Derby Line, Vermont

Trustees Meeting


Derby Line Village Hall

Call to Order

Present were Trustees Keith Beadle and Buzzy Roy. The meeting was called to order by Trustee Keith Beadle at 6:30 p.m.

Others Present

Brian Fletcher. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer Sharon Booth.

Buzzy moved the minutes from the meeting of December 16, 2014 be accepted and approved with corrections noted. Keith seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved the reading of the Rules of Procedure be waived. Keith seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved to discuss New Business from Trustees and Treasurer before discussing the Sewer Budget for 2015. Keith seconded, motion carried.

New Business from Trustees and Treasurer: Brian has informed his employees several times of the Trustees decision to not plow Caswell Ave with the new tractor. The sidewalk has been continued to be plowed and Brian has given the employees a copy of the letter that went out to residents of the notice to not plow Caswell Ave this winter because of the damage it could cause to the new tractor. Since then the sidewalk has not been plowed. Brian wanted to make the Trustees aware of this.

Buzzy was contacted by Chad Whitehead about the final design submittal and ROW for the Caswell Sidewalk Project to be done next Spring. He is hopeful for the project to go out to bid within the next 2 – 3 months.

Sharon presented a letter from MaryLou Champigny about her sewer line and the water project. Keith has already been in touch with MaryLou concerning this.

Brian stated a car has been parked overnight on Main Street. This is against the no parking zone for the winter. Brian will call the vehicle in to the authorities.

Keith read from some emails between Jason at A & E and Mr. Burton of Main St. These are concerning a new hydrant in front of Mr. Burton's home. He would like it moved to across the street. Keith has emailed Mr. Burton and asked him to come to a Trustees meeting to discuss what can be done with this situation.

Brian stated that the two pull-behind generators the Village owns are no longer needed. He is getting the one that is inop fixed and will look into possibly selling these.

Brian stated Mr. Gormley believes his water is green. Brian has reached out to Brent with VT Rural Water. Brent would like a copy of the last water samples taken by Mike Houle to determine if there is anything that can be done for Mr. Gormley. A sample of Mr. Gormley's water was also taken by Brian.

The Trustees asked Brian to look over the budget and have wants and questions for the next meeting.

Sewer Budget: The Trustees went over the sewer budget for 2015. Some changes were made with input from Brian.

New business from the audience: None

Old business from the audience: None

Warrants signed

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Sharon Booth, Village Clerk

Derby Line, Vermont

Trustees Meeting


Derby Line Village Hall

Call to Order

Present were Trustees Keith Beadle and Buzzy Roy. The meeting was called to order by Trustee Keith Beadle at 6:30 p.m.

Others Present

Gilles Blais, and Brian Fletcher. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer, Sharon Booth.

Buzzy moved that the minutes from the meeting of December 2, 2014 be accepted as written. Keith seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved the reading of the Rules of Procedure be waived. Keith seconded, motion carried.

New Business from Trustees and Treasurer: Buzzy stated that Blair Gannon had approached him about his rose bushes that will be removed when the sidewalk is replaced next Spring. He would like them replaced with another type of plant. This is noted so that Mr. Gannon's request can be complied with. Keith questioned why the sidewalk is still being plowed to Highland Ave after the Trustees had agreed not to plow the sidewalk with the new Kubota as to not cause any damage to it. Next meeting the Trustees would like to begin the process of reviewing and setting up the 2015 budget. Sharon will begin research on the Village pay scales to make sure they are in line with other like Villages/Towns. Buzzy noticed the Vermont Electric Co-op bill had increased significantly for this month. Sharon will call and ask for a review.

New business from the audience: None

Old business from the audience: None

Warrants signed

The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Sharon Booth, Clerk/Treasurer

Derby Line, Vermont

Trustees Meeting


Derby Line Village Hall

Call to Order

Present were Trustees Keith Beadle and Buzzy Roy. The meeting was called to order by Trustee Keith Beadle at 6:30 p.m.

Others Present

Lindsay and Nikole Brainard, Gilles Blais, and Brian Fletcher. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer, Sharon Booth.

Buzzy moved that the minutes from the meeting of November 18, 2014 be corrected as stated by Keith. Keith seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved the reading of the Rules of Procedure be waived. Keith seconded, motion carried.

New Business from Trustees and Treasurer: Talk about the amount of salt to be used during this winter was discussed. Due to the significant increase in price this year, the salt use will need to be monitored carefully. Keith will contact Aldrich & Elliott about Mrs. Champigny's issue on her property concerning the water project. Gilles asked the Trustees for a synopsis of the IWC meeting. Keith and Buzzy filled Gilles in on what transpired in the meeting. Sharon stated there was a complaint about snow being plowed into a parking area of a property owner at the bottom of Main Street. Brian will look into this and talk to Mike Houle to work with him on it.

New business from the audience: None

Old business from the audience: None

Warrants signed

The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Sharon Booth, Clerk/Treasurer

Derby Line, Vermont

Trustees Meeting


Derby Line Village Hall

Call to Order

Present were Trustees Keith Beadle, Ralph Miko, and Buzzy Roy. The meeting was called to order by Trustee Keith Beadle at 6:30 p.m.

Others Present

Albert Parent, Lindsay and Nikole Brainard, and Brian Fletcher. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer, Sharon Booth.

Buzzy moved that the minutes from the meeting of November 4, 2014 be moved and approved as written. Ralph seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved the reading of the Rules of Procedure be waived. Ralph seconded, motion carried.

Caswell Sidewalk: Keith and Brian walked the length of the sidewalk on Caswell Ave. From Pelow Hill toward Holland, the sidewalk is broken, uneven, and cracked in several places. With the current condition of the surface, using the new tractor/plow on this surface would damage the tractor/plow severely. Talk transpired concerning sending a letter to nearby residents stating the risk of investment by using the tractor. Buzzy moved that a letter stating that no plowing will be done in this area be sent to nearby residents. Keith seconded, motion carried. A letter will be sent to residents of Caswell Ave, Pelow Hill, Highland Ave, Sunset Terrace, and Sunset Terrace Extension explaining the situation promptly.

New Business from Trustees and Treasurer: Buzzy stated that Chad Whitehead is preparing final plans for the sidewalk (Caswell Ave) so that the bidding process can be started early 2015. The Trustees would all like to see the mixture of salt and sand monitored this year as the price of salt has increased significantly.

New business from the audience: Albert Parent from Stanstead reported about the water and sewer systems in Stanstead that effect Derby Line. He gave the Trustees imparitive information on the systems. As Derby Line pays a significant amount to Stanstead for the water and sewer system, the Trustees are very appreciative of Albert's input.

Old business from the audience: none

Warrants signed

The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Sharon Booth, Clerk/Treasurer

Derby Line, Vermont

Trustees Meeting


Derby Line Village Hall

Call to Order

Present were Trustees Keith Beadle and Buzzy Roy. The meeting was called to order by Trustee Keith Beadle at 6:30 p.m.

Others Present

Dick Rivard, David Rivard, Carmi Marsh, Brian Fletcher, Al Loukes, and Dan Fortin. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer, Sharon Booth.

Keith moved that the minutes from the meeting of October 28, 2014 be moved and approved as written with one correction being Buzzy stating the cemetery information instead of Keith. Buzzy seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved the reading of the Rules of Procedure be waived. Keith seconded, motion carried.

Al Loukes – Pickleball – Derby Line Courts: Al Loukes told the Trustees how he and approximately 30 others had played Pickleball at the Derby Line Courts this summer. He mentioned the nets were in bad shape and he had been fixing them throughout the summer. He asked if there was money in the budget to purchase new nets. Sharon stated there was enough money for one net. Keith stated that maybe another net and painting can be executed into the budget next year. Both Keith and Buzzy agreed it is great to see the courts being used on a regular basis. Al also asked if the basketball courts could be painted next Spring for use as Pickleball courts. Both Buzzy and Keith agreed this was okay. Al stated at this time he would get the use of portable nets for those courts and asked that the Trustees keep in mind in the budget for a possible allotment for portable nets.

Pool Charges: Members of the audience voiced their opinions to the Trustees of their beliefs that pool charges are unfair. Dick Rivard stated he has had his pool for 41 years, but at times has had to have water pumped out and/or water hauled in because the water from Derby Line had been too colored. Buzzy stated the entire water rate system needed to be revamped. Audience members voiced their opinion that they were being unfairly targeted with the pool rates. The question of metered water was raised and Keith stated that this had previously been voted down due to the high costs of installing the meters. Buzzy agreed there needs to be an equitable system and that a committee of Village residents should look into this problem. Keith also mentioned that the pool rate questioning can be stated an an article at the annual meeting. No decision was made on pool rates at this time.

New Business from Trustees and Treasurer: Keith stated that he had heard from Mrs. Champigny and she had not received a payment from Percy yet. A & E was made aware of this. They were also made aware that Mr. Kurzman is getting two estimates on his property for his dissatisfaction of the way his lawn was left by Percy. Keith stated that Jason Booth with A & E said that Percy will be given the chance to fix any work done in the Spring before anything else will be done or authorized.

The Trustees agreed since slips have been missing from Irving as of late that Brian will be the only person authorized to use the Irving card. The Trustees would like Brian to look at the mulch in the park to see if it needs to be added to and should be part of next year's budget.

New business from the audience: none

Old business from the audience: none

Warrants signed

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Sharon Booth, Clerk/Treasurer

Derby Line, Vermont

Trustees Meeting


Derby Line Village Hall

Call to Order

Present were Trustees Keith Beadle and Buzzy Roy. The meeting was called to order by Trustee Keith Beadle at 6:30 pm.

Others Present

Gilles Blais, Ed Helm, Judy Nommik, Brian Fletcher A & E, represented by Wayne Elliott and Nate Pion. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer, Sharon Booth.

Keith moved that the minutes from the meeting of October 7, 2014 be moved and approved as written. Buzzy seconded, motion carried.

Buzzy moved the reading of the Rules of Procedure be waived. Keith seconded, motion carried.

Kurzman Property: Dan Kurzman contacted Keith and he is still not happy with the restoration of his lawn following the water project. Keith reminded Mr. Kurzman that the lawn restoration will have a warrantee for one year. Mr. Kurzman states that he wants to get estimates to Percy for fixing the lawn. A & E has pictures of before and after the project. The best approach seems to be to reevaluate the lawn in the Spring. A & E also stated that retainage is held for just such reasons from the contractor to make sure all is set and as should be with restoration.

Extended Date on LOC Payback: The Trustees signed the document to extend the payback date on the LOC for the water project to December 31, 2014.

Charging Station: Ed Helm presented information of a possible grant available that might allow for a charging station on the Derby Line property. Discussion took place on what would be needed to install such a station. Without such a grant the cost could be in between $1000 and $2000. This would be something that would have to be voted on at the annual meeting if such dollar amounts are needed. Until the new grant is available in December this issue was tabled. Ed will get with Sharon when the grant is available.