2015 Newsletter


The Reverend Linda Lennon

4 North Main Street, P.O. Box 356

Richlandtown, PA 18955


Church Contact Phone Numbers, Email, Website

The Reverend Linda Lennon—(home) 610-691-5769

(cell) 484-515-2073

Pastor Linda’s E-Mail—

Kerry Schaffer—Council President—267-372-6219

Larry Benner–Organist Choir Director—215-536-2791

David Williams–Custodian—267-377-5610

Office Telephone Brenda Kucharik—Secretary—215-538-0875

Church E-Mail—

Church Website—www.stjohnsucc.org

Church Office Hours: 10:00AM to 3:00PM Tuesday through Thursday

Dear Friends,

The changing leaves of fall are magnificent, making it one of my favorite seasons of the year. Walking along the Saucon Rails to Trails path, one can even smell the freshly fallen leaves and hear the sound of leaves crunching under your feet. Fall is a good reminder for us that things continue to change. Changes happen as part of life, and I’ve found the best way to deal with them is to remain flexible and look for the opportunities.

In January, one change coming to the St. John’s church family, is my status to a ¾ time pastor. This new status will enable Jerry and me to visit with our grandson, Tau, who lives in Tennessee. 3/4 time status will allow me to have fourteen Sundays throughout the year to visit with family. I appreciate this opportunity to continue to serve as your pastor and also visit family more often.

For me, being a Pastor here is holy work, more than a “Job”, it is part of who I am. Even though the change in status allows me to have additional time off, I will strive to meet the needs of the congregation as I have in the past. Should I be out of town when an emergency occurs, there will be a pastor on call for immediate attention. In addition, with all the modern technology, it is not difficult to keep in touch when the need arises. I value being part of this church family, and I want to be informed in emergency situations and do not want you to hesitate to call me.

With the change in status, comes a salary reduction which will put less pressure on the church’s finances. This reduces the amount of fundraising dollars needed to meet annual expenses. The salary reduction also allows us to pay a stipend to a church financial secretary.

My status change to ¾ time allows us to put our creative energy to use. This will be done by our new Worship and Celebration team which we are in the process of forming. This team’s mission will be to look at our current worship format and decide what worship might look like on the Sundays I am not here to lead worship. The possibilities are great. We can have a supply pastor lead the service, we can have some of you lead the service, we can have another Jazz service; the possibilities are numerous. I believe God gives us the gifts to meet the needs in front of us, and challenges us to use them.

Change can be a bit unsettling, as it calls us out of our comfort zones and challenges us to think outside the box. I believe God is still speaking. As we listen together, I bet we find the Spirit can lead us to do some amazing things.

Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Linda

We offer our sympathy to Don & Deb Deily on the death of Marie Deily, mother of Don.


November 1 All Saints Day

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daylight Savings Ends

3 9AM WFS Mtg.

4 7PM Choir

5 6:30PM NA Mtg.

8 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Veterans Sunday

Stewardship Sunday

Dress Down Sunday

10 9AM WFS Mtg.

11 Veterans Day

10AM Book Discussion

7:00PM Council

12 6:30PM NA Mtg.

7PM Choir

15 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

17 9AM WFS Mtg.

18 10AM Book Discussion

7PM Choir

19 6:30PM NA Mtg.

21 Christmas Bazaar

22 Reign of Christ

5PM Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Activities Center

24 9AM WFS Mtg.

25 7PM Choir

7:30 PM Community Thanksgiving Service

Christ Lutheran Church, Trumbauersville

26 Thanksgiving

29 First Sunday of Advent

Holy Communion

2:30PM Phoebe Christmas Cantata

Barbeque To Go orders due

Have you remembered

St. John’s U.C.C. in your will?

Book discussion on “The Ultimate Gift” on November 11 & 18 at 10:00-11:30PM. Sign up for your copy.

Dress Down Sunday November 8th

There will be a luncheon following worship, followed by a time of Fall cleanup. We ask that each committee send a representative or two while we tackle some cleanup projects around the church. Remember 30 people who clean for 1 hour = 30 hours of cleaning to make God’s House shine! We hope you will join us November 8th.

Thank you for all the help at the Rummage Sale—pricing, sorting, cashiers, kitchen, and bake sale help. The men who picked up the rummage. Jerry Kuhn and organizing the tables. Joe Horton loading the truck. George Spotts and all the other men helping. We could not do such an overwhelming job without the help of the congregations support. Again, Thank You, Mary and Bev.

Blessing Bags—In the upcoming months the church will be putting some “Blessing Bags” together to be distributed to those in need. These are a few suggested items for the bags if you would provide any of the following. Questions see Tracey Clemmer.

Suggested items needed: Chap stick, tissue packets, tooth brush & paste, comb, hotels size shampoo & conditioner, soap, mouthwash, band aids, trail mix, gum, crackers, gloves (one size fits all).

Christmas Bazaar and Quilt Raffle


Crafts, Rada Cutlery (made in the USA), homemade pies, cookies, cakes, and Chinese Auction.

Pictures with SANTA and MRS. CLAUS

10:30 TO 11:30AM

Lunch will be available.

The WOW group would appreciatebaked goods from the congregation.






The ladies of the church will be serving punch and cookies after the Cantata. If you can help please let me know.

Linda Lindsay

Quakertown Ministerium Hosts Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Services

On Wednesday, November 25 at 7:30PM at:

Christ Lutheran Church

One Luther Lane, PO Box 569

Trumbauersville, PA 18970


7:00PM Quakertown Band

7:30 PM Worship

Cash Register Tape Fundraiser

The WOW group collects cash register tapes from Redner’s Warehouse Markets. Please register for a Shopper’s Card at the courtesy counter and tell them it is for St. John’s UCC. With the closing of Boyer’s we can use all the tapes we can get, so please try to remember when you grocery shop. Thank you.

Remember our Building Fund. An envelope is enclosed in newsletter or mark your envelope on a Sunday morning. The building fund collection is for building up a small savings cushion for our church in case some unexpected repairs are needed. Boilers, roofs, air conditioning are sometimes in need of unexpected repair and upgrade. Thanks in advance for your donation.

The Quakertown Food Pantry

Join the St. John’s Food Pantry Team

Every fourth Thursday of the month we will be volunteering at the Pantry from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. If you would like to join the ‘FOOD PANTRY TEAM’ speak with Pastor Linda.

Prayer Chain

Why pray when you can worry? The truth is worry gets us nowhere, but prayer gets us in touch with the One who can handle all of our concerns.

Call the Prayer Chain when you want their support with specific needs or celebrations. Please contact Marcella Kulp at 215-536-5625.

Prayers Help!

For community prayer names are added to our Bulletin prayer list. For Confidential prayers call our Prayer Chain.


Remember our Shut-ins with your prayers

and cards.


Sue Gross

1965 Route 212

Quakertown, PA 18951

Charles Mundy

304 East Montgomery Avenue

North Wales, PA 19454-2950

Robert Piatt

211 Trumbauersville Road

Quakertown, PA 18951

Richard Schenkel

280 Middle Holland Road #201A

Holland, PA 18966

Jim Stoneback

2298 Kunsman Road

Quakertown, PA 18951

Myrtle Stoneback

950 Front Street, Apt 413

Hellertown, PA 18055



15 Jerry Lennon

1 Hayley Freed 17 Ronald Lapinski

4 Jennifer Kramer 18 Eric Kratz

4 LuAnn Kramer 20 Richard Schenkel

10 Joan Moll 20 Mary Gillen

12 Melissa Traber 23 Florence Afflerbach

13 Robert Gottshall 27 Allen Funk

15 Kathy Landes

Is your birthday missing from the list, please call the church office at 215-538-0875 or email at . We will be glad to add it to the birthday list.

Veterans Day is November 11th

We would like to recognize, honor & thank those who have served the United States of America on Sunday, November 8th. Please fill in the form and return it in the offering plate during our Sunday Worship Services or mail it into the Church Office. The deadline to forward your information to the Church Office is Wednesday, November 3th.




Branch of Service______

Served From______To______

Duty Stations______

Awards or Medals______

Scheduled to Serve this Month


November 1 Rev. Helen Pearson

8 Sue Benner

15 Deb Salomon

22 Katie Yerger

29 Pastor


November 1 George & Marge Schaffer

8 Steve & Jessica Sechriest

15 Michael & Melissa Shafer

22 Barbara Fehnel

29 George & Carla Spotts


November 1 Emily Scholl & Jade Scholl

8 Kevin & Lori Carney

15 Donnie Edmonds & Jerry Lennon

22 Barbara Fehnel & George Schaffer

29 Martin & Tracey Clemmer

Offering Processing

November 1 George & Carla Spotts

8 Karen Bilger & Deb Deily

15 Leroy & Lori Fetterman

22 Judy Guise & Steve Sechriest

29 Lori Carney & Courtney Muck

Altar Guild—Carole Freed & Gail Jancsics

Communion Arrangements—Marcella Kulp, Jade Scholl,

Communion Servers 11/29/15—Lori Carney, Leroy & Lori Fetterman, Kerry Schaffer


Beautify St. John’s for Christmas

Order a 6” potted poinsettia for only $6.50.

Why not contribute a poinsettia(s) to decorate the chancel for Christmas. The plants will be placed in the chancel for the Christmas Eve Services. Then enjoy its beauty at home during the rest of the holiday season. Place this slip in the offering plate or return it to Carole Freed.

Any questions Carole can be reached at (215) 536-9188

Name: ______

Telephone No.: ______

Color: Red___ Pink___ White___ (please check)

______in memory of______


______in honor of______


______to the Glory of God

Deadline for Orders – Sunday, December 6th

St. John’s UCC & St. John’s Lutheran Joint Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Sunday, November 22nd

at 5PM

at the Activities Center.

Bring a dish to pass to serve at least 4 people. Turkey will be provided.

Also, we are collecting a few items for the Blessing Bags and canned goods to support the Quakertown Food Pantry.

Sign up on the bulletin board.