Rock N Roll Barrel Productions

Sponsorship Form


Check appropriate sponsorship level

_____ Platinum Sponsorship- $1000 Saddle

_____ Gold Sponsorship- $500 Buckle

_____ Silver Sponsorship- $250

_____ Bronze Sponsorship- $125

If you would like your sponsorship to go to a particular class please list it here ______.

Please complete the information below. Include a check payable to Rock N Roll Barrel Productions, your company business card/logo and mail to:

Rock N Roll Barrel Productions- Sponsorship

Attn: Samantha FitzSimon

PO Box 778

Floresville, TX 78114

Business Name: ______

Contact Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______

Email: ______

Rock N Roll Barrels Member Contact:______

Your Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Thank You for your support!

What Rock N Roll Barrel Productions will do for you…

All sponsors will be invited to year-end banquet.

Platinum Sponsor: $1000

·  Company name will be added to saddle at the end of the year.

·  6x8 Company banner will be provided by Rock N Roll Barrels and will be hung at every race.

·  Company name and logo will be advertised on Rock N Roll Barrels website.

·  Company name and logo will be on every flyer and publication.

·  Company name will be recognized at every event on running display board.

·  Rock N Roll Barrels T-shirt will be provided.

·  Company Representatives will have VIP seating at the banquet.

Gold Sponsor: $500

·  Company name will be added to buckles at the end of the year.

·  4x6 Company banner will be provided by Rock N Roll Barrels and will be hung at every race.

·  Company name and logo will be advertised on Rock N Roll Barrels website.

·  Company name and logo will be on every flyer and publication.

·  Rock N Roll Barrels T-shirt will be provided.

·  Company name will be recognized at every event on running display board.


Silver Sponsor: $250

·  Company name and logo will be advertised on Rock N Roll Barrels website.

·  Company name and logo will be advertised on flyers.

·  Company name will be recognized at every event on running display board.

Bronze Sponsor: $125

·  Company name and logo will be advertised on Rock N Roll Barrels website.

·  Company name and logo will be on running display board at sponsored race.