Barrow upon Soar Parish Council submitted the Barrow upon Soar Neighbourhood Plan to Charnwood Borough Council, and an independent examination was held on the plan between 18th May 2017 and 10th June 2017. The inspector’s report was submitted to the council on 29th June 2017.

Charnwood Borough Council has informally considered the recommendations put forward by the examiner and we are minded to accept all of the recommendations except one. The recommendation for BUS15: Road Network was felt to be unclear and as such new wording (in consultation with the governing body and the Highways Authority) is being proposed.

The policy wording for BuS15 originally read as:

Policy BuS15: Road Network

New housing development of more than ten dwellings will not be supported unless it can be demonstrated that existing traffic conditions will not be made worse.

The examiner proposed the following changes:

Reword Policy BuS15 to read:

“Where necessary and appropriate, new developments of more than 10 dwellings will be required to contribute to off-site improvements to the highway network to mitigate the effects of new development. Development will not be supported if the residual or cumulative impact on congestion or highway safety is severe.”

The revised policy wording for BuS15 (of which we are now seeking representations) is proposed as:

Policy BuS15: Road Network

New housing developments of more than ten dwellings will not be supported unless it can be demonstrated that the residual cumulative impact will not make existing traffic conditions worse.

As the Council proposes to make a decision which is different to the examiner’s recommendations, we need to re-consult (where Para 13(1) Sch4B applies) the following people or groups of our proposed decision (and the reason for it) and invite representations:

  • the qualifying body
  • anyone whose representation was submitted to the examiner and
  • any consultation body that was previously consulted.

As a result, the revised wording is now being formally consulted upon for a further 6 weeks from Thursday 5th October to 5pm on Thursday 16th November 2017. Any representations made on the proposed change during this period will be considered and, before we make a formal decision on the examiner’s recommendation. If appropriate, a referendum held ahead of it being ‘made’ (adopted) as part of the local plan for the area will then take place.

The original Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available for inspection at the following locations:

  • Barrow upon Soar Parish Council’s website at:
  • Barrow upon Soar Council Office, 12 High Street, Barrow upon Soar, Loughborough, LE12 8PY. Phone – 01509 416016 (Answering machine out of hours).
  • Charnwood Borough Council’s dedicated Neighbourhood Plan website at:
  • Charnwood Borough Council Offices, Southfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 2TN - open Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

Any comments made on the proposed change should be sent to Charnwood Borough Council together with your name and address by email to:

Or in writing to:

Planning Policy

Charnwood Borough Council

Council Offices

Southfield Road


LE11 2TN

Formal representations should be received by Charnwood Borough Council by no later than 5pm Thursday 16th November using the contact details above. If you wish to be notified of the Council’s decision under regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) to ‘make’ the Neighbourhood Plan, please include this as a request in your representation.

Should you have any queries regarding the Neighbourhood Plan or its submission then please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01509 634929 or email .