Cleveland State University IST 341 – Management of Business Networks (3-0-3) – Spring, 2015 Section 50, Tuesday / Thursday 4:30-5:45 P.M.

Prerequisites: IST 311 Instructor: Dr. Jackie F. Woldering Office Location: BU 348 Phone: (216) 523-7224 email: Office Hours: T/Th 3:30-4:30 P.M. Class Location: BU 208

Catalog Description: Basic knowledge of data communications and networking requirements, including appropriate technologies. Emphasis on analysis and design of networking applications in organizations. Management of telecommunications networks, cost-benefit analysis, and evaluation of connectivity options are also covered. Students learn to evaluate, select, and implement different communications options within an organization. Contents: telecommunication devices, media systems, network hardware and software: network configurations; network applications; acquisition of network resources; distributed vs. centralized systems; architectures, topologies and protocols; installation and operations of bridges, routers and gateways; network administration; performance analysis; privacy, security, reliability; Installation and configuration of LAN and WAN; Internet and intranet.

Key Concepts: Telecommunications devices; media systems; network hardware and software; network configurations; network applications; acquisition of network resources; distributed versus centralized systems; architectures, topologies and protocols; installation and operations of network bridges, routers and gateways; network administration; performance analysis; privacy, security, reliability; installation and configuration of LAN and WAN; Internet and intranet.

Expected Outcomes: At the end of this course, a student will be able to understand the various components of an Operating System, and will be able to install and manage Windows and Linux Operating Systems and associated network resources.

Texts: Understanding Operating Systems, 6th Ed., 2011, Ida M. Flynn & Ann McIver McHoes, Thomson Course Technology, ISBN 1-4390-7920-X. (UOS) Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, 8th Ed., 2011, Raymond R. Panko & Julia L. Panko, Prentice Hall Publishers, ISBN 0-13-610012-0. (BDN&T)


Midterm 30%

Final 30%

Homework 40%

A 94%+ A: Outstanding (student's performance is excellent)

A- 90%-93%

B+ 88%-89%

B 82%-87% B: Very Good (student's performance is commendable)

B- 80%-82%

C 75%-80% C: Good (student's performance meets course requirements)

D 65%-75% D: Below Average (performance fails to meet objectives)

F <65% F: Failure (student's performance is unacceptable)

Tentative Schedule:

Week Topic Chapter

1 Operating System Concepts: UOS chapter 1

2 Memory Management: UOS chapters 2 & 3

3 Processor Management: UOS chapters 4, 5 & 6

4 Device Management: UOS chapter 7

5 File Management: UOS chapter 8

6 Security and Ethics UOS chapter 11

7 Midterm Exam

8 Network Overview BDN&T chapter 1

9 Network Standards BDN&T chapter 2

10 Network Security BDN&T chapter 3

10 Network Management BDN&T chapter 4

11 Physical Layer BDN&T chapter 5

12 Switched Wired Networks BDN&T chapter 6

13 Wireless Networks BDN&T chapter 7 & 8

14 TCP/IP internetworking BDN&T chapter 9 & 10

15 Final Exam

Exam Policy:

Exams are closed books, closed notes, and during the exam, the use of cell phones or other electronic devices is prohibited. The use of calculators may be permitted, but only when announced in advance by the instructor. Students may not share materials.

Missed Exam:

Makeup exam will not be given unless arranged in advance, and only when exceptional need is demonstrated. Please be sure to send an email to back up any discussion we have on this matter.

Homework Policy:

Students are expected to attend all classes, and are responsible for collecting notes, handouts, and any other course material distributed during the class period. 5 lab assignments will be given throughout the semester. Every student will be a member of a group, and all lab work will be in the form of group projects, with performance rated by peer group. All laboratory assignments must be completed. Failure to do so will lower your course grade by one letter grade. Labs are due at the beginning of class on the date specified. Late assignments, unless excused, will receive a penalty of 10% per class day.


When you put your name on an examination, quiz, or an individual lab assignment, you are stating that it is your work and only your work. A course grade of F will be assigned for any exceptions noted.

ADA Adherence:

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. If you need further information, please contact the Office of Disability Services located in Main Classroom 147, phone number (216) 687-2015, or on the web at

Important Dates:

First Day of Classes: Tuesday, January 13th, 2015.

Midterm Exam: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 from 4:30-5:45 P.M. in BU 208.

Holiday (no classes): Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 (Spring Recess).

Holiday (no classes): Thursday, March 12th, 2015 (Spring Recess).

Last Day to Withdraw: Friday, March 27th, 2015.

Last Day of Classes: Thursday, April 30th, 2015.

Final Exam: Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 from 4:00-6:00 P.M. in BU 208.