5th and 6th Grade Summer Reading Assignment—Social Studies

Dreamers and Doers Focus Book: A True Patriot: The Journal of William Thomas Emerson, Revolutionary War Patriot – 1774

Directions:Your responses should be entered (TYPED) on the form. Once completed, please save your work, print your full assignment, and submit it on the first day of school toyour Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Vargas.Don’t forget to bring the book!
To answer questions, type where it says “Click here to enter text”.

PART I. Thinking About the Book: Reading Response Assignment

After ReadingA True Patriot: The Journal of William Thomas Emersonby Barry Denenberg, answer the questions below in complete sentences.

  1. In which scene, do you think Will shows the most bravery?

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  1. Why did Will's friend Henry come to America? Why is he apprenticed to Mr. Armstrong for six years?

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  1. Why do you think the author, Barry Denenberg, focused on the actions of regular people and not the “heroes” of the American Revolution we read about in textbooks?

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  1. One of the strongest editorials Mr. Wilson writes is about Henry Moody's death (p. 113). Is it a fitting remembrance of Henry, or is it a political statement? What is the reason for the three pictures-crown, skull and crossbones, and bag of coins-he uses as a border at the top of the article?

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  1. Discuss the incident between Will and the British soldier outside Mr. Dudley's house. Why did Will react the way he did? Was he right or wrong?

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  1. Would you have stayed behind with Mrs. Thompson or gone with Mr. Wilson, and why?

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  1. What is one thing you learned about the American Revolution that you didn't know before reading The Journal of William Thomas Emerson?

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  1. Do you think Will is a “Dreamer” and/or a “Doer?” Explain your answer based on what you think a “Dreamer” and a “Doer” means.

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Adapted from the Journal of William Thomas Emerson Discussion Guide published by Scholastic Books, found at

1Rev. 7-06-2017