RegularMeeting of the Board of Directors

Date: October 20, 2005

Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Chesterfield Mews Community Association was held at the home of JoAnn Andren, located at 3160 Readsborough Drive, Fairfax, Virginia,on October 20, 2005. The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m., with President JoAnn Andren presiding, and Nancy Duff, secretary, took the minutes.

Board Members in Attendance:JoAnn Andren

Dave Sobel

Ginny Howden

Michael Epley

Candace Baker

Ross Bankson

Nancy Duff

Bob Parker and Sia Ansariwere not present.

Members in attendance:Helen Fortner

Marlin Schrock

Cathy Hall

Mary McGarvey

Approval of Minutes: Since the minutes of the meeting ofSeptember 15, 2005, were previously sent to the BOD, the reading of the minutes was waived and approved as submitted.


Marlin Schrock inquired as to the piles of leaves that were gathered in the streets by Valley Crest. JoAnn Andren confirmed that they would be removed in the next day or so.

An email was submitted to JoAnn Andren from Anne Patchell wherein she resent her email of March 9, 2005, addressing her problem with the location and replacement of her mailbox on Eakin Park Ct. Ross Bankson will speak to Anne and research with the Post Office if this could be done. No action was taken at this time.

JoAnn Andren also submitted her own letter addressing a safe place for teenagers to play basketball or throw a football, and requesting that the circle at the top of Readsborough (where the basketball standard is located) by designating a “no parking” zone. Marlin Schrock volunteered to work with JoAnn to research other options, one of which is to use the tennis courts for multiple use. No action was taken at this time.


President’s Report:

There was no report of the President.

Vice-President’s Report:

There was no report of the Vice President.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Parker submitted the following Report:

Financial Summary:

Our (fiscal) Year-to-Date variance at net income through September 30th changed little from the prior month in real terms. Our insurance payment was made though not in the year-to-date budget but within our full year plan. Though legal fees remain over budget (only our retainer is in the budget) the good news is for another full month, the snow removal item remains strongly better than our year-to-date budget.

You may have noted on our balance sheet that our “excess” cash now shows as being invested in a CD. Note that it is a CD in name only; the account allows for ample additions and subtractions throughout the one year term. The highly flexible nature of the CD reflects the extra effort the Community Association Bank makes towards meeting the needs of the associations. It earns a yield of 4.00%. You may also have noted that balances still appear in the former Riggs accounts. These balances will be resolved with progress in the audit process.

Association Audit:

Koger remains the cog in the gears of progress for us. Ahlberg & Company requested prior year records from Koger in July and continues to await notice of those being pulled from storage. We are assembling a short list (3 to 4) of new management firms to solicit for bids, review their background and references and prepare for transition at the end of Koger’s contract.


Communications Committee: Candace Baker, Chairman, submitted a proposed Welcome Package. The Board is to review this package and give feedback to Candace as soon as possible. The next meeting of the Communications Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Candace Baker.

Social Committee:Nancy Duff reported that the Social Committee had met on October 6, 2005, (Minutes attached) to plan the Halloween Party, scheduled for Sunday, October 30, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Courtyard Clean-Up Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. JoAnn was asked if she would check with Valley Crest regarding use of a dumpster on Clean-Up Day, as well as inquire if it was possible to have two employees of Valley Crest come to Clean-Up Day from 11:00-1:00 p.m. to assist homeowners in guiding them how to maintain trees and shrubs. She will check to see if they would “volunteer” or get their hourly rate. She will informNancy of her results.

Board members were encouraged to participate in community events. They were notified that they were eligible to participate in the Holiday Raffle. Only committee members and their spouses are not.

The next meeting of the Social Committee is scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. at 3173 Eakin Park Court.

Vehicle Violations: Vehicle Violations will be listed in each newsletter. Options were discussed, but no action was taken at this time.

Crack-fill and sidewalk repair: The recent crack fill and sidewalk repair has been completed. The cost for this service totaled $11,147. Sealing will be done in the spring.

Grounds and Maintenance: Jo Ann had just received bids for drainage on the day of the Board meeting. She will review these bids and distribute them to the Board for discussion at the next Board meeting.

Neighborhood Watch: Ginny reported that there was a theft recently from an unlocked car. There were no other reports this month.

Architectural Control Committee: Dave Sobel, Chairman, submitted the following Report of the last two meetings of the ACC:

CMCA Architectural Control Board Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2005


In attendance: Dave Sobel, Dennis O’Conner, Joanne Colman, JoAnn Andren

  1. Discussion of storm door/window options for homes. Selected:

Pella, model 4602, Color Brown

Andersen / Home Depot, EMCO HD 75/150 Color : Bronze

Vote to approve these two options passed unanimously.

  1. Discussion of next steps – AC board will create a tip sheet for residents
  2. Dave Sobel will develop response letter to submissions
  3. Discussion of upcoming inspection. Dennis to prepare guidelines for next meeting
  4. Next meeting set for Oct 17, at Joanne Coleman’s home at 7:30pm

CMCA Architectural Control Board Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2005


In attendance: Dave Sobel, Dennis O’Conner, Joanne Colman

1.Nancy Duff presented plan for renovation of courtyard in their cluster. Approved unanimously.

2.Paint colors

  1. Dennis has found all the formulas for the paints
  2. Two door colors have been discontinued, and McCormick has no record of them. Committee voted to retire those two colors.
  3. Committee requests to purchase paints from McCormick in all colors, and requests approval of expeneduture

3.Inspection Guidelines were reviewed by committee, with open discussion. Dennis to revise again and present at next meeting.

4.Dave to present question to main board – is there a known height requirement for the steps?

5.Committee voted unanimously to retire color Chestnut used in one cluster of homes for trim/rakeboards and replace with Oxford, making the Oxford Brown the color for all trim/rakeboard in the community.

6.Committee to ask Candice what is going in the welcome packet, and should approved paint colors be one?

7.Committee to ask Communications committee to restate notice that changes must be approved, to include form on website.

8.Next meeting set for Nov 14, at Dennis O’Connor’s home at 7:30pm, 3141 Readsbourough

McCormick Paint Colors for Chesterfield Mews Residents

Table 1. Paint Availability
House Colors
Moss Green / Yes, with formula.
Neutral Gray / Yes, with formula.
Fawn / Yes, still a current color (#117)
Oxford Brown / Yes, with formula.
Chesterfield Brown / Yes, with formula.
Door Colors (and color number for current colors)
Incense / Yes, still a current color (#106).
Farm House Red / Yes, still a current color (#217).
Old Colonial Red / Yes, still a current color (#225).
Harness Shop Tan / No, there’s no record of this color at McCormick Paint.
Persian Plum / Yes, still a current color (#480).
York Beige / No, there’s no record of this color at McCormick Paint.

Paints are available at:

McCormick Paint

8501 Tyco Rd.

Vienna, VA22182

Phone: (703) 734-0770

Use McCormick State House Exterior Flat Acrylic House Paint (19 series) or State House Exterior Lustre Acrylic Latex House Paint (27 series)

For “still a current color”, paint chips are shown in the brochure “McCormick Paints: Exterior Colour Collection”.

For “formula” colors, no chip is available, except at the McCormick store in the Chesterfield Mews file.

This information is current as of 9/28/05.

Dave Sobel made a motion to allow him to purchase wood and McCormick paint to make “paint chips” for use by the ACC. After discussion among the Board, the motion was unanimously carried.

Michael Epley will provide to Dave Sobel a copy of the Uniform Building Code so that Dave can check on the step height for courtyards.

Newsletter Topics: It was requested that the Newsletter restate that “notice of changes must be approved by the ACC.”

It was also requested that the list of Board members be changed to better facilitate calls from homeowners regarding certain problems.


Koger Management . . . Nancypresented a draft letter to Koger Management at the September Board Meeting requesting that they provide a proposal for a “full-service”contract. This letter was not sent out as of the October meeting. It was decided that JoAnn would contact Jeff Koger immediately. JoAnn is alsoin the process of getting names of other management companies so that we can receive other bids for 2006. Our contract with Koger expires on 12/31/05.


Snow Czar: It was recommended to JoAnn by our insurance company that CMCA provide snow removal for the sidewalks. There was also discussion that Bob Dufrane would be interested in being the “snow czar.” After discussion among the Board on this issue, it was decided that JoAnn would call Bob to discuss this issue with him. No further action was taken at this time.

Tennis Court: There was discussion among the Board that we would get a proposal for resurfacing the tennis court and also a proposal as an all-purpose court and to explore making a permanent basketball court at the tennis court. No action was taken.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.


SecretaryDate of Approval