JANUARY 20, 2010
NOTE: Be advised that the Board may recess into executive session at anytime during the meeting.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Robert Anderson Mr. John Ondrof
Mr. Lawrence Bongiovanni Mr. Richard Vartan
Dr. Richard Evans Mr. Jerome Winston
Mr. Joseph Morris Mr. Bruce Young
Mr. Raymond Muszynski
In accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Open Meetings Act the Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by posting the date, time and location of said meeting with the Clerks of the Boroughs of Carlstadt and East Rutherford and by mailing notification to the Board’s official newspaper.
A copy of the agenda was attached to the aforementioned notice and is also available on the Becton Regional High School website –
Move to approve the minutes of the following meetings:
Executive Session December 2, 2009
Work Action Session December 2, 2009
Work Session December 2, 2009
Regular Action Session December 9, 2009
Seongwon Jang
Mr. Nicholas Annitti
Mr. Paul J. Saxton
President Opens the Hearing of Citizens:
In accordance with the Bylaws 0167-Public Participation in Board Meeting, any citizen present who wishes to be heard on agenda items only, should raise his/her hand to be recognized, state name and address. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to the discretion of the Board President. Any citizen wishing to be heard on non agenda items may do so after new business. The hearing of citizens shall be limited to sixty minutes.
President Closes the Hearing of Citizens:
Move that the board approve Motions #B1 through #B5 as before each member:
B1. That the Board approves the request of Pat Civitello, Carlstadt Public School Principal, to use two (2) buses and two (2) drivers on Friday, April 30, 2010 to transport students, staff and chaperons to the Newark Museum, Newark, NJ. The cost will be $125.00 for each bus for a total of $250.00.
B2. That the Board approves the request of Pat Civitello, Carlstadt Public School Principal, to use two (2) buses and two (2) drivers on Thursday May 13, 2010 to transport students, staff and chaperons to the Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ The cost will be $125.00 for each bus for a total of $250.00.
B3. That the Board approves the request of Frances R. Alberta, St. Joseph School Principal, to use one (1) bus and one (1) driver on April 19, 2010 to transport students, staff and chaperons to The State House, Trenton, NJ. The cost will be $125.00 plus tolls.
B4. That the Board approves the change of dates for the use of the facilities by the Dance Theatre Workshop as follows:
Monday, April 12 through Saturday, April 17, 2010
B5. That the Board adopt the following resolution binding the Carlstadt – East Rutherford Regional High School District to purchase natural gas services through the Alliance for Competitive Energy Services (“ACES”) Bid Cooperative Pricing System ID#E8801-ACESCPS.
Resolution NUMBER 142 – 09 - 10
WHEREAS, the Alliance For Competitive Energy Services (hereinafter referred to as “ACES”), an alliance composed of the New Jersey School Boards Association (hereinafter referred to as “NJSBA”), the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, and the New Jersey Association of School Business Officials, will from time to time during the Effective Period as defined below solicit bids from natural gas suppliers for natural gas services through an energy aggregation program in which NJSBA will act as Lead Agency of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS in accordance with the “Public School Contracts Law”, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq., and the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act, N.J.S.A. 48:3-49 et seq. (“EDECA”) and the regulations promulgated thereunder; and
WHEREAS, the Carlstadt – East Rutherford Regional High School District is a Participating member of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System and is eligible thereby to obtain natural gas services for its own use through one or more contracts to be awarded to natural gas suppliers following said bids for natural gas services pursuant to the aggregation program; and
WHEREAS, the Lead Agency will from time to time during the Effective Period (from date of adoption through May, 2014 hereinafter referred to as “Effective Period”) issue one or more Requests for Bids for natural gas services on behalf of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System pursuant to the Public School Contracts Law and EDECA; and
WHEREAS, due to significant volatility and the potential for price increases in the wholesale natural gas market, Participating Members will preauthorize the Lead Agency to award contracts for Natural Gas Service in each service territory to one or more electric power suppliers that submit bids which are reasonably forecasted to provide estimated savings to the Participating Member based upon its previous natural gas usage and utility provided Basic Gas Supply Service rates; and
WHEREAS, the Lead Agency will only award contracts for said Natural Gas Supply Services to natural gas suppliers that submit bids with pricing reasonably estimated to be lower than the utility-provided basic gas supply service; and
WHEREAS, the District agrees to purchase all Natural Gas Supply Services for its own use during the Effective Period through any natural gas supplier(s) awarded a contract, it being understood that the term of any one contract shall be subject to the provisions of Public School Contracts Law;
WHEREAS, the Lead Agency will notify the Department of Community Affairs’ Division of Local Government Services by mail prior to the issuance a Request for Bids for natural gas supply services, with the understanding that if the Division of Local Government Services does not respond within 10 business days, it will be deemed to have approved the issuance of the Request for Bids or the Request for Rebids.
NOW, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the District binds itself to the ACES Cooperative Pricing System ##E8801-ACESCPS to purchase all natural gas supply services needed for its own use during the Effective Period from the natural gas supplier or suppliers awarded a contract for natural Gas supply services by the Lead Agency; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lead Agency of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System is hereby authorized to execute a master performance agreement that obligates the district to purchase natural gas at the terms and conditions stated therein with a third-party supplier or suppliers who have been awarded the contract or contracts by the Lead Agency on behalf of the participating members of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System #E8801-ACESCPS (or any CPS number to be assigned in the future), and provided further that all such contracts shall be at prices reasonably forecast and estimated by the Lead Agency to provide savings to the Districts relative to the price charged for basic gas supply service by the natural gas public utility that would otherwise provide such service; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that ACES is authorized to continue to bid to obtain natural gas services at any time during the Effective Period on behalf of the ACES Cooperative Pricing System including, for example, a rebid if energy market conditions do not initially lead to a successful bid, on additional dates to be determined by the Lead Agency; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. The authorization provided to the NJSBA pursuant to the Local Public Contracts Laws (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11(5)), and the Local Public and Public School Contracts Laws Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 5:34-7.1 et seq.) shall be valid until May, 2014 (the Effective Period) at which time the Cooperative Pricing System will be subject to renewal. Any rescission or expiration of this resolution shall not affect any Agreements entered into prior to such rescission or expiration.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full and correct copy of Resolution Number142 – 09- 10 adopted by the Carlstadt – East Rutherford Regional Board of Education at its meeting on January 20, 2010.
BY: ______
Nicholas Annitti, Board Secretary/Business Administrator
On Behalf of: Carlstadt – East Rutherford Regional Board of Education
County of Bergen, State of New Jersey
Mr. Anderson ___ Mr. Morris ___ Mr. Vartan ___
Mr. Bongiovanni ___ Mr. Muszynski ___ Mr. Winston ___
Dr. Evans ___ Mr. Ondrof ___ Mr. Young ___
PERSONNEL (Mr. Muszynski)
Move that the board approve Motions #P1 through #P7 as before each member:
P1. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Linda Rynd for movement on the teachers’ salary guide from MA+15, Step 14 ($103,364) to MA+30 Step 14 ($106,912) effective September 1, 2009.
P2. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve Katherine Shaw as a long term substitute at the substitute rate of $85.00 for the 2009-2010 school.
P3. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Dawn Savincki to take a maternity leave of absence to commence on or about March 11, 2010 , utilizing forty-one (41) accumulated sick days as part of her leave and to return to work on or about May 14, 2010.
P4. That the Board approves the following bus drivers, routes and work hours as follows:
Bus Driver Route Hours Per Day
Antonino Surace A001 – East Rutherford – A.M./P.M. 1 Hour
Stephen Ventez C001 – Carlstadt – A.M./P.M. 1 Hour
George Geigengloitz A002 – Teterboro – A.M. 2 Hours
Frank Catrona A002 – Teterboro – P.M 2 Hours
FrankCatrona BTA001 – Hackensack – A.M./P.M. 4 Hours
Phyllis DePalma CARL1 – Carlstadt Public School – A.M./P.M. 3 Hours
Phyllis DePalma CARL2 – Lyndhurst Pre Schoo1 – A.M./P.M. 3 Hours
Stephen Ventez POO1 – Paramus – A.M. 2 Hours
George Geigengloitz P002 – Paramus –11:00 A.M. 2 Hours
Bill Collins P001 – Paramus – P.M. 2 Hours
Bill Collins A001 – East Rutherford – 3;25 P.M. 1 Hour
C001 – Carlstadt – 3:25 P.M.
P5. That the Board approves the placement of Thomas Llewellyn on the substitute bus drivers list for the 2009 – 2010 school year.
P6. That the Board approves the placement of Phyllis DePalma on the substitute custodians
list for the 2009 – 2010 school year.
P7. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the request of Cathryn Cavallo to be placed on the substitute teacher’s list for the 2009/2010 school year.
Mr. Anderson ___ Mr. Morris ___ Mr. Vartan ___
Mr. Bongiovanni ___ Mr. Muszynski ___ Mr. Winston ___
Dr. Evans ___ Mr. Ondrof ___ Mr. Young ___
EDUCATION (Mr. Vartan)
Move that the board approve Motions #E1 through #E15 as before each member:
E1. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves and adopts the Emergency Management Quick Reference Guide.
E2. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Kristen Hopper, Linda Rynd and Carlo Maucione to take Fifty-six (56) Spanish students to the NYC Palace Theatre to have students hear the target language words and songs, on Wednesday, May 19, 2010. Two (2) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.oo each ($170.00). Transportation is requested of the Board.
E3. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Louise Clarke to take eight (8) Spanish 4 AP students to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, and Segovia Restaurant. Moonachie, NJ, on Friday, May 14, 2010, to view artwork of Pablo Picasso and to sample Spanish cuisine at Segovia’s Restaurant. No substitute will be needed. Transportation is requested of the Board.
E4. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Michael Cantatore to take seventy-five (75) physics students to Hershey Park, PA on Thursday, May 13, 2010 to apply mathematical and physics to real world situations. Four (4) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each ($340.00).
E5. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board concur with his actions in permitting Corey Moore to take twenty-five (25) chorus and forty-eight (48) band students to perform holiday carols for the senior citizens at the Senior Citizens Center, East Rutherford, on:
Chorus Students Tuesday December 12, 2010 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Band Students Friday, December 15, 2010 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
There was no cost to the Board.
E6. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Corey Moore to take forty-five (45) Instrumental Instruction students to the Heritage Music Festival, Philadelphia, PA, to perform in the festival for adjudication and to raise morale to promote growth in the music department. The field trip will depart at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 16, 2010 and return on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 10:30 p.m. There is no cost to the Board.
E7. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Janet Morrow to take thirty-seven (37) Clothing 1 students to Paramus Fabrics on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 to assist students with fabric and supply purchases. Transportation is requested of the Board. No substitute will be needed.
E8. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the request of Gina Annitti to attend the workshop entitled “Intermediate PowerPoint”, on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, at the Bergen County Educational Technology Training Center. A registration fee of $60.00 is requested of the Board. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00.
E9. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Amanda Colangelo to attend the conference entitled “Artists-In-Education Residency Grant Workshop”, sponsored by The Bergen County Division of Cultural & Historical Affairs, Hackensack, NJ, on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. There is no cost to the Board.
E10. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Marc Caprio and Jonna Calvanico to attend the March HSPA and May EOC Biology Training Session on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, at the Hilton, Parsippany. Travel reimbursement is requested of the board in the amount of $16.12 (52 miles @ $.31).