Job Description

Job TitleProgramme Manager


TermFixed term contract until 31 December 2016

Responsible toBeamish Head of Partnerships and Communications/ East Durham Creates consortium

Line ManagementProgramme Co-ordinator, Audience Development and

Communications Officer and interns/apprentices

Internal relationshipsBeamish Head of Partnerships and Communications, Beamish Head of Community Participation, Beamish Assistant Director Resources, Beamish Finance Manager, East Durham Trust CEO, Forma Artistic Director, Forma Senior Producer, Forma Technical Director, Forma Business Director, Forma Digital Assistant

External relationships Local Authority and corporate partners, Arts Council England (ACE), artists, directors and staff of regional arts venues and cultural centres, community organisations, freelance project managers/producers, regional advocacy networks, local businesses, East Durham Creates Community panel,funding bodies, local, regional and national media.

PurposeOverall responsibility for adhering to the vision of the Arts

Council’s Creative People and Places scheme through the provision of a high quality artistic programme that develops new audiences for the arts.

To provide leadership for the East Durham Creates delivery team, ensuring the smooth delivery of the artistic programme across East Durham. To represent the East Durham Creates initiative as spokesperson and ambassador,building profile and developingrelationshipslocally, regionally and nationally. To ensure accurate reporting to stakeholders, providing regular updates against agreed targets. To oversee the project’s evaluation, providing advocacy for a cultural legacy in East Durham. To oversee and manage other project team members, interns and apprentices.

Duties and responsibilities

  1. Producing/project management
  • Liaison with Forma’s Senior Producer, Artistic Director and team
  • Input to budget planning, research and preparation
  • Research, planning, development and implementation of artistic projects and accompanying activity
  • Programme scheduling and logistics
  • Developing, implementing and monitoring protocols for all production activity
  • Artist liaison
  • Overseeing strategic promotion of artists, projects and events
  • Identifying and acting on strategic and creative opportunities that may enhance or develop the creative programme.
  • Planning and overseeing operations
  • Venue/site contracting
  • Compliance, insurance, Health & Safety, risk assessment
  • Programme documentation, evaluation and reporting
  • Attending meetings, receptions, performances and events
  1. Participation and Engagement
  • Liaison with Beamish Head of Community Participation
  • Creating and overseeing audience development initiatives
  • Overseeing and monitoring engagement and participation activity connected to artistic project delivery
  • Overseeing skills development strand of project activity
  • Overseeing Community Commissioning implementation and delivery
  • Representing East Durham Creates at local meetings and events
  • Ensuring a commitment to equality of access at all times
  • Ensuring the provision of clear briefings and communication to evaluation partners
  1. Management/Leadership
  • Managing the office and associated spaces for East Durham Creates
  • Championing and implementing an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Line managing the delivery team and over-seeing all sub-contracting relationships
  • Acting as the principal spokesperson for East Durham Creates, ensuring compliance with communications protocols at all times
  • Reporting verbally and in writing to the East Durham Creates committee
  • Representing the consortium at a national level including the Peer Learning Network and groups and consortia
  • Working with project partners, local community representative and stakeholders to ensure a lasting legacy for the project
  1. Development/fundraising
  • Liaison with Beamish Head of Partnerships and Communications
  • Identifying potential sources of project funding
  • Preparing and submitting funding applications
  • Providing material for funding pitches and proposals
  • Managing relationships with funders and donors
  • Stakeholder liaison
  1. Human resources
  • Recruitment of project team
  • Implementation of apprenticeship programme
  • Managing appraisal programme
  • Ensuring East Durham Creates observes best employment practice
  • Signing off payroll including sickness, holidays, absences etc.
  1. Communications
  • Liaison with Beamish Head of Partnerships and Communications
  • Overseeing all promotional and communication campaigns for East Durham Creates
  • Liaison with Forma PR representative and Beamish Communications team
  • Raising the profile of East Durham Creates locally, regionally and nationally
  • Introducing the project to local, regional and national networks
  • Maximising coverage in all media
  • Overseeing development and implementation of a digital strategy
  1. Finance
  • Liaison with Beamish Finance
  • Liaison with Forma Senior Producer and Business Director
  • Regular financial monitoring and reporting
  • Budget control for projects and overall programme
  • Sourcing best value at all times

The Programme Manager will, from time to time, be expected to carry out a range of other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the scope of the post, as requested by management.

This post is subject to the Scheme and Conditions of Service of the National Joint Council for Local Authority Services.

Author: East Durham Createsconsortium

17th December 2013

Person Specification

Criteria / Means of Assessment
Knowledge / An understanding of the role of culture in a social context
Experience in the delivery of complex contemporary art projects and participatory arts projects
Outstanding written and oral skills
Wide knowledge of contemporary arts practice in different disciplines
Previous experience of working in close contact with artists
Proven ability to work strategically
An entrepreneur and creative thinker
Ability to work collaboratively with staff and volunteers
Leadership skills
Experience of devising and overseeing communication campaigns / Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Qualifications & Training / Educated to degree level
ICT skills / Interview/Application form
Application form
Experience / Experience of managing a team of staff
Experience of managing an apprenticeship programme
Experience of working with artists
Experience of leading community engagement programmes
Proven experience of budget management
Experience of fundraising from a range of sources / Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Interview/Application form
Other / An enthusiastic, ‘can do’ approach
A willingness and ability to work unsocial hours
Must be able to meet the travel requirements of the post / Interview