System Safety, Health & EnvironmentResourceCenter
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200 Phone (405) 225-9458
Oklahoma City, OK 73104 FAX (405) 225-9230
Advisory Board Meeting
OklahomaState Regents for Higher Education
System Safety, Health & EnvironmentResourceCenter, Regents Conference Room
Oklahoma City, OK
10:00 A.M. – Wednesday, July 27, 2011
- (12) Attendees: Leonard Szopinski, RSU; Lisa Teel, OCCC; Tim Stiger, USAO; Pam Boatright, OSRHE; Norman Nieves, UCO; Josh Kilmer, OSU-OKC; Fred Haney, ECU; Travis Wilson, ECU; Trent Brown, OU; Kelly Morgan, RCC, Trish Ragle, OSU-OKC; Stanley Teague, OSU Okmulgee, by phone. Thesign-in sheet will be included as part of the record of this meeting.
- Chair called the meeting to order at approximately 10:07 am. After review, the agenda was approved.
- Minutes from January 2011 were approved.
- Coordinator’s Report – A handout was provided with the SSHERC Summary of Activity highlights, current Projects/obligations, listserv info, contacts, etc.
- Treasurer’s Report: Year-to-date expenditures were reported as part of the Coordinator’s Report.
- Discussion:
- All officer terms have expired. There was a call for nominations. Positions and duties are in the by-laws that were provided at meeting. Proposed: Trish Ragle, OSU-OKC Chair; Lisa Teel, OCCC Vice Chair; Pam Boatright, OSRHE Secretary; Leonard Szopinski, RSU Member-At-Large. No other nominations – no other discussion – all in favor with no opposition.
- Dave Wattenbarger (Oklahoma State Department of Health) and Yvon Fils-Aime (OSU-Stillwater) and Dr. Kermit McMurray (OSHRE) discusseda proposal to be voted on in September funded by the Tobacco Settlement Grant starting October for 1 for 3 years.
- The first Certified Healthy Campus checklist is scheduled to be out this fall for all postsecondary educational institutions. It was developed by the Campus Wellness Coalition members with special attention to the project being provided by James Allen from UCO.
- A request was made for a trenching safety training class. This will be researched by the coordinator and scheduled as soon as possible.
- There are ongoing efforts on behalf of all institutions by a core group of representatives from higher education to become active partners with the Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management. Several priority issues have been identified. Work with this informally established committee will be ongoing in an effort to promote the idea of a complete emergency management program for campuses to administration and assist all campuses with their fledging programs.
- Next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2012
- Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:35 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Trish Ragle, Emergency Manager at OSU-OKC