Press Release

Embargoed until 8 October

Optometrists encourage regular tests to improve eye health

Optometrists have joined forces to highlight the need for regular eye tests to help reduce sight loss,alongside World Sight Daythis Thursday (October 10th).

The Association of Optometrists Ireland (AOI) and the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) have come together for the ‘Healthy Eyes’ campaign to raise awareness of the importance of eye tests as a vital health check for everyone.

Despite ongoing efforts of the healthcare system, we continue to suffer from sight loss of which more than 50% is preventable. Research indicates that up to 75% of sight loss in older people can be avoided[i]. These conditions can only be prevented if they are detected early, and the key to that is a regular eye test.

There are currently over 220,000 people living with sight loss in Ireland and this is forecast to increase to 271,996[ii]by 2020, as the overall population ages.

Furthermore, given the growing incidence in key underlying causes of sight loss such as obesity and diabetes, this could represent an underestimate if Ireland does not take a comprehensive approach to early detection and treatment.

The Irish Government committed to the objectives of Vision 2020 almost ten years ago. This is a global collaborative initiative led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) with the overarching objective of eliminating avoidable sight loss by 2020.

FODO Ireland Chairman, Peter McGrath, said, “Research shows that sight is the sense people fear losing the most and yet most don’t consider an eye test to be an integral part of their health routine. An eye test is a vital health check which can detect health conditions for which you may be experiencing no symptoms and allows early intervention to save sight.”

Peter Coleman, Chief Executive of AOI said, “Sight loss is on the increase in Ireland. World Sight Day is not just about developing countries. We have first class eye care services in Ireland. We need everyone in Ireland to take advantage of them. The Healthy Eyes campaign message is a simple one – everyone needs a regular eye test.”


Notes to Editor

  1. The Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) Ireland is the representative body for opticians in business across Ireland.

The Association of optometrists Ireland (AOI) represents the profession of Optometry and Optometrists practicing in all sectors

  1. For more information about the campaign, go to or email Giles Butler at or
  1. You can follow the campaign on Twitter at @healthy_eyes

[i] Australian Institute of Health & Welfare (2005) Vision problems among older Australians)

[ii] NCBI (2010) The Cost of Sight Loss – The economic impact of vision impairment and blindness in the Republic of Ireland)