Academic Assessment Committee
Minutes & Action Items

Jan.19 & 21, 2010

Action items for committee member follow-up are highlighted in yellow.


Beth Rinard

Betty Jo Monk

Bob Newby

David Crockett

David Drueckhammer

Denise Martinez

Jane Dennis

Jason LaTouche

Karol Blaylock

Kay Teague

Melissa Becker

Nancy Boykin

Russell Pfau

Teresa Davidian

Karen Murray

Gay Wakefield

  1. Introductions: Beth Rinard as new Faculty-Chair
  1. A&M assessment conferencereminder
  1. Januarydue dates

College Coordinators were reminded that reviews of SUSTAINABILITY MATRICES for all academic programs should have been entered into programs’WEAVEonline® document repositories by January 15. Those lagging behind were asked to complete that process by the end of the week.

Department-Head Representatives were asked to remind their college peers that:

1)by January 10, academic-program faculty should have submitted to Department Heads all assessment data (FINDINGS) collected through the fall term for current-year OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES.

2)by January 25, …

  1. academic-program faculty should have notified Department Heads of any revisions to SUSTAINABILITY MATRICES for entry into WEAVEonline®.
  2. department/program mid-year meetings should be completed, to discuss:
  3. discuss progress toward 2008-09 ACTION PLANS (and any remaining 2007-08 ACTION PLANS), and
  4. discuss progress toward 2009-10 TARGETS (found in MEASURES) for student learning.
  5. based on mid-year FINDINGS and ACTION PLAN progress, and based on College’s revised mission, goals, and objectivesfor 2010-11—2010-11 student-learning MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES/ OUTCOMES, MEASURES, and SUSTAINABILITY MATRICES should be modified for the coming academic year.

3)by January 31, based on faculty mid-year meetings (see 2) above), and in preparation for budget hearings, the following should be entered into WEAVEonline®:

  1. progress updates for 2008-09 ACTION PLANS (and any remaining 2007-08 ACTION PLANS),
  2. FINDINGS to date for 2009-10 OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES, and

NOTE: 2010-11linkages to new College, Academic Affairs, and TSU missions, goals, and objectives/OUTCOMES are not available in WEAVEonline®yet, so those associations will need to be added at a later date.

Discussions included WEAVEonline®function changes members have discovered in the past month. Gay Wakefield will request that Abi Freeman notify WEAVEonline® users of the changes.

  1. Follow-up on recommendation RE budget hearings

The committee discussed, at length, wording for the assessment/budget-connection memo requested by Provost Peer. Gay Wakefield will prepare the resulting memo for committee signatures at the February 2 meeting.

  1. Website updates

The committee reviewed recent updates to the academic assessment Website.

  1. Review/revise University Undergraduate Learning MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES/ OUTCOMES

This item was postponed for the February 2 meeting.

  1. Dept. head rep’s—Please update your college dean and all dept. heads on these items ASAP.
  1. Next meetingsTuesday, 2/2 from 12:00-1:00—CITDE 137

Thursday, 2/4 from 12:00-1:00—CITDE 137

Tuesday, 2/9 from 12:00-1:00—CITDE 137

Thursday, 2/11 from 12:00-1:00—CITDE 137

Thursday, 2/25 from 12:00-1:00—ADMIN 208

Tuesday, 3/23 from 12:00-1:00—Howell 107

Thursday, 3/25 from 12:00-1:00—Howell 107

Tuesday, 4/20 from 12:00-1:00—ADMIN 208

Thursday, 4/22 from 12:00-1:00—ADMIN 208