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CMR for <CMR Name> [Ref:xxxx]

Process (e.g. revision or review) of <SSB Name> CMR(s)

The <SSB Name> has completed the <process (e.g. revision or review) of the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) above.

Date new version published Month 20xx

The next CMR review is planned to take place during <yyyy>.

Summary of <process>

The reason for the revision or review; feedback from moderation, providers, and any other stakeholders; reference to ongoing industry or sector needs in terms of requirements for consent to assess and moderation.

Compliance with new requirements

Requirements for consent to assess will apply with effect from <Month yyyy>. Delete if no change. If changed include specific transition arrangements for organisations with consent to assess, to comply with requirements. It may be possible for organisations with consent to assess to comply with some consent to assess requirements promptly, for example, implementing a prerequisite police check for student entry. Other requirements may necessitate a delay, for example, to gain access to industry-specific technology, or to implement industry-required staff training. Transition arrangements should be reasonable and not disadvantage users of the standards covered by the CMR.

Moderation system requirements will apply with effect from <Month yyyy>. Delete if no change. If changed include a specific month at which time the new or modified national external moderation system will take effect. Depending on the nature of changes made this could be the following month, a specified future month, or the start of the calendar year.

Organisations with consent to assess will be expected to be able to demonstrate compliance with the CMR from <Month yyyy> onwards (SSB will need to determine; depends on transition above, and timing of the EER cycles of organisations with consent to assess).

Main changes

If a replacement or name change has occurred put the replacement or new CMR name and number in bold below the replaced CMR name and number or previous CMR name and number. If no replacement has occurred remove grey shading.

CMR for <CMR name [Ref:xxxx]>

CMR for <CMR name [Ref:xxxx]

Provide a brief summary beneath each sub-heading, to give an indication of the extent, nature of, and rationale for the changes made. Use bullet points for specifics. Delete sub-heading if no change. If no change to RCA state ‘None.’, similarly for MR.

Requirements for Consent to Assess (RCA)

Standard Setting Body involvement in process for granting consent to assess


Visit waiver conditions


Areas of shared responsibility


Industry or sector-specific requirements for consent to assess

·  Criterion 1

·  Criterion 2 …etc

Moderation Requirements (MR)

Moderation System






Non-compliance with moderation requirements





Printed 28/05/2018