Chapter Three Summative Assignment


This INDIVIDUAL assignment consists of four parts. Follow the instructions for each part. This assignment is due Monday, Nov. 27th for 8H, Tuesday, Nov. 28th for 8K & 8P.

Part I – After reading Chapter 3, choose one of the following to complete. See the attached rubric to see how you will be marked. (20 marks)

a. Create 4 questions (multiple choice, true/false, short answer, fill in the blank) for each of

the eight sections in chapter three. Provide an answer key.

b. Create a collage demonstrating the new ways of thinking during the Renaissance (each

section of the chapter must be represented by at least 2 pictures)

c. Create a crossword puzzle, choosing at least three clues from each of the eight sections in

chapter three. Provide an answer key.

d. Create a song to show how humanism changed, in each of the eight sections of chapter


e. Create a visual to show the changes that occurred in each of the eight sections of chapter


f. Write a newspaper article describing changes that occurred during the Renaissance. Be sure

to include all eight sections.

g. Using the octahedron template, briefly describe the changes that occurred during the

Renaissance. Include something from each of the eight sections. Put together your


Part II – Complete all of the following: (8 marks)

A. Renaissance humanists believed in: (This is NOT a multiple choice question!)

i) modeling themselves on the ancient past

ii) contributing to society

iii) the importance of the individual

iv) the importance of learning

a. Which of these humanist values do you think is the most widespread in our society today?

Support your answer with examples. (2 marks)

b. Which do you think should be the most widespread? Why? (2 marks)

B. Thinking about the humanist ideas listed on the left, write one example from YOUR life on the right. (4 marks)

Humanist ideas / Examples from MY life
People can figure out the truth for themselves
People should have curious minds
Learning is important for success
People should develop mind, body and spirit, and learn about many different things

Part III – Answer all of the following: (5 marks)

1. Which of the following statements is consistent with the worldview in Renaissance


a) People can study religion to discover answers to the meaning of life and to discover their


b) People can use their power of reason and thinking to discover knowledge about themselves

and society.

c) People should rely on tradition to address their problems, making new ways of looking at

the world unnecessary.

d )People do not need to involve themselves in government because the ruler will make

necessary decisions for them.

2. The meaning of the term “Renaissance” suggests that many of the humanist writers and

artists looked for their inspiration in the

a) ideas and teaching of the Middle Ages

b) new cultures encountered in the Americas

c) knowledge and teachings of Classical Europe

d) cultures of Asia and the Far East

3.When Renaissance artists began to sign their paintings and sculptures, this gesture is often

viewed as a small example of the changes caused by humanism because the artists wanted to

a) become wealthy from their work

b) avoid others copying their work

c) please their patrons

d) be recognized for their accomplishments

Use the following characteristics to answer Questions 4 and 5.

Characteristic 1: Many of the writers of this period wrote in the vernacular (the everyday language of the people).

Characteristic 2: Poetry, much of it about love, was very popular in this period.

Characteristic 3: The writers of this period often looked to Greek and Roman writers for their inspiration.

Characteristic 4: Much of the writing during this period involved the questioning of traditional ways of perceiving the world.

4. The Characteristics above could best be described as

a) characteristics of the teachings of the medieval Church

b) changes created by the increase in trade during the Renaissance

c) results of European contact with other cultures

d) descriptions of the humanist writing of the Renaissance

5. One consequence most directly connected to the changes described in the characteristics was the decline in the authority of

a) government

b) religious leaders

c) educational institutions

d) artistic patrons

Part IV – Short answer (8 marks)

The people who are admired in any society exhibit the values and worldview of the people in that society. For example, during the early Middle Ages, individuals whom people considered to be role models were often monks or nuns, since such people put aside all other concerns to concentrate on what was considered a most important activity, that is, the worship of God.

Over time, role models changed. Increasingly, people began to admire individuals like Lorenzo de Medici for his learning and accomplishments, and were less concerned about an individual’s religious practices. Individuals who earned money through industry, who wrote poetry, composed music, or learned many languages were seen as admirable.

Whom do we admire in Canada today? Recently, a nation-wide survey was held to pick the “Top Ten Greatest Canadians.” Among the Top Ten were

• Terry Fox—a fundraiser for cancer through the Marathon of Hope

• Pierre Trudeau—a former prime minister

• Frederick Banting—the co-discoverer of insulin and first Canadian to win a Nobel Prize

• David Suzuki—an environmentalist and television commentator

• Don Cherry—a hockey commentator

• Alexander Graham Bell – invented the telephone

• Wayne Gretzky – hockey player

a) Choose three of the people listed above. What qualities do these people have that make them role models? Please provide a brief (2-3 sentences) why you chose each person. (6 marks)

b) In what ways do the people admired by society reflect the worldview of that society? In other words, what do the people we choose as role models reveal about the beliefs of our society? (2 marks)