Socio 101Introduction to Sociology

Learning Objectives

Chapter 6: Deviant Behavior and Social Control

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Explain how sociologists use the term deviance.
  1. Identify and briefly describe the functions of deviance for society.
  1. Explain the importance of norms and the need for a system of social control.
  1. Distinguish between internal and external means of control and differentiate among the various types of sanctions.
  1. Discuss the concept of anomie and its role in producing deviance.
  1. Describe the types of deviant behavior identified in Merton’s strain theory.
  1. Discuss how control theory explains deviance.
  1. Describe the technique of neutralization used to justify deviant behavior.
  1. Describe the theory of differential association.
  1. Describe how labeling theory accounts for deviant behavior.
  1. Know how the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey differ as sources of information about crime.
  1. Describe the major types of crime.
  1. Identify and describe the goals of imprisonment.
  1. Assess the effectiveness of imprisonment and capital punishment on crime.

Socio 101Introduction to Sociology

Learning Objectives

Chapter 7: Global Stratification

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Define stratification and explain why it is of sociological significance.
  1. List the characteristics of a class system and contrast its features with those of a caste system.
  1. Identify Marx’s assumptions about social class and identify Weber’s contribution to Marx’s analysis.
  1. State the basic assumptions of functionalists like Davis and Moore Provide a basic criticism of the functionalist approach.
  1. Discuss Mosca’s perspective on the universality of social stratification.
  1. Summarize the synthesis of functionalist and conflict views offered by Gerhard Lenski.
  1. Explain the mechanisms by which the elite maintain stratification.
  1. Describe the major characteristics of the three worlds of development and name at least three countries which fit into each category.
  1. Identify and outline the major theories of how the world’s nations became stratified.
  1. Explain how global stratification has been maintained.

Socio 101Introduction to Sociology

Learning Objectives

Chapter 8: Social Class in the United States

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Define social class and explain the three dimensions of social class.
  2. Explain Wright’s updated model of Marx’s class theory.
  3. Discuss Gilbert and Kahl’s updated model of Weber’s perspective.
  4. Examine the consequences of social class on physical and mental health, family life, education, religion, politics, the criminal justice system and new technology.
  1. Distinguish between the different types of social mobility.
  2. Indicate how the poverty line is drawn. State the major characteristics of the poor in the United States.
  3. Assess individual versus structural explanations of poverty.

Socio 101Introduction to Sociology

Learning Objectives

Chapter 9: Inequalities of Race and Ethnicity

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Explain how race can be both a reality and a myth.
  2. Distinguish between concepts of race and ethnicity.
  3. Define the term minority group and explain the process by which a group becomes a minority.
  4. Identify the five characteristics shared by minority groups worldwide.
  5. Differentiate between prejudice and discrimination.
  6. Compare and contrast individual and institutional discrimination and give examples of each type of discrimination.
  7. List and describe the six patterns of intergroup relations.
  8. Discuss the condition which must be present in order for the United States to become a multicultural society.

Socio 101Introduction to Sociology

Learning Objectives

Chapter 10: Inequalities of Gender and Age

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

  1. Define gender stratification and explain the significance of gender and age as master statuses.
  2. Explain how females have come to be designated as a minority group.
  3. Define feminism and explain its origins in the United States.
  4. Discuss the ways in which educational systems perpetuate gender inequality.
  5. Discuss the pay gap between males and females and describe how the glass ceiling prevents females from obtaining top positions.
  6. Explain how attitudes toward aging are rooted in society.
  7. Define ageism and discuss the relationship between industrialization and ageism.
  8. Discuss and evaluate disengagement theory and activity theory.