1. Appointments

Appointments to the position of Refugee Support Leader will be full time temporary appointments for a period of up to 12 months with a possibility of a 12 month extension.

There are no guarantees of temporary employment continuing beyond the 12 months of the appointment.

  1. Salary

This position attracts a base salary of $109,867.00, plus leave loading and employer's contribution to superannuation (current at January 2016). Total remuneration package is valued at $121,778.00.

  1. Conditions of employment

The provisions of the Crown Employees (Teachers in Schools and Related Employees) Salaries and Conditions Award 2014 will apply to these positions.

This means that employees appointed to position of Refugee Support Leader will work under school based conditions of employment, that is hours of work, leave etc, will be the same as for school based teachers. Travel compensation, where relevant, will be paid under the relevant award provisions.

All applicants must hold a valid teaching approval with the department and where appropriate some applicants may also require BOSTES accreditation. For example if an applicant is classified as a new scheme teacher, BOSTES accreditation is required.

Applicants for these positions should note the special conditions that apply to applications for some forms of leave during the period of the temporary appointment.

  1. Right of return

A permanent member of the Teaching Service appointed to a position as Refugee Support Leader whose substantive position is a school based position will retain right of return to their substantive position at the end of the 12 month temporary appointment.

Should the temporary appointment be extended beyond the initial 12 month period, permanent members of the Teaching Service will have right of return to their substantive school or non-school based positions for up to a further two years.

A permanent member of the Teaching Service appointed to a position as Refugee Support Leader whose substantive position is to a permanent non-school based position will retain right of return to their substantive position at the end of the 12 month temporary appointment.

A permanent member of the Teaching Service appointed to a position as Refugee Support Leader whose substantive appointment is to a temporary non-school based position will retain right of return to that temporary appointment at the end of the 12 month temporary appointment, where that temporary appointment is still current and subject to the approval of their manager.

Non-school based teaching staff who are permanent employees of the Teaching Service will have nominated transfer status to locate a suitable permanent position at the end of their Refugee Support Leader temporary appointment. Appointment will be at the same position level as the last permanent school based teacher appointment.

A person who is currently not a permanent member of the Teaching Service but who holds a current temporary appointment to a Teaching Service position will be required to relinquish that temporary appointment prior to accepting the temporary appointment to the Refugee Support Leader position.

  1. Applications for leave during the temporary appointment

The usual leave provisions for school based Teaching Service positions will apply during the temporary appointment to the Refugee Support Leader position. Applicants should note that applications for some forms of leave e.g. extended leave, leave without pay in excess of two weeks during the 12 month period of the appointment will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.

  1. Applicants in 4, 6 and 8 point incentive schools

An employee appointed to the position of Refugee Support Leader whose substantive appointment is to a 4,6 or 8 point incentive school will retain the incentives applicable to their substantive appointment while on the temporary appointment. The employee will retain right of return to their substantive position subject to the conditions outlined in (4) above.

  1. Transferred officers compensation

The provisions of the Transferred Officers Compensation Determination 2001 do not apply to temporary appointments to these positions.

  1. Performance and Development Framework

Teachers appointed to the position of Refugee Support Leader will be required to meet the requirements of the Performance and Development Framework for Principals, Executive and Teachers.

  1. Supervision

Employees appointed to the position of Refugee Support Leader will report to the principal of the base school in which they are appointed.

  1. Early termination of the temporary employment

The temporary employment may cease before the 12 months of the appointment where there are changes in circumstances and where the department no longer requires this role to be undertaken. These circumstances include changes in operational requirements, budget constraints, termination of funding for the work. The temporary appointments may also be terminated at any time where there are issues with the performance and conduct of the employee.

NSW Department of Education| Refugee Support Leader – Conditions of Employment