Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chairperson Michael Kelley called the regular meeting of the Rockport School Committee to order at 7:04 p.m. in the MS/HS Library. Members present were Colleen Coogan, Michael Kelley, MarthaMorgan, and Tracy McLaughlin-Volpe.Susan Brisson was absent. Also,present were Superintendent Robert Liebow, and Recording Secretary Ingrid Keating.

I.A.Approval of Minutes

Motion:Tracy McLaughlin-Volpe motioned to approve the regularminutes from September 3, 2014 as presented.

Seconded:Martha Morgan seconded the motion.

Vote:The motion carried 4-0.

Motion:Colleen Coogan motioned to approve the regularminutes from September 17, 2014 as presented.

Seconded:Martha Morgan seconded the motion.

Vote:The motion carried 3-0. Tracy MacLaughlin-Volpe abstained.

B.Personnel Actions

Gillian Twombly :Increase of .2 FTE HS Spanish Teacher for a total of 1.0FTE

Kihana Gubicza:Elementary Kindergarten Teacher Assistant

Barbara Kelly:Elementary Monitor

Anne Kistner:Elementary Teacher Assistant will retire at the end of the 2015/16 school year.

Marcia Audano:Elementatry School Secretary will retire at the end of the 2015/16 school year.

II. Community Participation

  1. Superintendent’s Report/FundFlow

Superintendent Liebow explained that the General Ledger from town hall reflects the budgeted amounts with less than $200,000 being expended at the end of July. He will have a fund flow with his next report. Mr. Liebow reported on the implementation of the new elementary math program, open houses, running club has started, a pilot school store has started at the elementary school, welcomed back Student Services Director Jennifer Jones who will be presenting a Co-teaching workshop on 11/20, NEASC follow-up work has begun, and reviewed the October 1st enrollment figures. Elementary Principal Shawn Maguire reported that the elementary teachers are receiving a considerable amount of support and training on the new math program. Along with training he is having two out of district teachers spend a day or two working with teachers in the classrooms. He is also looking for Rockport teachers to be math coaches. Teachers are also getting together once a month for a “stress reliever” session to discuss the new program.

  1. RHS Student Advisory Council RepresentativeN/A
  1. Public ParticipationN/A

III.Discussion and Recommended Actions

  1. Field Trip Requests

Motion:Martha Morgan motioned to approve the 8th Grade two day field trip to New York City and the out of state Electrathon competition in Connecticut.

Seconded:Tracy McLaughlin-Volpe seconded the motion.

Vote:The motion carried 4-0


Elementary Principal Shawn Maguire and RMHS Principal Phil Conrad presented the Spring 2014 MCAS results. Mr. Maguire reported that the English Language Arts continues to be strong, but that he did see some increases in needs improvement, explaining that 5th grade stopped using the reading specialist and focused more time on math, where they saw a significant increase at the Advanced level. In science and technology the percentage went up in needs improvement and down in advanced, but the advanced and proficient percentages are above the state average. Mr. Conrad reviewed the middle and high school percentages. He reported that reading gets support but not math at the middle school level and that he is disappointed in the 7th grade percentages. There has been some turn over at that grade level with staff. He reported that Science/Technology Teacher David Young is trying to infuse new materials and lessons that will match up with the frameworks and feels that the percentages will increase overtime. He is proud to report that everyone passed the MCAS in 10th grade. The school system continues to receive scores above the state average at most grade levels.

  1. Capital Improvement Proposals

Superintendent Liebow presented his proposed Capital Project/Equipment Updated Requests. He is requesting continued replacement of floor coverings, kitchen equipment, bathroom upgrades, repave elementary outdoor court, locker replacement, sidewalk/patio repair, and painting, replace RMHS cafeteria tables, scheduled replacement of school tractor, buses and heating system.

  1. Policy review/revise

Superintendent Liebow, Principals Maguire and Conrad, and School Nurse Lisa Hollis met with school physician Dr. Stockman regarding food allergies. Dr. Stockman was very open and well prepared with research he had found. Most research is on skin or ingestion of peanut oils, some research talks about the possibility of inhalation. Dr. Stockman recommended that a meeting be requested with the student’s physician to discuss the problems of inhalation reactions and for possible recommendations for procedures and protocols. He also explained the differences between anaphylactic and anxiety reactions. After discussion the committee feels that the policy in place is good but may consider documentation from an allergist be added to the language. They feel it best to provide procedures and protocols to keep the students with allergies safe. The policy sub-committee will have a Background policy revision recommendation at the November 19th meeting.

  1. North Shore Educational Consortium

Motion:Martha Morgan motioned to appoint Superintendent Liebow as representative for the Rockport School District at the Northshore Education Consortium Collaborative.

Seconded:Colleen Coogan seconded the motion.

Vote:The motion carried 4-0.

  1. Support Staff MOA

Motion:Tracy McLaughlin-Volpe motioned to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Rockport Educational Support Staff Association and the Rockport School Committee as presented.

Seconded:Martha Morgan seconded the motion.

Vote:The motion carried 4-0.

IV.Information and proposals

  1. School Council Update
  1. Donations
  1. Updates


VI. Future Agenda Items

  1. Superintendent’s Report and FundFlow (11/5)
  2. Transportation User Fee Review (11/5)
  3. Administrative Budget Presentation (11/5)
  4. Budget Presentation/Public Participation (11/19)
  5. Background File: ADDA(11/19)


October 15, 2014, Regular Meeting

November 5, 2014, Regular Meeting

VIII.Executive SessionN/A

Motion:Colleen Coogan motioned to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:44 p.m.

Seconded:Martha Morgan seconded the motion.

Vote:The motion carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Liebow, Superintendent of Schools