Smithfield, North Carolina
The name of this organization will be the Johnston County 4-H Council.
The purpose of the County 4-H Council is to provide members the opportunity and experience of helping plan and conduct the county 4-H program. The County 4-H Council provides for and protects the rights of every 4-H Club and group to be represented in the decisions that shape and mold the county 4-H program.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Membership of the County 4-H Council shall consist of any member 9 years and older. All delegates shall have full privileges of council membership regardless of sex, race, religion, or national origin.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
The officers of the County 4-H Council shall be president, vice-president, secretary, andreporter and historian.
ARTICLE V: Term of Office
Officers shall be elected annually and shall not be eligible for the same office for more than one term consecutively. The term of office for all officers shall be from February to February. They will be elected at the last meeting of the calendar year and installed at the achievement program.
ARTICLE VI: Council Committees
Council committees shall be appointed by the President when the need arises. The president will be responsible for defining the committee's assignment. The Vice-President shall serve as chairman of the committees unless the President and the Vice-President deem another person appropriate.
The council shall meet the last every other month. Special meetings may be called by the president when necessary. The council will recess the months of June and July. Meetings will be held February, April, August, October and December.
Each club that has at least 3 members presents shall have 3 votes per club. Those with less than 3 members present will have the one vote per member present.
ARTICLE IX: Removal of an Officer
Section 1: If for any reason such as change of residence illness or if an officer is not fulfilling his or her duty, he or she may be removed from office if it is in agreement with two-thirds of the majority of the county council present at any meetingand their advisors.
Section 2: After the said removal procedure has been completed a committee will be formed by the executive council, their advisors and several appointed members. That committee will appoint someone to promptly fulfill the office.
ARTICLE X: Amendment of Constitution
Section 1: Each participatingclub in Johnston County will have a vote in the balloting for amendmentof this constitution. Clubs will be given a 30 day notice of amendments to the constitution and voting date.
Note This constitution if amended should be filed with each club.
1. Elections shall be conducted by a clubroll call ballot.
2. Each club shall have a maximum3 votes for each office, and must have at least 3 club members present to cast all 3 votes.
3. Votes shall be determinedby participating club members. Votes shall then be cast by one member.
4. All officers shall serve for 1 year.
5. No more than 2 persons from each club will be allowed to run for office.
6. Candidates for all offices should exhibit leadership qualities.
7. Deadline for ballot registration will be established by advisors. Vacant positions will be handled by nominations from the floor.
8. Nominees must be in at least 6th grade to hold office and present the night of elections.
Revised Constitution - October 1, 1981
Revised Constitution and By-Laws, December 17, 2005