Windsor Public Library Board

Tuesday October 27, 2015

4:00 p.m.

Central Branch

Present:Dr.P. Frise(Chair), Councillor I. Kusmierczyk,

H. Pawley, M. Payne, Councillor R. Bortolin, D. Lee

Staff:K. Pope (CEO), N. Peel, A. Rutherford (Secretary)

Guests:Mayor Drew Dilkens

V. Critchley

J. Mancina, Finance

Regrets:Councillor J. Gignac

  1. Call to Order: Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.Regrets as above.
  1. Approval of agenda:

ElderCollege & WPL Meeting Rooms Report added to (10) New Business (table dropped)

120.15 / Moved: / R. Bortolin / Seconded: / M. Payne
That the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED
  1. Declarationof Pecuniary Interest:None

4. Guest: Mayor Drew Dilkens

Chair P. Frise welcomed the Mayor to the Board meeting. P. Frise thanked the Mayor and his staff for all the good work and support given to WPL over the years, especially in this past year as WPL merges as a department of the City.

The Mayor commented on the plans for WPL in the next few years, especially plans to “right size” the Central Library.

A photo opportunity with the Mayor and WPL Board and CEO followed.

5. Presentations/Delegations: ElderCollege – L. Brown-John

L. Brown-John gave a short overview of ElderCollege and asked the Board to consider a request to use the rooms at WPL until the end of 2015free of charge.

6. Communications:

Correspondence: none


  • Windsor Star

September 16, 2015Library audit shows progress

Meeting set with mayor

Library to revamp website

September 18, 2015 Main Library perfect spot for innovation hub

Science hub: Do it right

Jarvis science critical to our future

September 24, 2015Library lives on

October 01, 2015 Clues Surface on wreckage of The Griffon

October 02, 2015 Food fight for shelter – Councillor Kusmierczyk

October 06, 2015 Biblioasis books on Giller list

October 27, 2015Windsor Public Library holding giant book sale

  • Windsor Life Magazine

October 2015 Windsor area...a hot bed for authors

7. Minutes:

121.15 / Moved: / R. Bortolin / Seconded: / H. Pawley
To approve the minutes of the September 15, 2015 Board meeting.

8. Business Arising: None

9. CEO Report & Questions to the Chair/CEO:

  • CEO reviewed her report, including updates on policy development, CAO’s awards of excellence, Auto Archives launch, internal audit submission to Council and Sunday Service for managers. A question and answer period followed.

122.15 / Moved: / H. Pawley / Seconded: / R. Bortolin
That the CEO and Finance Manager be added to the Sunday Service complement for the management team. CARRIED

10. New Business:

1) Proposed 2016 Operating Budget Report:

K. Pope reviewed the 2016 budget report and the impact the fluctuating U.S. exchange is having on the purchase of library materials. It will add $88,000 in costs to 2016. P. Frise asked that the Board move in camera.

123.15 / Moved: / P. Frise / Seconded: / I. Kusmiercyzk
That the Board move in camera at 4:42 p.m. CARRIED
124.15 / Moved: / D. Lee / Seconded: / R. Bortolin
That the Board move back to public session at 4:50 p.m. CARRIED
125.15 / Moved: / D. Lee / Seconded: / R. Bortolin
That the Windsor Public Library Board approve the revised 2016 Operating Budget totalling $7,724,931, a 1.62% increase over 2015. CARRIED
126.15 / Moved: / R. Bortolin / Seconded: / M. Payne
That the Windsor Public Library Board asks Administration to report back with a 5 year plan to seek increase library funding annually to get WPL to provincial average. CARRIED

2) E-Book Report: N. Peel

N. Peel outlined her report on the costs of e-books to the general public versus the cost of e-books to libraries. Question and answer period followed.

127.15 / Moved: / R. Bortolin / Seconded: / M. Payne
  1. The Windsor Public Library Board endorse fair e-book pricing and join theFair E-book Prices for Libraries coalition, and
  2. The Windsor Public Library Board request Windsor City Council to pass the following resolution, which was approved at the September 25, 2015 meeting of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors approved a resolution that municipal councils may consider passing regarding the fair pricing of e-books for public libraries. The resolution requests that the Ontario Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport work with federal, provincial, and territorial governments to find a solution that will allow public libraries to purchase e-books from publishers at a more reasonable price. CARRIED

3) 3rd Quarter Financials: J. Mancinareviewed 3rd quarter financials.

4) Building Program and Functional Plan Report:

K. Pope explained in detail the report re: Main library. Question and answer period followed.

128.15 / Moved: / R. Bortolin / Seconded: / H. Pawley
That the WPL Board authorizes hiring a library consultant to develop a WPL Building Program and Functional Plan for the Main Library. Funds accessed from the WPL reserve funds and not to exceed $92,000. CARRIED

5) September Statistics:

129.15 / Moved: / D. Lee / Seconded: / M. Payne
That the Board receive the September statistics report. CARRIED

6) ElderCollege and WPL Meeting Rooms Report: K. Pope

130.15 / Moved: / I. Kusmiercyczk / Seconded: / R. Bortolin
To approve that:
  • All individuals or organizations renting meeting rooms are required to pay the appropriate rate.
  • No fees will be waived unless directly authorized by the Windsor Public Library Board. Fees can be waived by the WPL Board only to organizations with a core mandate of literacy.
  • All library programs and sponsored programs must be free to the public.
  • Payment in full is required at the time of booking.
And accept the ElderCollege and WPL Meeting Rooms Report of October 19, 2015 as amended.

11. Board Reimbursements:none

12. Recommendations to the Board:

131.15 / Moved: / M. Payne / Seconded: / H. Pawley
That the Board send congratulations to M. Whaley and T. Vajdik on being recipients of upcoming awards of excellence at the Employee Recognition banquet, Nov. 12, 2015. CARRIED
132.15 / Moved: / M. Payne / Seconded: / D. Lee
That the Board extend congratulations and a sincere thank-you to
L. Burton on her impending retirement from WPL the September. CARRIED

13. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 (1 week later than usual)

14. In-Camera: Minutes of September meeting to be deferred to November meeting.

15. Adjournment

133.15 / Moved: / M. Payne / Seconded: / H. Pawley
That the Board adjourn the meeting at 5:40 p.m.CARRIED