Provost’s Council Minutes
Held: February 28, 2013
Attendance: E. Daffron, B. Barnett, S. Perry, K. Krase, C. Romano, E. Saiff, G. Tabback, S. Rosenberg, M. Cammarata, L. Chakrin, E. Rainforth, G. Khaneja, L. Siecke, H. Nejad, and J. Weiss.
E. Daffron called the meeting to order. Minutes from the January 31 meeting were approved with three abstentions.
Developmental Math
E. Saiff delivered a pilot proposal for students who need Developmental Math. The program is designed specifically for students who place within 25 points below the cut score for college level. It would provide this student the option of not taking remedial math, but taking pre-calculus with a mandatory ½ hour recitation session. The course would be offered next spring 2014, and its success would be tracked. The proposal was accepted.
Policies in Review:
Policy 300-JJ – Student Complaints of an Academic Nature – Policy has been constructed so that students will know where to file a complaint of an academic nature other than a grade appeal . Complaints may include course content, requirements and classroom management. Policy/procedure has already gone to Deans’ Council where it has been endorsed.
Several council members raised concerns about the purpose and the wording of the policy, so the Provost recommended that the policy/procedure go back to Deans’ Council for further discussion.
Policy/Procedure 300-KK – Integrity of Academic Programs –
Council members recommended several changes for ARC to consider during the review period. E. Daffron activated the policy and procedure into review. Student Affairs Update:
M. Cammarata discussed the Student Hazing Policy as found in the Student Handbook.
She also discussed situations when Student Affairs might send notices to faculty concerning a student’s ability to attend class.
There have been occasions when Student Affairs (SA) has determined that a student is incapacitated and cannot interface with faculty. SA will then write to faculty on record for that semester. If it is a medical separation SA will communicate to faculty and give general information. If a student is separated from school for disciplinary or mental health issues and student requests it, than SA will send email to faculty.
Health and Counseling makes the determinations about medical leaves.
Nursing Program:
E. Saiff – Announced that the Nursing program had been evaluated, and the accreditation team recommended a full eight-year accreditation.