Supervision Guidelines for Alex
My clinical teaching style:My goal is to adapt my clinical teaching to meet individual needs. An ongoing purpose of supervision is to assess the degree to which a given clinician is prepared to plan and implement sessions, collect data, document session activities and client progress, and otherwise carry out all aspects of managing an assigned case. Student clinicians earlier in their experience or abilities may benefit from more direct modeling and instruction, whereasstudent clinicians with more experience may be prepared to operate independently. The expectation is that everyone will improve over the course of the term,suchthat, accordingly, I will be able to reduce the intensity and extent of supervision I provide. It may be that by the end of the term you will not need much feedback on SOAPs or sessions if the format stays the same and you have mastered it. I invite you to please let me know if you perceive that you need more or less feedback, or feedback delivered in a different way.
Your learning style and goals:Please tell me either in person or in writing how you learn best and what you want to focus on in this clinical experience. My hope is that you will review any past IPPEs and use my supervision as an opportunity to reinforce prior learning and facilitate further clinical growth. Consider your goals and let me know how I can help you meet them.
Documentation expectations:Please do email me to let me know when documentation is ready for review in RDS. I use my inbox as a to-do list to help meknow which documents to review first. SOAPS are due 24 hours after a session unless you’ve contacted me to arrange otherwise. Due dates for ITPs and initial consultation reportsvary based on client attendance and timelines required to establish treatment plans or complete assessment, but generally follow datesin the BrICC Documentation Checklist. My goal is to provide session feedback right afterward, and within 2-3 days for SOAPS,ITPs and other reports. Be in touchwith questions or if you want a faster turnaround so I can prioritize getting back to you.Always email me a reminder if you have not heardback within 3 days. See documentation timelines tables below for example timelines – use the tables to track your own documentation if you find that helpful.
Documentation feedback:Clinical writing tends to improvewith models combined with your reflection on and response to feedback. I modelrevisions using track changes and offer feedback in comments. Rather than just accepting changes I make, please review them carefully to enhance your own learning. Keep a list of your own writing goals and notes to yourself based on feedback and your self-observations.You can use the table provided in the BrICC Report Writing – What Works and What Doesn’t handout for that purpose. For ITPs, consultation reports and SOAPS that require substantialrevision, please email me a *Writing Reminder—a summary describingtypes of revisions I made – and tell me what you learned from the revisions and feedback. Also, inform me of any goals you have for your own writing based on my feedback and your self-observation.You can share that information with me in a list, a few brief sentences, or in paragraph form. In the chart below, you will see that your *Writing Reminder – the summary/reflection on my feedback – is due at the time you incorporate feedback, revisions and surface edits (i.e., within 24 hours).
Session feedback and your self-reflection: I send session feedback via email after sessions and useit as an opportunity to provide clinical teachingor refer you to resources. Usually I send feedback right after observing a session, though sometimes I may offer feedback in person after the session. I may email specific reflection questions for you with my session feedback and ask that you respond to these in order to guide your self-evaluation and enhance learning.Please read and consider feedback carefully.I suggest making a folder for our client so you can keepemail communicationsthere and easily refer back to them. While I’m glad to meet in person, I prefer to meet when there are more complicated clinical issues or personal challenges to discuss. For general feedback and learning, please be prepared to review and study written feedback sent via email.If I don’t send specific reflection questions, please email me a session reflection on your own clinical performancethat responds to these questions: (1) What did you do that made the session go well, and how did you know it had a positive effect? (2) What would you like to do differently in hindsight, and how will you know if this works?
Preparedness: I expect students to utilize resources on evidence-based practice (EBP).If you have had McKay’s class, pleasecarefully review slides and readings relevant to treating the case.Show me what you know - refer to what you are finding when you review available evidence. I like to learn what you’ve learned. Independent resourcefulness will serve you well and increase your clinicianship. Finally, whenever we meet in person, please prepare your questions and be prepared to share what you know about the topic.When you have ideas about the case, please propose your ideas and back them up with a rationale.
Critical concerns:Please note that late paperwork, poor preparation, and lack of communication constitute critical concerns.Other examples of critical concerns include unprofessional language, breach of confidentiality, or failure to respond to feedback.
Communication: Please let me know if there is somethingyou feel I could do to enhance your clinical learning. I value open, professional dialogue.I will commit to communicating clearly with you. I recognize that our work together is not your only school demand. At times, you may need more support or modifications. Please be in touch about what you need and how I can help.
Documentation Timeline for an Established Client
CLIENTCODE / Lesson Plan
(24 hours before) / SOAP v1/Reflection
(24 hours after) / Alex
(within 3 days) / *Writing
(24 hours later) / ITP
(per checklist or as arranged) / Alex
(within 3 days) / Final ITP
(per checklist or as arranged) / Alex
(within 3 days)
EXMPL / 7.5.17 / 7.8.17 / 7.11.17 / 7.12.17 / 7.17.17 / 7.20.17 / 8.7.17 / 8.10.17
Documentation Timeline for an Initial Cognitive Consult
(as arranged) / Bring Template
to Consult / Consult Report
(as arranged) / Alex
(within 3 days) / *Writing Reminder
(24 hours later) / Final Consult Report
(as arranged) / Alex
(within 3 days)
EXMPL / 7.10.17 / 7.12.17 / 7.15.17 / 7.18.17 / 7.19.17 / 7.20.17 / 7.23.17