NE3 Sir Alexander Mackenzie Sr. P.S.

Parent Council Meeting

May 2, 2012


Next Meeting: September 2012 ~ Date to Be determined ~ in the Library at 6:30 p.m.

Members Absent: Don Milligan, Indramani Milligan, Paul Karsgaard, Sanchitha Kannuthurai, Trish Howells, David Leavitt, Sevi Cesta

Duration: 6:30 – 7:00



Principal’s Items
Welcome and Introductions / SAM Parent Council Members Present: Shobin Julius, Jennifer Mohammed, Jenny Lam
SAM Staff Present: Alison Gassi, Mary Klos /
Bike Racks / §  Alison has investigated the possibility of putting in some bike racks for students, the bike rack we have right now is not big enough
§  TDSB must install the bike racks and they must be permanent
§  Alison suggested a location by the west parking lot surveillance camera
§  Colours were also discussed, no decision was made
§  To be confirmed, recycle old bike rack to Agincourt Jr Public School / Alison to get an estimate from TDSB Facility Services.
Suggested Items to Discuss with Parents at Gr. 6 Parent Information Night / §  Pick-up and drop-off at the front of the school continues to be an issue
§  Possible solutions discussed; signs, pylons by the parking lot entrance, get students to monitor the area
SAM Update / §  106 students leave for Quebec City May 7th – 11th
§  Grade 8 Grad day trip to Niagara Falls, June 19th - $40.00 for the basic package, $50.00 for the deluxe package (includes Journey Behind the Falls); students will visit the Welland Canal, Fort George, then off to Niagara Falls for students to view the falls and explore Clifton Hill; dinner at the Mandarin in Montrose; students are not permitted to go on any water rides; departure from SAM 7:30 a.m. and return to SAM at 8:00 p.m.
§  Grade 8 Grad, June 26th at ACI, 6:00 p.m., 2 tickets per family, there are usually extra seats, guests without a ticket are welcome to wait in the standby line and will be seated prior to the procession, dance to follow at SAM; free refreshments for students at the dance; pizza, pop/water, fruit, cookies, cake; a request was made for no cheese pizza for a couple of pepperoni pizzas for students with food allergies; subject awards assembly for Grade 8’s is on Monday, June 25th at 1:00 p.m.; parents of students receiving awards will be contacted confidentially and invited to attend; 6 big awards (Academic, 3 A’s, Citizenship, AB Patterson, Valedictorian, OPC Leadership) will be presented at the Grad Ceremony on Tuesday
Mail / §  Parent Council mail was sent home to Don Milligan, Co – Chair / Alison to give mail to Don’s son.

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