GTR - BExA Young Exporter of the Year Award 2017


The successful candidate will, typically, have played a key role in winning a significant order or a series of smaller orders, or in establishing a successful new business. Candidates shall be employed in either the export sales and marketing departments of manufacturing companies, or in trading or financial service companies.

The key parameters are:

  • Candidates must be aged 35 or under on 31st December 2016;
  • They must either be employed by a BExA member, or (if employed by a non-member company registered in the UK) be proposed by a BExA member.

The Nominator shall set out in less than 1,000 words the reason for the nomination.

Short listed applicants will be interviewed by a GTR BExA panel in September 2017.

The Winner will receive a cheque for £1,000 at the BExA Annual Lunch at the Mansion House on 10th October 2017. The Winner will also be invited to the GTR Annual Awards Dinner in Spring 2018.

The deadline for applications is Friday, 30th June 2017.


  • Nomination Form (2 pages)
  • An article on last year’s joint-winners, Freddie Tucker and Nick de Lisle, which appeared in the Nov/Dec 2016 issue of GTR.

GTR - BExA Young Exporter of the Year Award 2017


Details of the Nominee:

Name and office email
Employer’s name and address
Office telephone
Position held
Brief description of duties with employer
Date of birth
Personal interests and activities

Details of the person nominating: (must be employed by a member of BExA)

Name and office email
Employer’s name and address
Office telephone
Position held
Brief description of duties with employer
Relationship to the nominee
How long have you known the nominee?
Do you wish us to reveal who has made the nomination?
Is the nominee aware that (s)he has been nominated?

GTR - BExA Young Exporter of the Year Award 2017


Please outline in no more than 1,000 words the reason for the nomination (continue on a separate sheet if necessary).

Person nominating (signature) ………………………………….. Date ………………………


  1. The nominee must work in the export department of a manufacturing, trading or financial services company registered in the UK.

2.He or she must be aged 35 or under on 31st December 2016.

  1. This application form must be returned to Michelle Treasure, Secretariat, BExA (the British Exporters Association), 9th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, LondonSW1E 6QP (tel: 020 7222 5419)or emailed to by Friday, 30th June 2017.
  2. The successful candidate will, typically, have played a key role in winning a significant order or achieving a series of smaller orders, or in establishing a new business process which has led to increased export competitiveness.

NEXT STEP: Short-listed applicants will be interviewed by GTR/BExA. The Winner will receive a cheque for £1,000 at the BExA Annual Lunch on 10th October 2017, and will be invited to the GTR Awards Dinner in 2018.