City Giving Day 2016 – Post Event Survey

To help us evaluate City Giving Day and determine its impact on companies, charities, and the community, and how we can it even better for you in 2017, we would really appreciate 6-9 minutes of your time to fill out the below evaluation.

Your input will be invaluable.

Many thanks.

1)(Optional) Name of your organisation

Click here to enter text.

2)(Optional) Email Contact details

Click here to enter text.

3)What is your role (you may tick more than one box)





☐Director/Senior Executive

☐Other (please specify) Click here to enter text.

4)What sector is your organisation in?

☐Asset Management











Other (please specify) Click here to enter text.

5)How many UK employees do you have? (estimate is fine)










6)Where did you City Giving Day activity take place? (you may tick more than one box)

☐The Square Mile

☐In London, but outside the Square Mile

☐In a UK city outside of London

☐Outside the UK

If outside the Square Mile, please advise where Click here to enter text.

7)How much support do you give to charities and community groups in a year (estimates are fine)

☐Not sure

☐Up to £10,000

☐£10,001 - £50,000

☐£50,001 - £100,000

☐£100,001 - £250,000

☐£250,001 - £500,000

☐£500,001 - £1,000,000

☐£1,000,001 - £2,000,000

☐£2,000,001 +

8)How many volunteer days does your company provide in a given year? (estimate is fine)

☐Not sure










9)How many employees volunteer in a given year? (estimate is fine)

☐Not sure










10)What percentage of employees volunteer in a given year? (estimate is fine)

☐Not sure









11)As an initiative to support you charitable and CSR activity how would you rate City Giving Day?

☐Poor☐Satisfactory☐Good☐Very Good☐Excellent

12)What was good about City Giving Day and/or what has it helped to achieve?

Click here to enter text.

13)Did City Giving Day help your organisation to (you may tick more than one box)

☐promote your charitable/CSR activity

☐celebrate your charitable/CSR activity

☐promote your volunteering/ volunteering programmes

☐benefit charities/communities that you support

☐raise more money for charities/community groups

☐raise more money for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal

☐none of the above

☐other (please comment)

Click here to enter text.

14)Do you think City Giving Day has helped inspire employees to (you can tick more than one box)



☐Become more involved in charitable activity

☐It has made no difference

15)Would you recommend City Giving Day to other companies?



☐Not sure

16)Approximately how many employees do you estimate City Giving Day has helped you engage with (re you charitable and CSR related activities)










17)How many volunteers did it help recruit? (approximately)






☐Not sure

18)Did you involve any charities or community groups in City Giving Day (and or their beneficiaries)



19)If so, please explain how they were involved and how did they benefit?

Click here to enter text.

20)Did you fundraise?



21)If yes, what fundraising activity did you do?

Click here to enter text.

22)If yes, how much did you approximately raise?








23)Who will benefit for the funds raised (you can tick more than one answer)

☐Current charity/community partner

☐One off fundraising for a new charity/community partner

☐Lord Mayor’s Appeal charities


24)Did senior management get involved in City Giving Day?



☐Not this year but will next year

☐If Yes what did they do/how did they help support?

Click here to enter text.

25)What were the key things that made internal promotion of City Giving Day a success for you?

Click here to enter text.

26)Did your organisation/employees Go Red?



27)If No, please advise why (you can tick more than one box)

☐Didn’t know about it

☐It’s not the type of thing our company does

☐We found out too late

☐We didn’t know what to do to go red

☐We cannot do red

☐We will consider it in the future

28)Do you think going red on City Giving Day (you can tick more than one box)

☐is a good idea to unite businesses on City Giving Day

☐is a good idea to help promote that the City does good

☐helps create a focus on City Giving Day

☐can help create fun

☐is not a good idea

☐Any other thoughts Click here to enter text.

29)Did you see much red outside your companies on City Giving Day?



☐A little bit

30)Do you think your organisation will Go Red next year?

☐Definitely not☐Unlikely☐Unsure☐Likely☐Yes

31)How helpful were our communications to support you develop and run your City Giving Day activity?

☐Poor☐Satisfactory☐Good☐Very Good☐Excellent

32)How did you find the frequency of our communications to support you developing and running your City Giving Day activity?


☐Not enough

☐Too much

33)If Too much, please can you advise why

Click here to enter text.

34)Did you receive our City Giving Day newsletters?



35)How helpful was the newsletter?

☐Poor☐Satisfactory☐Good☐Very Good☐Excellent

36)What would be helpful to include in City Giving Day 2017 newsletters?

Click here to enter text.

37)Did someone from your company attend a City Giving Day breakfast?



☐If so, why did they attend?

Click here to enter text.

38)How useful was the breakfast?

☐We didn’t attend ☐Poor ☐Satisfactory ☐Good ☐Very Good ☐Excellent

39)Did you visit our website?



☐If so, what were you looking for?

Click here to enter text.

40)How useful was the website?

☐We didn’t use it ☐Not very ☐Satisfactory ☐Good ☐Very Good ☐Excellent

41)Were you aware of the promotion of City Giving Day through City A.M.?



☐If so, was it useful?

Click here to enter text.

42)Did you benefit from PR? (either through the LMA or yourselves)?



☐Not sure

43)Did you benefit from Social Media?



☐Not sure

44)Did charities/communities groups you support promote/tweet about your support?



☐Not sure

45)Do you think you will participate next year?

☐Definitely not☐Unlikely☐Unsure☐Highly likely☐Yes

46)Any general thoughts or suggestions you would like to suggest for City Giving Day 2017?

Click here to enter text.

47)Do you have any suggestions to make City Giving Day bigger and/or better?

Click here to enter text.

48)What do you think of the following for City Giving Day activity?

A City Giving Day Walk

☐Not a good idea at all

☐Not a good idea

☐It’s an OK idea

☐Good idea

☐Great idea

A City Giving Day Run

☐Not a good idea at all

☐Not a good idea

☐It’s an OK idea

☐Good idea

☐Great idea

A City Giving Day Quiz

☐Not a good idea at all

☐Not a good idea

☐It’s an OK idea

☐Good idea

☐Great idea

Encouraging all employees to make a nominal Donation

☐Not a good idea at all

☐Not a good idea

☐It’s an OK idea

☐Good idea

☐Great idea

Other (please specify)

Click here to enter text.

49)Which resources would be useful for next year?

Balloons ☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

T-shirts☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

Bunting☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

Templates to use ☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

i.e. posters/internal comms

Roll up banner☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

Official Proud to support☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful


CGD pin badges ☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

Pens☐Not at all ☐Maybe ☐Helpful ☐Very helpful

50)Are there any resources we could consider?

Click here to enter text.

51)When do you think would be a good time to host City Giving Day in the future (you may tick more than one answer)

☐Mid May

☐Late June

☐Early July

☐Late September

☐Early October

Other (please specify) Click here to enter text.

52)Would you be interested in entering the Lord Mayor’s Dragon’s Awards next year?



☐Not sure

☐Not heard of them

☐Would like to know more about them

☐We have before

53)Do you think City Giving Day should take place on the same day as the Lord Mayor’s Dragon’s Awards?



☐Not sure

☐Doesn’t matter

☐ Not heard of them

Thank you for your time and support of City Giving Day…we hope you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you in 2017 – Confirmed date 26th September!