Chapter 1
Microbiology: Then and Now
Chapter Summary and Essay Questions
Chapter 1 follows the significant events in the development of microbiology from the late 1600s
until today. Through descriptions of the three Golden Ages of microbiology, it stresses the
changing view scientists had of microorganisms. These views range from the indifference they accorded microorganisms in Leeuwenhoek’s time to the genuine interest apparent during the era
of Pasteur and Koch. The excitement of these periods is illustrated by the breadth and diversity of studies developing into the various disciplines of microbiology that exist today. On completing
the chapter, you should be able to answer the following essay questions:
a. Judge the contributions to microbiology made by Antony van Leeuwenhoek.
b. Explain why microbiology failed to experience a period of growth after Leeuwenhoek’s reports on animalcules.
c. Define the miasma view of disease.
d. Compare the experiments of Redi, Needham, Spallanzani, and Pasteur to support or refute the doctrine of spontaneous generation.
e. Contrast the work of Semmelweis and Snow regarding how disease transmission could be interrupted.
f. Describe the early work to prevent infectious disease through variolation and Jenner’s vaccination.
g. Justify the importance of Pasteur’s early work on diseases to his development of the germ theory of disease.
h. Explain how Lister’s use of antisepsis supported Pasteur’s germ theory.
i. Describe how Koch’s postulates proved the germ theory.
j. Identify other significant contributions to the germ theory made by members of Pasteur’s and Koch’s labs.
k. Outline the contributions to microbiology made by other global pioneers during the classical Golden Age.
j. Explain why the classical Golden Age ended.
l. Identify the major disciplines of microbiology.
m. Name the three groups of microorganisms, and, along with viruses, describe their basic characteristics.
n. Assess the importance of microorganisms as model systems during the second Golden Age of microbiology.
o. Contrast the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
p. Identify the contributions made by Fleming, Florey and Chain, Domagk, and Waksman.
q. Describe three major challenges facing microbiology today.
r. Discuss how microbial ecology and evolution are driving the new Golden Age.