ORDINARY MEETING MINUTESfrom the meeting held on
Monday, December 14th, 2015, 7.00 p.m., at Stockley Crescent Meeting Room
Present: Cllrs Davies, Lawday, Smith, Sumner and Webster
and 4 members of the public
Number / Item / Document145/15 / APOLOGIES
To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Rosbotham, and Wilkinson
146/15 / MINUTES of the LAST MEETING
i) To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on Nov 9th, 2015, and to approve them as a true and accurate record of proceedings
These Minutes were approved.
ii) For the Chairman to sign these Minutes and initial each page
The Minutes were signed.
iii) To consider any Matters Arising from these Minutes
There were no matters arising.
i) To receive any changes to the current Register of Interests
There were no changes to the Register of Interests.
ii) To receive any Declarations of Interest for any item on this agenda
There were none.
i) To adjourn the meeting for a period of public participation
4 members of the public were present.
Matters raised were as follows:
Mr John Taylor pointed out that traffic does not keep to the 30 mph speed limit on Church Rd and that more “Slow” signs are needed; and Mrs Caroline Taylor reported that the 30 mph speed signs had been removed. Council response was that the police have regularly done speed checks here; that offenders had been booked; and that the removed speed signs said “New Speed Limit in Force” (as the signs had been up for 4 years or more this is why they had been removed). The Clerk will follow this up as more 30 mph signs are needed to replace them.
Mr Taylor complained that some council meetings are held at Four Lane Ends Mission and he would prefer them all to be at Stockley Crescent. (Meetings are spread out around the parish so that all residents will have chance to attend meetings nearer their home).
Mr Taylor would like a list of meetings (the Clerk will supply this): meeting details are on notice-boards including the one at Stockley Crescent, and were in the most recent newsletter delivered to households.
Mr Taylor said that the grid on the corner of Stockley Crescent regularly blocks despite his repeated attempts to get this issue sorted out. LCC Highways has been informed.
Mrs Caroline Taylor reported that the bus shelter on Church Rd is being used as a toilet by some cyclists. Upkeep of bus shelters will go onto the agenda for the next BPC meeting so that this matter can be addressed.
Mrs Barbara Southworth asked about the extra car parking plans for Stockley Crescent, and if there was news of any start date. These plans seemed to have been put into abeillance considering the budget cuts to WLBC. The Clerk would make enquiries.
Mrs Southworth and Mrs Taylor had not expected there to be a BPC meeting in the Residents’ Lounge this evening. WLBC had authorised the meeting dates; the Warden had confirmed that the room was not being used currently on Monday evenings; and the Clerk has been supplied with a key to the room. WLBC suggested that a small donation be given to WLBC for the use of the room. Mrs Southworth suggested that BPC gives a donation for the Residents Lounge.
Mr Paul Andrews (Chairman of BAFC) reported that the interior clubhouse re-painting is nearly complete, and that the improvements to the electrics would be completed soon in readiness for the room to be hired out.
ii) To reconvene the meeting
The meeting was reconvened.
To receive information and make responses as appropriate to any current planning applications or planning matters in Bickerstaffeas follows:
i) To receive an update on Jubilee Wood Planning Application REF: 2015/0067/ASP
The date for the Planning Meeting for this planning application has been postponed to January now. The amended plan shows that the proposed new entrance to the privately owned part of Jubilee Wood appears to cross Cycle Trails Land. There had been no acknowledgement of the fact that BPChas ACV (Asset of Community Value) on the Cycle Trails land owned by LCC.
Safety and other concerns still exist over the proposed plans.
The Clerk will write to the Planning Officer about the ACV and concerns over safety and lack of consultation.
ii) To receive an update on planning matters relating to Stanley Gate Nursery, and to consider a Sustainable Communities Act (SCA) submission from BPC
Cllr Webster had attended a meeting with residents and Borough Cllr Cotterill about the refusal by WLBC of the plans to build a house at Stanley Gate Nursery, and the future eviction of the family.
A pre-circulated report from Cllrs Webster/ Cotterill was noted, and a proposalthat BPC submits an SCA was resolved.Borough Cllr Cotterill would assist with this.
150/15 / FINANCES
i)To approve the bank reconciliation for the last quarter (01/09/15 – 30/11/15)
The Bank Reconciliation was deferred to the next meeting as the last bank statements had not yet been received.
ii) To approve, and for signatories to sign, cheques for the following amounts:
To: / For: / Amount:
Yates Playgrounds Ltd / New works at the Parish Field(+ £30 VAT owing from last bill) / (£6,544.80)
CJ Pennington / Grass maintenance / £399.42
JASmith (NETWISE) / Wordpres Training / £120.00
WebKwik / Website Hosting Annual Fee / £68.99
J A Smith (to Netwise) / Wordpres Training (Netwise) / £120.00
J A Smith (to LALC) / Finance Workshop / £25.00
J A Smith(THREE Mobile Wi-Fi)) / Wi-Fi set up and 3 months fees / £78.00
J A Smith KC Computers / Malware and Ext Hard - Drive / £65.99
Earl Haig Fund / Poppy Wreath Remembrance Day / £25.00
CJ Pennington / Tree felling &clearance / £90.00
J A Smith / Clerk’s Salary / £1,755.00
The above amounts were approved and cheques were signed. / Copy of Invoice for field works (“Yates”
sent with Summons)
All invoices available at meeting
151/15 / BUDGET and PRECEPT for 2016/17
i) To receive the proposed budget for 2016/17 from the Finance Committee
A draft budget proposal was received and accepted.
ii) To set a precept for the financial year 2016/2017
A precept was set in principle at the same level for 2016/17 as for 2015/16, soit was resolved that no increase would be made to the parish precept for 2016/17. However, due to proposed funding cuts to parishes from WLBC (concurrent grants and council tax support grant, which would not be confirmed until February 2016); the parish precept may need to be increased in the following financial year – 2017/18).
iii) To note funding allocations for the Cycle Trails of £500 for Bickertrax (Cycle Trails Management Group), plus a sum of £3,100 from LCC to BPC
These amounts were noted as having been ear-marked for use on the Cycle Trails. / Proposed
Draft Budget
- sent 14.12.15
To note and approve the grant funding re-application to NALC for implementation of the Transparency Code, following updated guide-lines from LALC; and advice that only website management and training can be claimed for
An amended application for £192 was noted and approved. / Transparency Fund App - (67 KB)
i) To decide which company to employ to carry out the installation of the CCTV system
Two firms were shortlisted pending receipt of references.
ii) To approvebroadband connection at the BAFC Clubhouse
This work was approved in principle.
iii) To note the stipulation from BAFC that a separate metered electricity supply should be installed for the CCTV system at the clubhouse, and to approve this
This was agreed. / Late Documents sent by email on 14.12.15
i) To note the final costings of the 2015/16 project for parish field improvements (“Better Bickerstaffe”) - documents attached to Summons
These costings were scrutinised and approved.
ii) To consider ideas for future projects if WLBC Capital Funding becomes available in 2016/17
The Parish Field Car Park needs resurfacing. BPC would need to start building funds for this.
Parishioners will be asked for ideas for projects in the next Newsletter, via the website
and on the BPC Facebook page (Bickerstaffe Parish Life). / Invoice (58 KB)
Capital Grant ((14 KB)
To elect a member representative of the Parish Council to beon the cohort of this Trust
There was discussion about the remit of this charity and how it is administered, but no volunteer was forthcoming. Cllrs posed some questions to be sent to the solicitor acting on behalf of the charity; so this item will be posted on the next agenda when more information hopefully will have been received.
156/15 / SEATS at the PARISH FIELD
i) To note and accept a donation of £500 from the Bickerstock Committee for a seat at the field
This donation was accepted and installation of this seat was agreed.
ii) To note the grant approval of £300 from the Parish Champion Fund for seating at the field
This amount was noted.
iii) To approve an amount from BPC for the installation of a bench seat near the hedge on Intake Lane side of the field, and a picnic table for the opposite side of the field ; total cost £1,050.00 (suggested contribution of £250 from BPC)
It was resolved that BPC would go ahead with this project and the cost was approved. / Seating (3 KB) and Seats (56 KB)
To consider the outcome of the viewing of the documents in the Parish Chest and the assessment of their condition, in order to determine future storage arrangements for the documents
It was agreed that the documents are in good condition and the current storage arrangements are adequate; and that it is desirable to keep the documents housed in the parish where they are accessible to parishioners.
To consider any responses to the following consultations and draft reviews:
The draft Strategies cover the period 2015-2025 and encompass the WLBC’s built sports facilities, arts and ranger services, a community centre, play provision and playing pitches. These strategies set out a plan to make borough leisure facilities better and ensure they meet the needs of West Lancashire people, in the context of the available resources.
There was brief discussion of this, but no response from BPC was deemed necessary.
Lancashire County Council is seeking views on its proposed Parish based public transport scheme, whereby the authority will support local communities, with the provision of a minibus type vehicle in order for people to provide their own local bus service for their community.
Further questions were suggested by members concerning the cost and practicalities of such a scheme, to be addressed to Cllr Fillis (LCC).
There is a public consultation on the Commission's draft recommendations on new electoral division boundaries across Lancashire in order to deliver electoral equality where each county councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the county.
Advice and further information will be sought before a response is made as it had not possible to ascertain if there were any major changes to West Lancs from the information received so far. / News from West Lancs (33 kb)
Public-based Bus Scheme
- 2 docs( 222 kb & 725 kb)
Lancs Draft Review (95 kb)
To consider whether BPC should accept the potential offer of taking ownership of the whole area of land upon which the Cycle Trails is sited (the plot of land which has been designated as an “Asset of Community Value”), from LCC for the nominal sum of £1
It was resolved that BPC agreed in principle with acquiring the Cycle Trails land from BPC, but this would be dependent on BPC being able to use LCC insurance, as a stand-alone policy from BPC insurers would be prohibitive to BPC due to cost. / ACV (17 KB)
To note the date, time and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting as being
7 p.m., Monday, January 11th, 2016, at Stockley Crescent Meeting Room
This was noted.
To adjourn the meeting:
i) for Councillors to present any information or updates on Council related matters, or suggest any items for future agendas (although no resolutions can be made at this point in the meeting)
ii) for the Clerk to present any updates on Council related matters and to give information on progress of current projects and council business
The SpID deployed at Barrow Nook is an intelligent SpID that records speed and volume of vehicles.This data is received and analysed by the Road Safety team who will update both BPC and County Cllr O'Toole on the data retrieved and to advise of any proposed action dependent upon the results.Cllr Lawday felt it hadn’t been placed in the optimum locations to catch speeding vehicles. The Clerk had informed the relevant authorities of this.
The Elms School has volunteered to build an easy route - a“blue” trail at the Cycle Trails. Tim Blythe is in touch with the Elms school to ensure that proper procedures are followed. A new trail would need to be checked by a professional trail –builder before it is opened to the public. Trailcraft will be contacted in this respect.
Cllr Lawday is awaiting information on the cost of a defibrillator for Barrow Nook following some research. A cheque for £250 had not yet been received from “Just Shocking”.
There still remains a vacant seat on BPC despite the article in the newsletter. No-one has come forward.
The Clerk would like to go on the NALC course for Planning and informed councilors via the last Clerk’s Digest of courses open to them.
Cllr Sumner said that there is interest in local history and the older generation has a wealth of information which will be lost as they pass away. Various projects for preserving local heritage were discussed.