Letter to Parents and Coaches

Letter to Bible Bowl Students

Information and Rules

Study Questions

Scoring for Bible Bowl

Samples of Find the Verse Questions

Memory Work

To All Bible Bowl Coaches and Parents,

Weber Road’s Bible Bowl will be here before you know it. The Gospel of Mark will be a lot of fun to study! We hope you, your students and all parents will grow spiritually during these studies in coming weeks. Thank you for your commitment to young people and remember that your commitment will bless the lives of each child you have in your care. You are also helping the church of the present and future! We encourage you to keep up the great work!

Young people are looking for direction and it’s up to us to show them how God's Word provides the direction they need. Bible Bowl can serve as a tool to help them understand and live the Word of God. Remember David's words found in Psalm 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (KJV). Let's do our best to make that verse come to life for each child involved with Bible Bowl.

Our hope is that every coach will be excited about studying. This attitude will rub off on each student.

Do not underestimate your children's amazing memories! At one Christian school, third graders memorized Hebrews 11. We have known three and four year olds who know the Books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and up to 100 basic Bible facts, among other things. Do not put limits on them. Challenge and encourage them. Their confidence and desire will grow as they learn.

As in past years, this study guide focuses on leading each student through the book of the Bible we are studying. If your students follow this guide, they will gain knowledge and understanding. All scripture will be taken from the New King James Version.

Here are ideas to use in preparing for Bible Bowl:

1)  Meet at least one time per week (try not to over-work the students, especially at first).

2)  Use "grease pencils" to color code the scripture: Blue-important quotes, Yellow-names, Orange-verse numbers, Green-places, Red, or pink-objects and other nouns.

3)  Assign one or two chapters per week.

4)  Encourage parents to help in study.

5)  Split up students to have practice contests or tests.

6)  Compliment them in front of the congregation, in the bulletin, in front of parents, etc.

7)  Remind them that this is not a school grade and whatever they learn will help them in life and for eternity.

8)  Make use of the website with practice questions (http://bb.theseeker.org)

Whether each student knows everything does not matter. Encourage each young person to participate November 2, 2019.

Enjoy your study of the Gospel of Mark and I hope your lives and your students will be enriched over the next few months.

A Note to All Bible Bowlers:

Bible Bowl can be so much fun if you get involved in studying God’s Word. It will be as much fun and fulfilling as you make it! This is our 36th Bible Bowl and we are looking forward to seeing you in November.

This year we will have many awards to give out and that means if you study and do well, you have a very good chance of receiving a trophy, ribbon, or plaque. No matter what you receive or don’t receive, your study and commitment will benefit you always. The Gospel of Mark is a great study from which you will grow if you apply it daily. Remember, no matter how you do, you will be learning God’s Word.

As you study try not only to know the facts – try to understand what is going on. This study guide is designed to aid your study. Here are a few tips in studying for Bible Bowl:

1)  Read the chapters without your study guide. Take short notes or write down words and items you do not understand.

2)  Look at the guide and see if it helps you understand (if not, ask your parents, coach, teacher, or preacher).

3)  We will have an open Bible section. Each participant will be expected to find the chapter and verse in which certain scriptures are found. Bring your Bible for this section.

4)  You are allowed to mark in your Bible if you wish.

5)  Look up any words that you do not understand.

6)  Do not get discouraged.

7)  Remember to include prayer in your study.

8)  Use the website with practice questions (http://bb.theseeker.org)

You have a great mind, if you use it and that’s what Bible Bowl can do for you. You will never be sorry for taking the time to study the Bible because it can help you for the rest of your life. The more you know, the better off you will be. Here is a verse, 2 Timothy 2:15 that you should remember as you study, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."



1.  Date of Competition: Saturday, November 2, 2019

2.  Time: 8:45 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.

3.  Ages: Children from the 2nd - 12th Grades

4.  Open to any church who wants to participate

5.  Material Covered: The Gospel of Mark

6.  Bible Memory Lists are at end of study guide

7.  Bible Translation: New King James Version

8.  Competition:

•  One “Find the Verse” Round worth 30 points

•  Two “General Question” multiple choice rounds worth 75 points each

-  Over the covered material

-  Sample Questions are available at: www.webercofc.com

•  Two Matching Tests are given to 2nd - 12th Grades

•  Tests for 2nd Graders are read aloud and the tests are shorter

9.  Awards:

•  Trophies for the top five scores in nine age groups (45 total)

•  Ribbons for 6th - 13th place in nine age groups (72 total)

•  Team Award Certificates

•  On-line Practice Certificates

•  All participants receive a participation ribbon

10.  Cost:

•  The cost is $8 per participant to offset the cost of awards, lunch, etc. (If money is a problem, please contact us)

•  The fee should be sent by Monday, October 28th

•  You may add participants up to the week of the competition

11.  Study Guide:

•  The study questions for the Gospel of Mark are downloadable or can be ordered by mail, phone, e-mail, or fax when you need them

12.  Contact us for questions:

•  Weber Rd. Church of Christ * 5253 Weber Rd * Corpus Christi, TX 78411

•  Church Phone: 361-853-7701

•  E-Mail:

2019 Bible Bowl 6 The Gospel of Mark


2019 Bible Bowl 6 The Gospel of Mark

1. Who wrote the Gospel of Mark?


2. Who did Mark call "the voice of one crying in the wilderness?" (Mark 1:3-4)


3. What kind of baptism did John preach? (Mark 1:4)

Baptism of repentance for the remission of sins

4. Where did John baptize? (Mark 1:4)

In the wilderness

5. In what river did John baptize? (Mark 1:5)

Jordan River

6. What kind of clothes did John wear in the wilderness? (Mark 1: 6)

Clothes made of camel's hair and a leather belt

7. What did John eat while in the wilderness? (Mark 1:6)

Locusts and wild honey

8. With what element did John baptize? (Mark 1:8)


9. With what would the one coming after John baptize? (Mark 1:8)

The Holy Spirit

10. Who came from Nazareth of Galilee to be baptized by John? (Mark 1:9)


11. What did Jesus see descending upon Him as He came up out of the water after being baptized? (Mark 1:10)

The Spirit, like a dove

12. What did the voice from heaven say following Jesus' baptism? (Mark 1:11)

"You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

13. Immediately following Jesus' baptism, where did the Spirit send Him? (Mark 1:12)

Into the wilderness

14. How long was Jesus in the wilderness after His baptism? (Mark 1:13)

40 days

15. What happened to Jesus while He was in the wilderness? (Mark 1:13)

He was tempted by Satan

16. Who came and ministered unto Jesus following His temptation? (Mark 1:13)


17. After Jesus' temptation, what happened to John? (Mark 1:14)

He was put into prison

18. After John was put into prison, to what area did Jesus go? (Mark 1:14)


19. To whom did Jesus say, "Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men"? (Mark 1: 16-17)

Simon and Andrew

20. What two brothers did Jesus see casting a net into the Sea of Galilee? (Mark 1:16)

Simon and Andrew

21. By what sea was Jesus walking when He saw two brothers casting out a net? (Mark 1: 16)

Sea of Galilee

22. After finding Simon and Andrew, what two men did Jesus find by the Sea of Galilee? (1:19)

James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John

23. What were James and John doing when Jesus found them? (1:19)

In a ship mending their nets

24. After Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James and John where did they all go? (1:21)


25. When Jesus arrived in Capernaum after calling Simon, Andrew, James and John by the sea, on what day did He enter the synagogue? (1:21)

The Sabbath

26. What kind of man did Jesus find in the synagogue in Capernaum? (1:23)

A man with an unclean spirit

27. How did the people of Capernaum respond to Jesus driving out the unclean spirit from the man in their synagogue? (1:27)

They were all amazed

28. From what type of sickness did Simon's mother-in-law suffer? (1:30)

A fever

29. What did Jesus do to heal Simon's mother-in-law? (1:30)

He took her by the hand and lifted her up

30. At what time of day or night did Jesus do much of the healing while in Capernaum? (1:32)

Evening, when the sun had set

31. After Jesus healed Simon's mother-in-law and others the same evening, what time did He get up the next day? (1:35)

In the morning, before daylight

32. Where did Jesus go the day after He healed Simon's mother-in-law and what did He do there? (1:35)

To a solitary place and he prayed

33. What did Jesus do in the synagogues throughout all Galilee? (1:39)

Preached and cast out devils

34. Who came to Jesus in Galilee and said to Him, "If You are willing, You can make me clean."? (1:40)

A leper

35. When Jesus arrived in Capernaum after calling Simon, Andrew, James and John by the sea, on what day did He enter the synagogue? (1:21)

The Sabbath

36. After healing the leper, what did Jesus tell him not to do? (1:45)

He should not tell anyone about it

37. What kind of man did Jesus find in the synagogue in Capernaum? (1:23)

A man with an unclean spirit

38. How did the people of Capernaum respond to Jesus driving out the unclean spirit from the man in their synagogue? (1:27)

They were all amazed

39. From what type of sickness did Simon's mother-in-law suffer? (1:30)

A fever

40. What did Jesus do to heal Simon's mother-in-law? (1:30)

He took her by the hand and lifted her up

41. At what time of day or night did Jesus do much of the healing while in Capernaum? (1:32)

Evening, when the sun had set

42. After Jesus healed Simon's mother-in-law and others the same evening, what time did He get up the next day? (1:35)

In the morning, before daylight

43. Where did Jesus go the day after He healed Simon's mother-in-law and what did He do there? (1:35)

To a solitary place and he prayed

44. What did Jesus do in the synagogues throughout all Galilee? (1:39)

Preached and cast out devils

45. Who came to Jesus in Galilee and said to Him, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.”? (1:40)

A leper

46. How soon after Jesus touched the leper was the man's leprosy completely healed? (1:42)


47. After healing the leper, what did Jesus tell him not to do? (1:44)

He should not tell anyone about it

2019 Bible Bowl 6 The Gospel of Mark


2019 Bible Bowl 6 The Gospel of Mark

48. In what city was a paralytic brought to Jesus? (2:1-3)


49. How many men carried the paralytic? (2:3)


50. What did Jesus say to the paralytic who was let down through the roof? (2:5)

"Son, your sins are forgiven you."

51. Why did the scribes in Capernaum reason that Jesus had spoken blasphemy in forgiving the sins of the paralytic? (2:6-7)

Because they said, "Who can forgive sins but God alone?"

52. To whom did Jesus say, "Arise and take up your bed and walk"? (2:10-11)

The paralytic

53. What was the reaction of the people of Capernaum after Jesus healed the paralytic? (2:12)

They were amazed and glorified God

54. Who did Jesus see sitting at the tax office in Capernaum? (2:14)

Levi, son of Alphaeus

55. What did Jesus say to Levi when He found him? (2:14)

"Follow me."

56. In whose house did Jesus dine in Capernaum? (2:15)


57. Who else ate in Levi's house besides Jesus and His disciples? (2:15)