Profile - Marie Elisabeth Müller1

dr. marie elisabeth mueller

DAAD Lecturer at the University of Nairobi/

Head German Studies Programme

c/o DAAD, Regional Office For Africa,

P.O. Box 14050, 00800 Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya

mob.:+254-735-388928, e-mail:

Nationality: German


Organization and management: Supervising and executing departmental organisation and conference organization in institutions of higher education and in the media. Core-member of multi-lateral network in the field of humanities with institutions of higher education in the whole of Africa and with German universities.

Research and analysis: Extensive research experience including evaluation. Strong analytical skills.

Media production and editorial competence: Managed and and coordinated radio programmes in public broadcast. Extensive experience in writing, editing and public relations, including proposal writing.

Cross-cultural experience: Work experience in the fields of higher education and the media in Europe, USA and Africa with various institutions in both sectors, the public and the private, and international organisations.

Main topics: Cultural Studies, Media Theorie, Comparative Literature, Postcolonial Studies.

Countries worked in: Germany, Kenya (long-term); Algeria, Austria, France, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, USA (short-term).

Languages: Fluent in English, German (mother tongue), and good working knowledge of French; beginners’ knowledge in Arabic.

Computer: Proficient in Windows applications and Internet applications.

relevant experience

October2004DAAD-Lecturer (German Academic Exchange

to dateService) and Head German Studies Programme,

Department of Linguistics and Languages,

University of Nairobi/Kenya,

Degree levels: B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in German Studies;

June 2004 -Working on non-fictional biography of Polish Holocaust

September2004survivor Mietek Pemper;

January2004 -Part-time Lecturer at the University of Fine Arts, Berlin/

June2004Germany, Postgraduates: Cultural Journalism and Radio- Journalism;

October2001 -Editor for „SWR2 Zeitwort“ (SWR),

January2003German public broadcast station: feature department;

March1993 -Journalist & Writer, Editor, Feature-Producer at German

June2004public broadcast stations SWF, SDR, SWR:

Feature and production department.


Juli+August1999BBC Training, Radio + TV, in London/UK;

March1995 -Ph.D. (Dr. phil.), University of Konstanz,/Germany,

July1998Grade: magna cum laude, Title of Dissertation: Passages of Meaning. An aesthetical theory of event-related representation – paradoxical and serial structures, informal fakes and Peter Greenaway‘s featurefilms (media science);

January1998 -Training as Feature Producer at German public broadcast

December 1998station SDR in Stuttgart: Feature and production department;

October1990 -Part-time Lecturer and Tutor at the German Studies

November1992Department, Eberhardt Karls-University of Tuebingen/ Germany;


June1996 -Scholarship by protestant educational foundation:

April1997“Villigst”, in Schwerte/Germany;

March1988 -M.A. (Magister Artium), University of Tuebingen/Germany,

November1992Grade: A, Title of M.A. Thesis: Narrating in the air of recollection. Studies on Ingeborg Bachmann’s novel “Malina“) (modern literature);

October1986 -Scholarship by protestant educational foundation:

November1992„Villigst“, in Schwerte/Germany;

October1985 -Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf/Germany, February 1988 1. major: New German Literature, 1. minor: Philosophy,

2. minor: Linguistics (German);

May 1985A-Levels (Abitur), Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium, (Secondary School), in Hilden/Germany;

conference organizations

2006Co-organizer of international conference “The Principle of Sustainability – an interdisciplinary view” (for DAAD Alumni) at the University of Nairobi, 30.11.-01.12.2006;

2006Core organizer of regional workshop „Contemporary Literary Theory” (for East-African Scholars in German Studies) at the University of Nairobi, 04.-05.11.2006;

2005Core organizer of international conference “Across Borders: Benefiting from Cultural Differences” at the University of Nairobi, 17.-18.03.2005.

selected publications

public lectures

2005Chair of Section at the International Conference IRICS: Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies, Section: “One remains on? – The impact of audiovisual media on the collective memory and the reproduction of cultural experience”, Vienna, 9.-11.12.2005;

2005Public talk and discussion on “The impact of audio-visual media on collective memory”, on occasion of a DAAD round-table-discussion, at the DAAD Regional Office for Africa, in Nairobi, 24.08.2005;

2005Public talk on “Signs and Images”, presentation on occasion of opening a Guenter Grass exhibition at the Goethe-Institut, Nairobi, 26.01.2005.


Mietek Pemper, Der rettende Weg. Schindlers Liste - Die wahre Geschichte, aufgezeichnet von Viktoria Hertling und Marie Elisabeth Mueller, Hamburg: Hoffmann Und Campe 2005;

Passagen des Sinns. Eine aesthetische Theorie ereignishafter Darstellung.

Ueber paradoxe Sinnserien, informelle Fakes und Peter Greenaway‘s Featurefilme (Diss.), Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen & Neumann 1999.


e-mail aus nairobi, in: parapluie, elektronische zeitschrift fuer kulturen. kuenste. literaturen, rubrik: korrespondenz, from 10/2005 to date, .


Across Borders: Benefiting from cultural differences, DAAD Conference

Proceedings (DAAD in collaboration with University of Nairobi und Goethe-Institut Nairobi), ed. by. Ruth Bett, Cay Etzold, Marie Elisabeth Mueller, 17.-18. March 2005.


Vorwaerts nach Afrika! Die Harlem Renaissance und ihr Afrika-Bild nach dem Ende der Sklaverei – zwischen Mythos und Realitaet, in: Weltengarten, Deutsch-Afrikanisches Jahrbuch fuer Interkulturelles Denken, hgg. v. Leo Kreutzer und David Simo, Hannover 06/2006;

Beyond Communication: The Sublime and the Image of the Foreign in Western Modernity, in: PSYCHOPATHOLOGIE africaine, Social Sciences and Psychiatry in Africa, P. 1:49-62, Vol. XXXIII – N°1 – 2005-2006;

Erinnerung und Performanz – das ewige Spiel und seine Fortsetzung in audio-visuellen Medien. Eine interkulturelle Verstehensstrategie, in: Reproductions and Innovations in Cultures and Societies, TRANS-Studien zur Veraenderung der Welt, Bd. 2, ed. by Herbert Arlt, INST, Wien 2006;

Vorsicht Gegenverkehr! – Dialog ohne Einbahnstrasse. Wie man Geschichte(n) teilen und erzaehlen kann, in: Acta Germanica, Yearbook of the German Studies Association in South Africa, Issue 33, 2005;

Ein Fall fuer Gespenster – Kuesse durchs Telephon. Kulturelle Erfahrungen und moderne Re-Produktionsmedien, eine literatur-empirische Betrachtung des Telephonapparats (mit Texten kenianischer und algerischer StudentInnen), in: ODV-Zeitschrift, Oraner Deutschlehrerverband, Oran, Issue 12, Juni 2005;

The Challenges to Literature in Research and Development, in: Re-Invigorating the university mandate in a globalizing environment: challenges, obstacles and the way forward, DAAD Conference Proceedings (DAAD in collaboration with Kenyan DAAD Scholars Association and Kenyatta University), 26.-27. Mai 2005;

Fabulous Reality – Real Fables: The European Tradition of Animal Prosecution. An Example of Literary Texts as Hidden History Writing, in: Across Borders: Benefiting from cultural differences, DAAD Conference Proceedings (DAAD in collaboration with University of Nairobi und Goethe-Institut Nairobi), 17.-18. March 2005;

Schoene weisse Galerien! - Ethnische Kriterien und pluralistische Konzepte in der westlichen Kunstwelt, in: Das Verbindende der Kulturen, TRANS-Studien zur Veraenderung der Welt, Bd. 1, ed. by Herbert Arlt, INST, Wien 2004.


Mazrui showed unscientific bias, response to Ali A. Mazrui’s essay: Exceptional Jewish power being felt everywhere across the world, in: Guest Forum, The Sunday Standard, 04.06.2006;

Ethnic Conflict & Civic Life, Hindus and Muslims in India, von Ashutosh Varshney, Rezension, SPRINGERIN in Dezember 2003;

Jenseits des Eurozentrismus. Ein Gespraech mit Shalini Randeria, in: SPRINGERIN in Maerz 2003;

Zum Konflikt zwischen Hindus und Muslimen in Indien. Wie ethnische Gewalt erst geschuert wird, Rezension von: Ethnic Conflict & Civic Life, Hindus and Muslims in India, von Ashutosh Varshney, FREITAG, 25.06.2004;

Kristallisierte Erfahrungen: Das Lexikon der oesterreichischen Spanienkaempfer 1936 – 1939 ist erschienen, Rezension in: FREITAG 2004;

Duenne Lackschicht der Normalitaet – Mieczyslaw Pemper verbuergt die unbekannte Sprache der Ueberlebenden, in: FREITAG, 24.01.2003;

Chaos einer Black Box. Das unuebersetzbare Fremde – Die Documenta11 in Kassel und eine leise Ausstellung in Wien, in: FREITAG, 19.07.2002;

Die Propaganda des Bildes. Zur Dynamik von sichtbaren und verborgenen Ereignisketten -Was der Begriff des Erhabenen in Bezug auf Terror erhellen kann, in: FREITAG, 26.10.2001;

Sarajewo gruesst New York. V-Day 2001, in: FREITAG, 23.03.2001.