2017 Nominations
Bradford Councilin partnership with the Telegraph & Argusis looking for nominations from the Bradford Districtto take part in our annual Community Stars campaign, to find those selfless heroes who really do make a difference.
This year we have joined forces with Better Start Bradford again, who will be giving an Early Years Community Star Award for outstanding contributions to volunteering in the Better Start Bradford areas. This will recognise those individuals or groups who share their time and contribute their knowledge and skills to the benefit of families with children under four and their community (restricted to the Bowling & Barkerend, Little Horton and Bradford Moor -Better Start Bradford ward areas only).
New for 2017 is the Business Award category, this is for you to nominate businesses either large or small, who support local communities. This can be things like;giving donations to groups, prizes for raffles, involving their staff in community projects, or providing meeting spaces for community use. So whether it’s your local corner shop or a local company please let us now why they deserve an award.
We want to hear about those who quietly get on and help those around them, whether it’s by being a good neighbour, a tireless volunteer, a fundraiser for local causes, a young active citizen, or an all round community champion.
We want you to complete a nomination form and tell us why you think they deserve to be nominated.
(available on betterstartbradford.org.uk, either online or to download and print)
A panel of community representatives will shortlist three nominations from each of the categories, who will then go head to head in a public vote run by the T&A. Last year over there were 5500 votes cast.
The winners will receive the prestigious Bradford Medal from the Lord Mayor of Bradford, at the Community Stars Awards Ceremony which will be held at The Midland Hotel Hall on 6December 2017.
Remember you can nominate a person in more than one category as we know that many people are actively involved in lots of different things.
When you have completed your nomination form/s please return them either by post or via email, or submit online.
The addresses are on the bottom of the nomination form.
I look forward hearing from you soon.
Anna Frater - Community Stars Awards Organiser –
Telephone 01274 431498
In association with the People Can Make a Difference Campaign