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Significant Environment Benefits Grants Application Form
1 / Project number (admin use only)2 / Project title (in 8 words or less)
3 / NRM Region/s the project will be delivered in (please mark ‘X’ in appropriate box)
Kangaroo Island
4 / Specific project location
Include X and Y coordinates
Area of project site:
District Council (if applicable)
Please provide a map of the project location (i.e.provides maps which are user friendly) showing the area of on-ground works. It is also desirable that Shapefile/s that can be added as a graphics layer (shp, .shx and .dbf.) are attached. Additional information such as maps, photos, etc are not required but can be included as attachments if required.
5 / Applicant details
Name / Contact person
ABN / Address
Is your group incorporated?
If no, please attach a signed letter of endorsement from an incorporated sponsoring organisation / Yes / No / Phone
Date incorporated / Mobile
Incorporation number / Fax
Is your group GST registered? / Yes / No / Email
6 / Applicant experience
List the names, qualifications and experience of person/s undertaking the work. Include details of previously completed research or biodiversity conservation projects shouldbe included and status of previous grantsindicated (Duplicate table or use attachment if necessary).
Details of prior projects
Status of any prior grants
Name and contact details for two referees
Referee one / Referee two
Name / Name
Address / Address
Postcode / Postcode
Phone / Phone
Mobile / Mobile
Fax / Fax
Email / Email
Note: Delete/add in table rows as required.
7 / Project descriptionInclude a detailed description of the project (attach additional sheets if required). The following headings are provided as a guide to the type of information required. Please ensure that any acronyms used (i.e. Significant Environmental Benefit – SEB) are defined.
7.1 Project summary (150 to 250 words)
Note: this will form part of an assessment used by the NVC to review applications
7.2SEB information
Please explain how this proposal will achieve a significant environmental benefit over a landscape scale
7.3 Background information(150 to 250 words)
Include literature reviews, what is already known about the subject and what can be known.
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7.3 Aims and ObjectivesWell written aims and objectives will help to provide a sound basis for identifying the content of the project and will assist in assessing whether or not the project has been successful.
The aims of a project are broad statements of its purpose or intent. They encompass the purpose and philosophy of the project, specifying its overall direction and content.
Well written objectives are much more specific and should clarify the aims in more detail. Objectives give the project a clearly defined target and enable the applicant/s to measure the progress towards to its stated aims. The most effective objectives meet the following criteria:
S – Specific – objectives are aimed at what the project does
M - Measurable – the project can put a value to the objective
A – Agreed - by all those concerned in trying to achieve the objective.
R - Realistic – the objective should be challenging, but it should also be able to be achieved by the resources available.
T- Time specific – they have a time limit of when the objective should be achieved, e.g. by the end of the year.
Performance indicators are measurable indicators that demonstrate the achievement of an outcome. They enable decision-makers to assess progress towards the achievement of intended outputs, outcomes, goals, and objectives, and are chosen to reflect the critical success factors of a project.
Note: Delete/add in table rows as required.
Aim/s / e.g.: 1. Rehabilitate degraded areas to support healthy ecosystems and improve biodiversity
Objective 1: / e.g.: Restore biodiversity of plant community within specified area
Targets / No. / Key Performance Indicator / Person Responsible
e.g. Plant 100,000 trees between 2010 and 2011 / 1. / Number of trees planted / Environmental contractors
Objective 2:
Targets / No. / Key Performance Indicator / Person Responsible
7.4 Methodology
7.5 Expected Outcomes
- NVC & SOL priority (s) addressed
Note: Delete/add in table rows as required.
NVC priority(s) / Discussion
- Benefits of the project to regional vegetation conservation and management in South Australia
- Please provide appropriate output codes for your project activities (see Attachment 1)
- Please quantify anticipated outputs against your project activities using output measure 1 and outputmeasure 2 where applicable (see orange and green columns in Attachment 1)
Project activity / Output code (see Attachment 1) / Output measure 1 / Output measure 2
e.g. Revegetation of degraded land / D4 / 12ha / 10km
- Relevance to Regional biodiversity priorities
Please provide hyperlinks where applicable of cited priorities.
Relevant regional biodiversity priority / Description / Discussion / hyperlink
e.g. State Strategic Plan / T3.1 Lose no species / This project.... /
- Publication
Publication type / Name of publication
(where relevant) / Estimated date of publication
E.g. Scientific Journal, fact sheet, website
- Does this project fall within the National Reserve system?
- Does this project form part of a regional project?
- Community Engagement
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8 / Work scheduleProject activity / Person responsible / Year
Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec
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9 / Monitoring and EvaluationMonitoring project performance and environmental change - describe how you will measure and evaluate the success of your projects.
On ground monitoring programs should be discussed with Regional NRM Boards to minimise the potential duplication for resources and maximise the potential for information to support other projects across a region.
General monitoring datasheets are available from the Native Vegetation and Biodiversity Management Unit if required
Monitoring activity / Method used / Person responsible / Frequency
- e.g. Native Vegetation cover
- Photopoints
- Annually
10 / Risk Management
Risk management involves identifying, assessing and responding to project risks in order to minimise the likelihood and impact of the consequences of adverse events in the achievement of the projects’ objectives.
Risk / Consequence / Chance of Occurrence
(L,M,H) / Impact
(L,M,H) / Action
Trigger / Responsibility / Response plan
e.g. Rain on day of volunteer event /
- Low attendance
- Incur financial loss
- Reserve indoor space
- Recruit extra volunteers
- Develop detailed plan
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11 / Detailed budget summary and work plan timetableRefer to attachment 2. for list of activities.
Project costs (for each activity to be undertaken, please itemise the costs involved) for salaries, materials, travel, accommodation etc. Include also the value of donated resources. When filling out this table please separate different types of expenditure. e.g. equipment and consumables, travel and accommodation, salaries etc. The aim of the table is to separate out those items where GST is payable and those where there is not a GST component.
Vehicle costs to be computed for: motor car, station wagons and utilities (petrol, diesel or LPG) at 83 cents/km and motorcycles at 33 cents/km (adapted from the Commissioners Determination 3.2). Accommodation outside metropolitan Adelaide to be calculated at $117.00/night and camping at $24.80/day (adapted from the Commissioners Determination 3.2).
Please note: Salary costs must be justified. Funding will not be provided to support the establishment of new positions. Funding that will contribute to support portions of existing positions that assist in achieving the agreed outcomes may be considered. The hourly rates must be itemised and justified using up to $27.50/hour as a guide. Academic supervision will be considered an ‘in kind’ contribution of the applying body.
Administrative costs and in-house expenditures will be seen by the NVC as an ‘in kind’ contribution of the applying body and should not form part of the funding sought in the grant application. Please refer to the ‘Guidelines’ for further information in relation to budgetary requirements.
- Describe what will be done, how, the estimated cost and the timing of each activity (refer to table 8)
- Itemise contributions from all sources, including all cash and ‘in kind’ contributions. Volunteer time to be costed at $20 per hour.
- All costing is to be GST exclusive.
- Clearly identify the intended use of the funding sought from the SEB grants. See the guidelines for items that cannot be funded through this grants program.
- Provide totals for each activity.
- Provide totals for each column.
- Milestone period – initial payment, 6 months, 12 months, beyond 12 months.
Project activity (refer to Table 8) / Timing / Volunteer hours / Your group contribution inc. ‘in-kind’
($) / Other contributions inc.
($) / SEB grant funding sought ($) / Total activity costs
($) / Mile
Start Mth/Yr / Finish Mth/Yr
a. / Initial payment
Column totals
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12 / Project statusIs this work part of a larger project? / Yes / No
Has the project commenced? (If yes when?) / Yes / No
Proposed commencement date:
Proposed completion date:
If Yes, please provide further details, including project partners and any links to other current or planned future projects. Please attach any letters of support.
Other contributing organisations
Please provide details of all other contributors to this project, including the applicant
Name of contributing organisation / Name of representative / Position in organisation / Phone number
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PROJECT SITE APPROVALSIf the project involves works on properties other than those owned by the applicant all landowners and land managers must agree to the proposed activities occurring on their property. Please provide details of each property and a contact and signature for each landowner or manager. For example, if the project works will be undertaken on roadsides, which is managed by the local government and on adjoining privately owned land or land under the control of the state government in another section, you must provide contact details and a signature from an authorised representative from both the local and state governments and any private landowners involved.
Name of property / Area of property (ha)
Name of project site / Area of project site (ha)
Landowner or manager / Phone number
Name of contact / Position (if applicable)
Signature certifying agreement for proposed activities / Date
Name of property / Area of property (ha)
Name of project site / Area of project site (ha)
Landowner or manager / Phone number
Name of contact / Position (if applicable)
Signature certifying agreement for proposed activities / Date
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applicant group/individual
Name of representativePosition
Phone number / Date
NRM Board policies and regional plans
The Regional Manager of the NRM Board supports/does not support the alignment of this application with the priorities and the regional plans of the NRM Board.
Not endorsed
Name / Position/NRM Board
Signed / Dated
To be completed by the Department Head or Chief Executive Officer or delegate or by the applicant if the application is a private project.
If the Native Vegetation Council awards the SEB grant, work will be undertaken pursuant to grant conditions.
The Native Vegetation Council’s SEB Grant Conditions have been read and accepted by the organisation requesting SEB funds.
Total amount sought from Native Vegetation Fund (GST Exclusive)
Total value of contributions from other sources, including ‘in-kind’ (GST Exclusive)
Name: / Position/Organisation:
Signed: / Dated:
Attachment 1
Outputs for SEB Grant ApplicationsPlease note: some activities will not fit into the outputs below. This list is not designed to report on every activity, but to capture the most common outputs.
Codes / Output / Output description/ examples / Output measure 1
(if applicable) / Output measure 2
(if applicable)
A / Resource Assessment
A1 / Decision support tool/information management systems/models / Number of systems/tools/models completed
A2 / Studies/reports/research / Number of studies/reports completed
A3 / Monitoring programs / Number of new monitoring programs established
A4 / Mapping / Area (ha)
B / Planning
B1 / resource management plans/strategies/best practice guidelines / Includes biophysical, economic, social, specie recovery, property, catchment etc plans and strategies / Number of plans/strategies/guidelines completed
C / Capacity Building
C1 / Training/awareness raising events / Includes field days, study tours, workshops / Number of events / No of participants
C2 / Awareness raising materials e.g. factsheet, new websites / Number of Awareness raising materials developed
D / On-ground works
D1 / Conservation agreements / Includes voluntary agreements / Number of agreements / Area protected
D2 / Native vegetation protected/enhanced/rehabilitated/managed / Includes fire management practice, exclusion fencing etc. / Area (ha) protected / Km of fencing (if applicable)
D3 / Cultural Heritage Site protection and maintenance / e.g rock holes / No. of sites / Area (ha) (if applicable)
D4 / Revegetation / Includes native pastures / Area (ha) revegetated / Km of fencing (if applicable)
D5 / Management of native animal species / e.g fencing, translocation programs, / Area (ha) managed / Km of fencing (if applicable)
D6 / Pest plant control / Area (ha) where pest plant control measures implemented / Species
D7 / Pest animal control / Area (ha) where pest animal control measures implemented / species
D8 / Sustainable land management / Includes public and private land, soil and wind erosion management / Area (ha) treated / No. of landholders involved (if applicable)
D9 / Improving water quality
/ Includes sewage plants, stormwater quality control devises, constructed wetlands / Number of construction works / Volume (ML) of water that is improved in quality per year
D10 / Improved water use efficiency
/ Includes improved irrigation practices, capping groundwater bores, new stormwater reuse systems. / Volume (ML) of water saved per year / No of landholders involved (if applicable)
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