“Be Transformed”

A Study from the Book of Romans Lesson 10

“Death in Adam, Life in Christ”

“For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.”

Romans 5:19 (NIV)

Pray before you start your study. Ask the Lord to direct your thoughts and Keep you focused on Him.

Paul has finished his description of how God revealed and applied to mankind His provided righteousness on the basis of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, received by faith. He now presents several parallels contrasting the work of Jesus Christ (and its results in justification and reconciliation) with the work of another man, Adam (and its results in sin and death).

Read the entire passage Romans 5:12-21

1. As you read make note of anything the Spirit reveals to you:

*Write down the verses and ideas that stand out to you. Record your insights.

*What questions come to mind? Look for the answers.

Press into the Word of God. Be sure to note the Challenge on the last page.

Romans 5:12-14

2. Notice this passage starts with “therefore”. What is it there for? To what does it refer?

3. Verse 12 says, “sin entered the world and death through sin”. Discuss this. (To help you answer see Gen. 1:27-31 and Genesis 3).

*What was the world like before?

*How did sin enter?

*What were the results?

*In summary, what two things did Adam introduce into the world and pass on to his descendants?

For Fun:

Adam’s descendants (humankind) all inherit his sinful nature, his tendency and willingness to sin. Those who disobeyed a command, (Adam’s transgression), those who had no law (the law came by Moses) and the young who die before they have a chance to commit a sinful act are just as corrupt by nature. (Vs. 13-14). Our wrong, hurtful, selfish thoughts and deeds are but the expressions of the sinful nature within.

Using the teachings of Jesus, Mark 7:20-23, Matthew 15:16-20 expand on this statement. What is Jesus’ point? Where does “evil” come from? How did it get there? What conclusion?

Romans 5:15-21

4. We are not sinful because we sin; we sin because we are sinful. It is our union and connection with Adam that makes us all sin and all die. Paul now compares Adam with Christ Jesus. Fill in the chart below by noting what each did and the results that affected the whole human race. How are Adam and Christ different? How are they alike?

One man (Adam) One Man (Christ Jesus)

Vs. 15


Vs. 16


Vs. 17


Vs. 18


Vs. 19


Vs. 21


Why is this comparison important for your life? How should it affect the way you think or act?

5. Paul repeats “how much more” and “one---many” to show the difference between Adam and Jesus Christ. Vs. 15-17 Why is Jesus’ effect “much more” than Adam’s?

6. How did Jesus make us righteous before God? Vs. 18-19

7. Note the use of the words “gift” and “grace”. How many times are they used in this passage? To what do they refer? What do the words “gift” and “grace” tell us about our position and relationship with the Lord? Support your answer with other Scripture.

Respond by taking time to praise and thank the Lord for His free gift and what it means to your life.

8. What was one purpose for the law? Vs. 20 In what way does grace increase when sin increases?

9. Observe the word "reign" in vs. 14, 17 & 21. What does it mean? How is "reigning” related to choice?

How can you act out the truth of “reigning in your life”? Be specific.

Special Consideration:

*What did you learn about Adam and Christ? How does that affect your personal outlook on life?

*How does having the status of being righteous rather than sinful before God affect your life right now?

*How does the cross really deliver us from the power of the sinful nature passed on through the human race?


What one insight from this passage would you like to concentrate on this week?

How can you let it affect your thoughts and actions?

Record these things on your Takeaway Sheet.


Start each day, before you get out of bed, with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.

Copy, memorize and meditate on Romans 5:19. If the Lord emphasized a different Scripture, then copy, memorize and meditate on that.

Purpose in your heart to put into action what the Holy Spirit revealed.