Members Forum 26/3/2015
In the introduction Mick Lewin outlined our current position as a volunteer organisation, where we cannot be all things to all people.
We seek to support other groups in the sustainability space where our resources don’t allow us to contribute.
Our major focus is on Community Renewables, with a secondary focus on Energy Efficiency and Waste.
In all of these areas of interest, projects must be able to be pursued by volunteers through sub-committees or working groups, and be able to attract sufficient funds. Should paid staff be required, funding must be found to meet these costs.
Notes from Q & A Session
- Do you support the Community Renewables Program as outlined. Do you support more Members Forums YES
- Do you support regular information sessions with guest speakersYES
- What frequency should these be held 6 Monthly (Mar & Sept)
- Do the membership support MASG being able to have an entity (e.g. Cooperative like Hepburn Wind) that has investors, while retaining its Not For Profit status No objections raised
- Given the above, should MASG invest in projects outside the shire, such as the Macedon Ranges (WISE) community wind farm) No comments
- WAWT - To prepare an “Operation Guide” or other procedure manual and instruct 3rd parties in how to plan and operate events with the Wash Against Waste Trailer Generally supported with Pat offering to help work with the new appointee to staff to be appointed.
- Run a service to take business wastes (for a fee) and to dispose of these using a worm farming approach as per Ballarat operation. Submission needs to be prepared and champions (volunteers) are sought to get involved in this project
- Can we run a program to reduce electricity costs for low income renters It was universally agreed that this is desirable. Other wider community groups have had a program in the past that has not amounted to much. The focus would need firstly to be on savings through energy efficiency but could extend to financing of solar through the rent should owners be supportive. Needs a champion (volunteer) to take up and prepare program submission.
- Can we campaign for deposits on cans and bottles?
- Can we campaign for deposits on plastic bottles?
- Can we campaign for a plastic bag free shire?
- Could this be extended to plastic bottles?
- Can we campaign against disposable wipes? These cause major disruptions in waste water treatment plants as they don’t disintegrate naturally.
All of these (9 – 13) could be the focus of a Waste subcommittee. Champions (volunteers) would be required to form this sub-committtee with MASG providing the meeting place and communications mediums. Coliban Water and the council could be approached to sponsor such a program.
- Divestment - Ask council not to bank with big 4 banks nor to buy electricity with big 3 electricity suppliers Yes throughsupport of as below.
- Actively campaign for Divestment from the dirty 3 electricity suppliers This is currently being pursued with MASG as a supporting organization of the campaign
- Launch a petition to get politicians to fix up anomalies in the legislation for household solar PV. is a site that addresses this. We support solar citizens in this endeavor.
- Prepare submission to State and Federal polies on the network charges, cataloging the issues performance of monopoly distributor
Should this extend to gas given expansion of gas network and projected price increases? David Knipe can guide
- Council Planning Office to insist on both Solar Hot Water and water tanks in new housing. See attached note re 6 Star Energy Ratings
- Council Planning to enforce building orientation in new subdivisions to optimise passive solar. Could take through Energy Efficiency Sub-committee.
- Council Planning to enforce roof colour to optimize thermal performance See attached note re 6 Star Energy Ratings
Note Re: 6 Star Energy Ratings
Suggested Reading: VBA Practice Note 55 – 2014.
- National Construction Code requires that a Building Surveyor should ask for either solar hot water heating or a water tank. This has nothing to do with the 6 star energy rating and there cannot be any trade off with insulation or other. The Energy Rater knows nothing of instructions given by the Building Surveyor in this regard when he/she does the Thermal Performance Assessment.
- The 6 Star Energy rating takes into account building orientation. A house with poor orientation may still pass if other means of making it energy efficient compensate, e.g. additional insulation, thermal mass, high tech glazing and even clerestory windows. I know it’s a bit indirect, but it will cost the developer a lot of money in achieving the required ratings if he does not take orientation into account.
- Climate zone makes a big difference to the assessment. Two examples:
- The 6 Star Energy rating does take into account roof colour. In this Climate Zone where heat loss is considered the major criteria, a dark roof rates slightly better than a light coloured one. In practice, with a heavily insulated roof, it does not make a lot of difference.
- Concrete slab flooring in this climate zone performs a lot better if insulated underneath and at the edge. In Melbourne this is not so. The claimed bonding with the earth actually means you lose heat when you need to retain it. Note waffle pod slabs achieve almost as much in insulation
The Thermal Performance 6 Star rating is an assessment of the building fabric and generally takes no account of the relatively temporary measures a resident may take to make it comfortable and efficient. Thus it does not look at type of heating/cooling, solar PV, water heating, internal window coverings, etc. It uses CSIRO developed software that changes regularly to keep pace with building technology. Contrary to some bogus reporting, Thermal Performance Assessors (Energy Raters) are required to be accredited under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) in the Department of Industry and Science. Assessors must be trained and accredited and in fact, face losing this if not updating their qualification to the Cert IV by July 1 this year. This is sometimes confused with Sustainability Assessors or Energy Efficiency Assessors, (often called Energy Raters) who may look at the existing dwelling use, and who do not currently require accreditation.
Would 6 Star Energy rating be a topic people would want to see addressed in one of the MASG Information evenings?
MASG 325 Barker St / PO Box 1043 Castlemaine VIC 3450
(03) 5470 6978 / 0401 952 805