Bere Ferrers Parish Council

At a meeting of the Finance & General Purposes committee, held in the Council Chamber Bere Alston on Tuesday 19th May 2015.


Cllr. H. Boot-Handford Chairman

Cllr. R. Leithall Chairman of Council

Cllr. M. Benson

Cllr. P. Dennis

Cllr. R. Maycock

Cllr. R. Piper

In Attendance

Cllr. B. Lamb.

20. Items of Interest at the discretion of the Chairman. No decision can be made on these


1.  Cllr. Dennis- visibility splay on the turn off to Denham Bridge from the village is dangerous, Cllr.

Lamb stated that the junction at Battens is also very bad, Clerk to report to Devon County Highways.

2.  Cllr. Piper – has been approached by several residents at Collytown regarding the application

by Bere Fest for a new premises licence for the field that has F.P. 11 running through it. They are asking for a full licence which could mean allowing a 1,000 people to attend. The residents have lodged a complaint to the Licensing Authority.

Cllr. Benson stated there is a Licencing Hearing to discuss this application on Tuesday 2nd June. Cllr. Lamb asked that a request be put to the hearing stating that Council support this activity but need to point out the capacity of the roads on the peninsula.

21. Matters Arising from the minutes of the 21st April

Matters arising.

Minute 1867(1822) The Cemetery leak this is ongoing. The Clerk has not yet received a reply

from the contractor with a price.

Cllr. Lamb asked the Clerk to consider seeking a second estimate.

Cllr. Lamb brought to committee’s attention the state of the white lines on the corner

of The Down by Woolacombe Road. This is why people are coming across onto the

wrong side of the road. Clerk to inform County Highways.

22. Accounts for payment.

The Clerk had emailed the account statement to councillors.

Cllr. Boot-Handford proposed payment, seconded by Cllr. Maycock


23. Financial Statements

The Clerk emailed the financial statements to Councillors. Discussions took place. Cllr. Boot-Handford proposed acceptance of the financial statements, seconded by Cllr. Dennis.

24. To confirm and sign the Annual Audit papers.

The Clerk had emailed the audit sheet to Councillors. The Clerk explained the figures, the

necessary questions were answered and then signed by Cllr. Boot-Handford Chairman of Finance & General Purposes.

25. Youth 2 Youth Lease referred back from the last meeting for discussions.

The Rev. Law had obtained the necessary map to go with the lease. The Clerk passed them to Cllr. Leithall who can now finalise the lease. Council are happy that the lease be signed and that Cllr. Leithall Chairman of Council finalise and sign the lease.

26. To revise the agreement with Beregen.

Cllr. Lamb explained that at the meeting with Mr. Gentle it was agreed that item 3, 7, and 8

be altered also 11 and that Council Chamber be added in front of the Clerk’s Office in

Paragraph one line 1.

A copy of the new lease agreement was circulated to all Councillors present. After

discussions Cllr. Boot-Handford proposed that the new lease be accepted and presented at

Full Council for conformation and signing, seconded by Cllr. Piper. Copy to be sent to Mr.


27. Report of meeting with Mr Gentle re Beregen.

The Clerk gave the following report from the meeting with Mr. Gentle, Cllr. Lamb and the Clerk;

Mr. Gentle stated that they have completed the end of year finances and have £1,000 in the bank and have paid their accounts and also paid back a sum of money loaned to them.

They will be putting in for £10,000 from Village Hall grants for work in the hall.

They are also submitting an application to The Big Lottery “Reaching Communities” for £497 thousand pounds for a five year period for a Full Time Youth Worker, Full Time Project Officer and a Full Time Pre School Children’s Worker who will work with Playschool.

28. To consider a new photocopier on lease.

The Clerk presented figures for a coloured copier and a Mono copier. After discussions it was agreed that a coloured copier was not necessary. Clerk to obtain costings from Canon to add to the Ricoh and the Kyocera and present the figures at June’s F. & G. P.

29. Referred from Full Council consideration for a further grant towards repair of the Zip

Wire at Bere Ferrers Recreation Field.

The Bere Ferrers Villagers Association have to raise £2,000 to repair the Zip Wire. This

Council has agreed a donation of £50. Discussions took place. Cllr. Boot-Handford

proposed that the £50 be increased to £250 by taking £200 from last year’s carried forward, seconded by Cllr. Benson. All Councillors present agreed.

30. Rolling Programme of Review as a standard item on every agenda.

Cllr. Boot-Handford noted that an inspection of the Bank Mandate and the Equal Opportunities document needs undertaking for June meeting, Cllr. Leithall agreed to do this.

31. Briefing by Cllr. Benson on Neighbourhood Plan progress.

There had been a meeting on the 29th April at which we began the process of drafting. Various bits are ongoing. Granville Starkey has made contact with the Co-Op to discuss some suggestions and proposals of delivery van routes and times.

Moving on to the land allocation Cllr. Benson explained the group’s ideas, which caused a general discussion and it was agreed the way forward would be to have a Special Full Council meeting to discuss The Neighbourhood Plan. This to take place on Tuesday the 16th June.

32. Correspondence.

1)  Mr. Smith – offering a greenhouse and shed free of charge to our allotment holders. Cllr. Maycock showed interest.

2.)  Zurich Insurance - Renewal Policy for 2015-16.

3.)  South West Water - Claim for a leak allowance Clerk to fill in.

4.)  Geoff Orton - Thanking Council for their donation to DATA (Debt Advice Tavistock Area) towards the work of this service.

5.)  W.D.B.C. - Town & Parish Voice. Neighbourhood Planning event 23rd April- Information and

follow up 33 representatives from 11 parishes attended. The event was led by Bere Peninsula Neighbourhood Planning Group.

Our Plan Update – The statutory consultation on the draft “Our Plan” finished on the 13th April. We have been analysing the representations and will shortly publish both these and a summary of our response to the issues raised and any proposed changes to be taken forward.

TAP Fund 2015-16 Southern Link has £32,822.16 (including under spend from 2014-15

of £5,054.86.

6.) Devon County Council – Boundary Review Cllr. Boot-Handford to review the document.

33. Agenda Items for next meeting.

1.  Review Equal Opportunities document.

2.  Review Bank Mandate.

3.  To receive costings for a new Photo Copier.

4.  Suggestions for TAP Funding

There being no further business the chairman thanked members for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.10pm.

Signed this 26th day of May 2015.
