Let’s Play Completion Grant
- Your Full Name (First Name, Last Name) :
- Playground Name:
- City and State where the Playground is located:
- Our Dream Playground link (if applicable):
- What is the average income for the community in which your playground is located?
- How many children does your playground serve? (Monthly and Annually)
- Please share some background on your project.
Please provide at least one paragraph about the history of your project and what inspired you to make it happen.
Begin writing or typing here:
- When did your Build Day(s) occur?
- Please share your planning process.
- How many months/years did you spend planning your build?
- How many people were on your planning committee?
- Which playground manufacturer/vendor did you choose to build your playground?
- How did you raise the funds to build your playground? ( Fundraisers? Gifts? Please be specific.)
- Please share your story about your playground build.
- How many volunteers were able to recruit?
- Where did you get your building supplies?
- How was your Build Day food provided?
- Did your playground build include any side projects? (e.g.murals, planter benches, picnic tables, etc. If so, please tell us which projects)
- Tell us about a few of your planning and/ or build day success.
- Do you have a Play Day for your community planned? Or has one already occurred?
- What was your total playground project cost? (Include all costs, e.g. equipment, tools,
materials, food, etc.)
- Were there any challenges you encountered either while planning or on your Build Day?
If so, please describe.
- Did you find the Our Dream Playgroundwebsite helpful? What feedback can you provide about the planner? Improvements?
- Our Alumni Network is a great way for communities just like yours support similar communities get through their build processes. Within our network we place successful project leaders in contact with those communities who are in need of a few best practices or a bit or moral support.
Would you like to join our Alumni Network and help other DIY communities build playgrounds? If so, let us know below and our Alumni Network manager will be in touch with you.
Let’s Play Completion Grant
My signature below confirms that the appropriate representative from my organization agrees to:
- Use the $500 gift card for expenses related to the improvement and maintenance of the playspace.
- The following liability language: The Grantee undertakes the project supported by the Grant funds on its own behalf and not on behalf of KaBOOM! or DPS, and the Grant shall in no way be construed as creating the relationship of principal and agent, of partnership or of joint venture as between KaBOOM! or DPS and the Grantee or any other person involved in the project. By accepting the Grant, the Grantee acknowledges that neither KaBOOM! nor DPS nor their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, and their officers, directors, employees or agents shall be liable for any acts, omissions, errors, injuries or damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, associated with the use of the Grant funds or the Grant sponsored project.
Name of Organization
Name and Title of Authorized Signer
Authorized SignatureDate
Name and Title of Main Contact Person (if different from above)
Signature of Main Contact personDate
Mailing Address Phone number
Email Address
Please complete and e-mail to or fax to 202-659-0210
Call Danielle Marshall at 202-464-6419with any questions