Sample Paper – 2013
Class – X
Subject – Biology
Time : 1 ½ hrs Total marks : 80
General Instructions
· The question paper is divided into two sections – Section A and Section B
· Attempt all questions from Section A.(20 marks)
· For Section B follow the given instructions:-
· There are a set of 8 questions in Section B Choose any six questions from this section.
· Make best use of graphs, charts, diagrams, etc for your answers.
Section – A
(20 marks)
Question 1
a) Give appropriate name / technical term /biological name for the following questions:
[ 2 marks]
1. The specific structure in sperms (only) that initiates and regulates cell division.
2. The defect caused by abnormal functioning of valve connecting left auricle and left ventricle.
3. Condition when there is excess accumulation of water in the body.
4. The specific part of brain concerned with stereoscopic vision.
b) Name the following :- [ 3 marks ]
1. The period after which a zygote is termed a morula.
2. Cells of the body that activates the lymphocytes.
3. Another name for toxoids.
4. The radius of eyeball.
5. The biological term for mycocardial infarction.
6. The main nerve connecting spinal cord and stomach.
c) State true or false and correct the statements by altering the underlined words :-
1. Arachnoid is a meninges.
2. Pituitary gland weighs 0.7 g to 0.8 g.
3. Cretinism is a genetic disorder.
4. Sperms remain alive in female reproductive system for about 6-7 days.
[2 marks ]
d) Chose the best alternative (s) and copy down the best option(s) and write down the corresponding answer. All the questions have a None of These and All of These options. :- [4 marks]
1. The dimensions of the spinal cord are (length followed by thickness):-
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a. 12cm-4cm
b. 30cm-12cm
c. 6mm-12mm
d. 15cm- 12mm
e. 30mm- 6mm
f. 28mm – 4mm
g. 36mm – 10mm
h. 30mm-12m
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2. The gland secreting substance that lubricates the front portion of the eye:- :-
a. Lacrimal
b. Lachrymal
c. Lachrymal
d. Tear
e. Both A and D
f. Both C and D
3. Match the following:-
Column I / Column II1. Pituitary
2. Hypothalamus
3. LTH / a. Prolactin
b. Luteinizing hormone
c. MSH
d. MRH
1 / 2 / 3
A / b,c / d / b
B / b,d / a,d / b
C / b,c / c / b
D / b,d / a / a
4. Choose the wrong statement(s):-
a. Mixed nerves contain interneurons.
b. Afferent neurons carry stimulation from receptor to C.N.S.
c. Axon terminals are structures that secrete Acetylcholine.
d. Midbrain is the thin walled structure that doesn’t have any specific function in human beings.
e) Define the following ;- [2 marks]
1. Amniocentesis
2. Androgenic hormone
f) Choose the odd one out and tabulate your answer in the following manner:-
[ 3 marks]
Odd one / Category of others / Description of odd one1. H2A , H2B , H3A, H4
2. Conservative , Conjugative , Semi- conservative , Dispersive
3. Mg2+ , RUBP , PPC , Carboxylase
g) Arrange the following in logical sequence as given in curly braces:- [ 4 marks]
1. { Increasing concentration of substances in the urine}
i. Potassium chloride
ii. Sodium chloride
iii. Uric acid
iv. Sulphuric acid
v. Urea
vi. Ammonia
vii. Creatinine
viii. Organic substances
ix. Inorganic substances
2. {Order of steps to be taken for performing artificial breathing}
i Draw arms upwards
ii Repeat steps
iii Doctor arrives
iv Raise the chest
v Fold victim’s arms
vi Chest expands
vii Air is exhaled
viii Throw head back
ix Lay victim on back
x Sit beside the victim and hold his arms
xi Air is drawn
xii Press arms against ribs
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Section B
(60 marks)
Question 2
1) Observe the given figure and answer the questions that follow :- [ 4 marks]
i Identify a,b,c,d.
ii Name the major source of c. Also taxonomise c.
iii Give another name for :-
a. Granulocytes
b. Haemopiosis
iv What aids the functioning of g? Which body secretes heparin?
v Give the concentration of a , g and f in the blood.
vi Which are the scavengers of the cells? Why are they so called?
vii Which substance stains e?
viii What is the diameter of platelets? Mention the condition of a marked decrease In the number of thrombocytes.
2) Match the following:- (L Multiple matching) [2 marks]
A / B1. Universal pigments
2. Accessory pigments
3. Algae
4. Carrot / β carotene
α carotene
Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll b
Chlorophyll c
Chlorophyll d
Chlorophyll e
3) Observe the given figure and answer the questions based on the figure that follow :- [ 4 marks]
i Identify parts A – H
ii Give the technical names of parts labeled a to d.
iii What are meiocytes?
iv What is the difference between gametic meiosis and zygotic meiosis?
v Give alternative names for heterotypic and homotypic meiosis.
vi How is synapsis classified?
vii Explain phase B
viii Can mutations occur biologically? If yes, how? If no, why?
Question 3
1. [ 5 marks]
a. Study the diagram and answer question :-
i Identify the organ systems.
ii Label the parts a to h.
iii Give function of f.
iv Mention the function of a.
v Explain the structure of e?
vi Redraw the figure and draw and mark the structure similar to a.
vii What is the functioning of g?
b. Fill in the blanks :-
i Cowper’s gland is known as ______.
ii Seminal vesicles are a pair of ______, ______, ______or ______pouches found in males.
iii The shape of Prostate gland is ______.
iv Testis contains ______to ______lobules.
2. Answer the following :- [ 2 marks]
a. Where are the different areas of taste in a tongue?
b. Explain the process of perception of smell.
3. Insert correct word(s) in its appropriate location:-[ 3 marks]
a. The kind of ratio obtained in F2 generation by crossing 2 traits of character is called monohybrid cross.
b. WHO has headquarters in USA, India and Congo.
c. The condition in which a chromosome carries similar alleles of characters is called homozygous .
d. A cross between to varieties of organism taking into consideration a single character is called monohybrid cross.
e. Red Cross has societies in all countries and over 100 members.
f. Laparoscopy is the mechanism of oviduct.
Question 4
1. Study the figure and answer the questions:-
a. Identify parts 1 and 4.
b. Give 2 alternative names for Exophthalmic goiter.
c. Complete the brochure :-
d. What is Corn’s syndrome?
e. Name and define the disorder caused by hyper secretion of parathormone.
f. Mention the role of LH-RH, TRH and PRH. Which gland produces it? How? Explain.
g. Explain the shape and location of 1.
h. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the pituitary gland and mark the parts.
v Name 2 glucocorticoids.
v Name a flat conical gland.
v What is dihydroepiandrosterone?
j. Give the biological names of hormones produced by a cap like gland:-
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i Epinephrine
ii Nor epinephrine
iii Noradrenaline
iv Adrenaline
v Noradrenaline
vi Adrenalin
vii Epinephrin
viii Norepinephrin
ix Noradrenalin
x All of these
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k. Choose the symptoms of Addison’s disease from :-
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i Renal failure
ii Muscular weakness
iii Low blood sugar
iv High blood sugar
v High blood pressure
vi Nausea
vii Vomiting
viii Low b.p.
ix Diarrhoea
x Nervous imbalance
xi Oedema
xii Nausea
xiii Light pigmentation
xiv Dark pigmentation
xv Rise in blood volume
xvi Decrease in blood volume
xvii Electrolyte upset
xviii Na+ - K+ imbalance
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[ 7 marks]
2. Study the following figure carefully. Explain what is being shown in each figure. Also define the process shown explicitly in the figure. [ 3 marks]
Question 5
1. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:- [ 5 marks]
i Mark PARTS A- G.
ii What is the mass of the structure shown?
iii Name 2 membranous coverings of the heart?
iv Mention the valve at the opening of the H.
v Redraw the figure. Name and mark the series of inner muscular ridges in the inner surface of the heart.
vi Complete:-
Two aortic trunks arise directly from the ventricle - ______from right and ______from left and curving to left side to form ______. A corresponding arch on other side denotes -______.
vii What is ‘lesser circulation’?
viii Mention the duration of LUBB and DUP sounds.
ix Explain the renal and hypophysical portal systems.
x Differentiate between SA node and AV node.
2. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:- [ 5 marks]
i Mark PARTS A – H.
ii What is the difference between the two nephrons?
iii Urea is synthesized in the liver. Explain the two steps involved in this process.
iv What are the 4 conditions on which Effective Filtration pressure in Glomerular Filtration depend on?
v Write a brief note on the following kidney disorders:-
a. Pyuria
b. Ketonuria
c. Haemolytic jaundice
vi What are the following? In which parts of the figure do they occur? Explain its importance.
a. Augmentation
b. Obligatory reabsorption
c. Facultative Reabsorption
vii The following table is based on glomerular filtration. Complete it:
Part of bowman’s capsule /glomerulus / Substances permeable1. Endothelium of capillaries
2. Basement membrane of blood capillaries
3. Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule
Question 6
1. Given below are 2 real life photographs (electron microscope) of 2 stages of a cell division. [ 5 marks]
i Identify A and B. Give reasons.
ii Why is first stage of mitosis known as spireme stage?
iii Differentiate between prometaphase and prophase.
iv Mark and label primary constriction in the figure.
v What is the chemical constitution of spindle fibres?
vi When do chromosomes get granulized?
vii What is the function of endoplasmic reticulum in telophase?
viii What produces cell plate? What is cell plate also called?
ix Differentiate between animal and plant division on basis of chemical control.
x What is the significance of mitosis due to multicellular condition?
2. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:- [ 5 marks]
i Label parts A-F.
ii Draw a neat labeled diagram of chloroplast and mark the following :-
· Stoma lamellae
· Grana lamellae
iii What is electron transport chain? Where does it occur?
iv What are the two types of Photophosphorylation?
v What is the use of protons in Photochemical phase?
vi Represent the different phases of Calvin Cycle with the help of equations and descriptions. Decipher the phases from the following diagram:-
vii Draw a graph to represent the 3 cardinal points of a factor for photosynthesis
viii Differentiate between absorption spectrum and action spectrum.
ix How does the age of a leaf affect photosynthesis?
x Explain the following graph:-
Question 7
1. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:-
i Label Parts A-F.
ii Mention the 3 protective coverings of ovum.
iii Where in fallopian tube does fertilization occur?
iv Differentiate between the 3 foetal membranes on basis of structure and function.
v Redraw the third figure and mark the periods of progression and stages of zygote.
[ 3 marks]
2. Choose the odd one giving reasons:- [ 1 ½ marks]
i Hydrogen peroxide, iodine, spirit , silver nitrate
ii T.B, Meningitis, Pneumonia, typhoid
3. Given below are a set of terms. Match them. [ 1 ½ marks]
4. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:-
i Mark Parts A-D.
ii Mention the function B and D
iii Identify the second diagram. What is the specialty? Where is it found?
iv Pick odd one giving reasons :- Nasturtium, Oats, Colocasia, Melon
[ 2 marks]
5. Discuss the following terms in association with transpiration:- [ 2 marks]
i Scotoactive stomata
ii Abscissic acid
Question 8
1. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:-
i What is the speciality of the eye shown above? Explain.
ii Redraw the figure and mark the following :-
v Extraocular muscle
v Trochlear nerve
v Optical axis
v Radial muscle
v Lacrimal gland
v Tarsal gland
iii Discuss the following defects of the eye :
ü Glaucoma
ü Trachoma
ü Photophobia
ü Strabismus
iv Classify the visual pigments of cone cells.
v To which colours are the eye most sensitive?
vi Name the following
a. The agent controlling iris muscles
b. The structure secreting aqueous humour
[ 5 marks]
2. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:-
i Identify the structure.
ii Label Parts A- F
iii Differentiate between C and F
iv Explain functions of parts A – F
[ 3 marks]
3. Answer the following:- [ 2 marks]
i What is the lever-age of ossicles?