CAMSS Board of Directors Meeting – February 5, 2010
Attendance: Carolyn Bachamp, Dana Crowell, Shelley Leigh, David Heck,
Debbie Patterson, Aimee Woolley-Randall, and Anmarie Masters
Location: NSMC Board Room
Date/Time: February 5, 2010, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
AGENDA ITEM / FACILITATOR / ISSUES/DISCUSSIONS/ACTION REQUIRED /Board Minutes / Carolyn Bachamp / The January 15, 2009 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted. /
NAMSS Update / Carolyn Bachamp / The NAMSS Leadership Retreat will be held April 16th and is open to all Board members; however, only the President and President-Elect may attend at no charge. CAMSS’ budget can pay the fee for the remaining members of the Board who wish to attend. /
Treasurer’s Report / Nancy Barron / No report this month. /
Bylaws Report / Carolyn Bachamp / The travel policy revisions now include outreach coordinator expenses. “Health club fees” and “in-room purchases” will be more explicitly defined or altogether deleted from the policy. A recommendation was made to reformat the language pertaining to the waiver of the conference fee for members actively participating in the planning and implementation of the Fall and Spring Conferences to add “Items under this policy shall include [a bulleted list of items].” The intent is to ensure that the volunteers benefiting from the waiver would hold formal positions, e.g., vendor registration, sign-in table, etc.
ACTIONS: Further revisions to incorporate conference language needed. /
Website Update / Dana Crowell / Nothing to report this month. /
Spring Conference Report / David Heck / The Spring Conference will be held at the Steamboat Grand Hotel. Available presenters include representatives from the National Practitioner Data Bank, National Committee for Quality Assurance, The Joint Commission, and Janet Wilson, who would present the exam preparation class and Credentialing 101. Travel expenses for the speakers may be high, due to shuttle flights into Steamboat. An estimated 40 hotel rooms will be reserved, but the discount will be applied over and above that number if rooms are available. The brochure will be developed, posted and mailed within a few weeks. It was suggested that the following prizes be considered to incentivize attendance: a scholarship intended to cover (or reimburse) the certification exam fee, an exam study book, two or three door prizes (e.g., CAMSS and/or NAMSS membership dues, a one-night hotel stay, and a spa or ski package).
ACTIONS: Determine conference format and develop spring conference brochure for review by the Board in April. /
Fall Conference Report / David Heck / It was suggested that Sarah Meshak, Dr. Rappaport, Donna Goestenkors, and Carol Cairns be engaged for the Fall Conference. /
Board Meeting Date Change / Carolyn Bachamp / The June meeting of the Board has been changed to the 11th, as the President will be out of town the week of the regularly scheduled meeting. /
Membership Report / Aimee Woolley-Randall / Dues notices were sent to CAMSS members on February 4th. A separate notice was sent to names appearing on the NAMSS roster. A suggestion was made to include the webinar invitation in the dues mailing. /
Outreach Report/Strategies / Debbie Patterson / All the people whose names appeared on the list provided by Mary Cranor were contacted by email. There appears to be a definite interest from the outlying areas, as several responded affirmatively about educational opportunities and hosting a visit by the outreach coordinator. They are receptive to any educational opportunities, showing no preference for any one topic over another. /
Other Business / Carolyn Bachamp / Medical Staff sponsorship would enable CAMSS to offer a discount on the conference registration fee to encourage attendance in this down economy. Carolyn will draft a letter to the Medical Staffs of local hospitals requesting donations.
ACTIONS: Draft and mail letter of solicitation for donations to area Medical Staffs. /
Respectfully submitted
Anmarie Masters, RHIA
North Suburban Medical Center