UNH Women’s Studies Program

Barbara A. White Social Justice Leadership Scholarship

The UNH Women’s Studies Program is pleased to announce that it will provide two scholarships for Women’s Studies majors who have demonstrated feminist and social justice leadership in honor of Women’s Studies co-founder Barbara A. White. The two $500 scholarships are designed to support students with financial need. The list of requirements to apply for this scholarship are below:

·  The student must have financial need (have a FAFSA on file)

·  The student cannot be a graduating senior

·  The student must be a Women’s Studies first or second major

·  The student must have demonstrated feminist and social justice leadership while at UNH

The honor of receiving this scholarship comes with a small service responsibility of 10 hours total for the following academic year.

Examples of service include:

·  Act as an ambassador for the Women’s Studies Program assisting with recruitment of potential Women’s Studies majors and minors

·  Assist with tabling at events for the Women’s Studies Program and visit classes to share their experience with other students about Women’s Studies

·  Attend and/or help facilitate events that are sponsored and/or co-sponsored by the Women’s Studies Program

·  Serve as a positive role model at UNH and in the community at large

If you are interested in applying for the Barbara A. White Scholarship for the UNH Women’s Studies Program, please complete the application on the next page.

UNH Women’s Studies Program
Barbara A. White Social Justice Leadership Scholarship Application

The UNH Women’s Studies Program is pleased to announce that it will provide two scholarships for Women’s Studies majors who have demonstrated feminist and social justice leadership in honor of Women’s Studies co-founder Barbara A. White. This scholarship is only available to first year students, sophomores, and juniors who intend to continue to be involved with UNH into the following year. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship and representing UNH Women’s Studies, please complete the application below.

Name: Click here to enter text. / Email: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here to enter text. / Year in School: Choose an item.
First Major: Click here to enter text. / Second Major: Click here to enter text.
Minors(s): Click here to enter text. / GPA: Click here to enter text.
USNH ID # Click here to enter text. / If awarded this scholarship, I agree to fulfill the 10 hour service expectation. Yes ☐
I have a FAFSA on file. Yes ☐

Please answer the following question.

In the space below, please describe how you have been a feminist and social justice leader.

Click here to enter text.

Please submit you completed application by email to

Deadline: 3:00pm on March 1, 2015

Made possible by generous donations on behalf of Dr. Barbara A. White

Co-founder of the Women’s Studies Program