover Sheet preceding each element. Use various methods when completing each element: captioned pictures, documented photo display, personal drawings, written form, video, CD, etc. Any copied article or copied research will not be accepted. Except for where noted, each element needs to be submitted within the member’s Horse Record book. All Horse Record Books requirementsare due at the July date set each year.


Select and complete one elements below. Fill out an Element Cover Sheet for each element. Submit with your Horse Record book. Except for Element # 4 keep everything within the pages of your Horse Record book.

1. Describe or show proper hoof cleaning prior to riding

2. Describe or show how to safely feed and water a horse in a stall; in a pasture

3. Describe or show three things the vet should do when seeing a horse in the spring

4. Develop a diorama of a safe box stall or run-in

5. Describe or show how to groom a horse in the spring during shedding season

6. Draw and describe your fantasy horse. Include: breed, color, markings, size, age, gender, name, personality, training

7. Determine the cost of hay and grain in your area from two different sources; name both of your sources

8. Describe or show an injury leading to a scar that would effect how the horse moves


Select and complete one elements below. Fill out an Element Cover Sheet for each element. Submit with your Horse Record book. Keep everything within the pages of your Horse Record book.

1. Describe or show how to safely groom a horse. Include tying and the use of a manger knot

2. Describe or show how to correctly approach a horse in the stall, put on a halter and safely lead out through stall door

3. Describe or show how to safely lead a horse over several poles on the ground

4. Describe or show both safe and unsafe areas to stand while holding the lead rope of a horse. Explain why each area is either safe or unsafe

5. Explain how to adjust a bridle, saddle and stirrup length for both the horse and the rider

6. Describe or show three ways a horse will defend itself in the wild. Explain how each of these behaviors are dangerous to man

7. Describe or show where to stand and how to put a bridle and saddle on a horse

8. Describe or show how to correctly store a bridle, saddle and halter


Select and complete one elements below. Fill out an Element Cover Sheet for each element. Submit with your Horse Record book. Keep everything within the pages of your Horse Record book.

1. Volunteer 4 hours at a local equine facility or event. Document your hours and what you learned or observed

2. Attend a local horse show. Interview an exhibitor and a worker. Document your interview. Select questions prior to the interview and include them in your element

3. Read a book on horse care. Evaluate the book. Was it informative, easy to understand without owning a horse? What was the most interesting thing you learned?

4. Make a list of possible jobs relating to horses. Which ones would you need further schooling after high school? Which

ones could you remain in this area? Which ones would you need to relocate?

5. Tour a breeding or training farm. Document your observations. What was the most fun? What seemed to be the hardest thing for the farm owner?

6. Collect 4 pictures of 4 different horses within the same breed and place them as if they were in a halter class. Explain your reasons

7. Read a current monthly horse magazine. Briefly summarize the article that stands out to you the most

8. Attend a clinic, seminar or educational event that is horse related. What did you learn?

9. Interview a farrier, an equine dentist or an equine chiropractor. What are some interesting things about their profession


Select and complete one elements below. Fill out an Element Cover Sheet for each element. Submit with your Horse Record book. Keep everything within the pages of your Horse Record book.

1. Select one breed and describe basic conformation about that specific breed

2. Compare the size and weight differences for ponies, light horses and draft horses

3. Select a riding discipline (dressage, reining, jumping, etc) and give a history and purpose for that discipline. Include specific equipment needs

4. Select two pieces of training equipment and describe both the correct and incorrect usage of each

5. Describe or show the difference between a lope, canter, gallop and run

6. Select a breed registry that does not allow for certain colors or markings. Define the colors or markings not allowed

7. Select a breed registry and research the cost of individual membership, cost of farm membership and cost for transferring registration papers within that breed

8. Write a short story or report about your favorite horse breed. Include why this is your favorite breed

9. Select your favorite class at a show and describe what the judge would be looking for in the winner of that class. Design and describe the perfect horse for that class

10. Make a set of 10 flash cards showing 10 different breeds


(extra credit)

Select and complete one element below. Fill out an Element Cover Sheet . Submit with your Horse Record book. Keep everything except Element # 6 within the pages of your Horse Record book.

1. Design a horse related greeting card for a friend’s birthday

2. Write a short story with yourself as the main character and a fantasy horse

3. Design a horse related stamp featuring either a famous horse or a horse you personally know

4. Write a young children’s book featuring a short, fat pony and one other animal of your choice

5. Take a series of photos of a horse you enjoy spending time with or watching. Describe the horse you have chosen

6. Draw using either paints, charcoals, pastels, pencils or ink a horse scene

7. Design a 4-H club banner that can be hung at your barn at Fair

8. Select a theme. Then make a college of pictures you have collected representing your selected theme