(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
KOCHI UNIT, AMBALAMUGAL, PH: No. 0484 – 2720911-14, FAX NO-0484-2720893
No: HOC/ELECT/317/ 06/11/ 2010
Dear Sirs,
¨ Sealed quotations in duplicate are invited by CHIEF ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal for the works as detailed below. A set of tender document is enclosed for submitting your quotation.
¨ Name of Work :- EMIS System Upgradation
A brief description of the scope of works given separately, which is attached herewith.
¨ Last Date of Receipt of Quotations
Tenders will be received at the office of Deputy General Manager (P&A), Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal - 682 302 on or before 01/12/10 upto 15.00 hrs. Bids received after the due date will not be considered.
¨ Earnest Money Deposit
Quotation shall accompany an EMD of Rs. 3500/- (Rupees Three Thousand Five Hundred only) paid by crossed demand draft of State Bank of India drawn in favour of M/s. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., payable at Ambalamedu branch of SBI. Quotations not accompanied with EMD, are liable to be rejected.
¨ Time of Completion
The time of completion of the work will be 4 months from the date of issue of work order or issue of instructions to start the work, which ever is earlier. Please see the scope of work.
¨ Submission of Quotations
Sealed envelope shall be superscribed with Enquiry no. and offer forEMIS System Upgradation. Due date 01/12/2010 up to 15. 00 hrs. and shall be submitted Deputy General Manager (P&a), HOCL. AMBALAMUGAL by post or deposited in the TENDER BOX kept in our Administrative Building. Bidders shall print their address on all envelopes.
¨ BIDDERS shall go through all documents attached to the quotation and fill in the blank spaces provided for and submit the same duly signed and dated. Quotation should be complete in all respects and in accordance with the various terms and conditions specified in the enquiry document. Incomplete quotations are liable to be rejected. Quotation in Fax or E-mail shall not be considered.
¨ Rates : Rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi and any other levies etc. and also KGST on works contract applicable as per rules in force.
Service Tax , in case applicable shall be paid extra, to those who have service tax registration with Central Excise Department.
Any work which involves transfer of materials, KVAT as applicable rate shall be deducted from the bill, unless a certificate to contrary is obtained from the sales tax Authorities.
¨ Annexure # A
ESI, PF, Labour Law etc. # Requirements
1. ESI As per the ESI Act 1948
The Contractor shall enroll all his men deployed for the work in the ESI scheme. Registration for all workmen under ESI scheme is also to be complied with.
II. Safety Regulations and General Conditions of Contract
The Contractor should be strictly abide all the safety regulation of HOC specified in GCC. Contractor should obtain necessary safety work permit from authorized officer before starting the work every day, in every shift.
III. Workmen Compensation
It will be your responsibility to meet all claims for compensation under workmen’s Compensation Act 1923. ESI or under any other law in respect of sickness, accidents injury or death suffered by workmen engaged by you for carrying out the work. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to comply with Employee’s state Insurance Act 1948. You will also be responsible and liable in respect of claims for damage to property or persons arising from or in the course of execution of the contract work undertaken by you. You hereby agree that you shall keep HOC fully indemnified in respect of claims under the workmen Compensation Act and all other claims aforesaid and you shall not under any circumstances raise any dispute with regard to the same.
IV. Personal protective Equipments (PPE)
You are requested to use personal protective equipment such as
1. Safety Helmet
2. Safety belts
3. Welder’s personal protective equipment like goggles, gloves, shoes and face shield
4. Goggles and face shield
It is the basic responsibility of the contractor to provide all the safety gadgets (PPE’s) as mentioned above to all their supervisors/ workers.
And without these PPE’s Contractor will not be allowed to carryout any job, which may please be noted.
V. Labour Laws & provident Fund.
You are requested to possess :
1. A Licence from the Labour Dept. under Contract Labour ( Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970.
2. A separate PF code under the Employee PF Act # 1952 and also furnish details of CPF contribution payment made with the Regional PF commissioner.
VI. Guidelines to Contractors / suppliers for Environmental protection
Contractors / suppliers shall ensure that impact due to the environmental aspects of goods and services is minimum. Effluent generated during the activity is to be routed to effluent treatment plant as per the instructions given by the Engineer – in- charge.
Hazardous waste generated during the activity is to be disposed in accordance with Hazardous waste (Management & Handling) Rules as per the instructions given by the Engineer – in – charge.
All other solid waste are to be disposed as per the instructions given by the Engineer – in – charge.
Avoid leaks and spills to minimize the impact on environment. In the case of any leaks/ spills immediately inform Engineer – in – charge to take appropriate corrective action.
If the item handled falls under hazardous category, please ensure that:
a. Product literature including MSDS/ TREM card etc. accompany the consignment.
b. Packing and labeling are in accordance with the requirement of manufacture, storage & Import of Hazardous chemicals Rules.
a. The contractor shall strictly abide by the article 8 ‘Labour Laws’ of General conditions of contract and 8.6 # Employees state Insurance Act in particular.
b. A separate PF code No. under the Employees ‘PF act 1952 and also furnish details of CPF contribution payment made with the Regional commissioner.
Defect Liability Period : The contractor shall guarantee to HOCL any and all defect in faulty material and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of completion. Guarantee in the form of BG for replacement / rectifying defective materials , workmanship and installation. The value of BG will be 10 % of the order value valid for 12 months from the date of commissioning.
¨ Payment Terms : 100 % payment after delivery of EMIS system towards supply component and 30 % advance for commissioning charges, remaining 70 % after completion of the work.
¨ Validity of Offer :
The Offer shall be valid for a period of 120 Days from the date of receipt of tenders. The successful tenderer shall sign the ‘Form of rate list’.
¨ Security Deposit :
Security deposit shall be 10 % of the order value. This shall be deposit initially at 2.5 %v ( Two and half percent) of order value referred as initial security deposit within ten days of the receipt by the party of the notification of acceptance of the tender.
Balance 7.5 % ( seven and half percent ) shall be recovered through deductions at the rate of 10 % ( ten percent) of the value of each running account bill till the total security deposit amount is collected, after which no further deductions shall be made on this account. In case of only one bill the balance 7.5 % ( seven and half percent) shall be deducted from the bill.
The contractor can furnish the initial or total security deposit amount through bank guarantee from any scheduled or nationalized bank in the prescribed form in favour of HOCL.
Liquidated damages : Liquidated damages @ 0.5 percentage per week or part thereof to a maximum of 5 % of total contract value shall be charged on the contractor in case the delay is attributable to the party.
¨ Scope of supply
Refer the attached scope of work.
¨ Other Terms & Conditions
¨ The tender notice may be read in conjunction with standard General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specification, Drawings and other documents forming part of this enquiry (GCC is available in our web site www.hoclkochi.com.
¨ Unless otherwise stated all clauses of General Conditions of Contract and Special
Conditions of Contract shall generally be applicable to this contract.
¨ Quotations from Vendors in our approved list shall alone be considered. Other may respond for enlistment.
¨ Date, Time & Venue of Public Opening of the Tender
Date : 01/12/2010
Time : 4.00 PM
Venue : Tender Room in Training Centre of HOCL, Ambalamugal.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
The scope of work involves ,
1. Supply of 2 nos. Data converter ( Rs. 485 - Rs. 232) to connect the field instrumentation to the PC running with EMS software.
2. Supply of 30 nos. of connector unit for EM 6400 service meters.
3. Supply of Schneider _ Vijeo Citect SCADA based energy management software for 5000 tags customized with screen and report as per customer requirement for 80 devices.
4. Supply of Vijeo citect, web manager client 5000 points
5. Programming the new meters and ensuring the existing meters connection.
6. Installation and Commissioning of the above.
7. Supervision of installation of Rs. 485/- network, instruments, control cabling and EMS related hardware components.
Schedule of Rates
Sub : EMIS System Upgradation
Sl.No. / Description of Item / UnitNOS / Qty / Amount
2 / Supply of Schneider – Vijeo citect SCADA based energy management software for 5000 tags, 2 nos. of Data inverters, 30 nos. of connector units.
Supervision and Commissioning charges / 1 No
1 No
3 / All the taxes and duties quote separately.