CVM Survey Handout for Assignment/Quiz

Potential Survey Topics

Recall the purpose of a CVM study is to measure the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for a particular environmental project. The following are some potential study topics.

1.  Preservation of the Arabian Leopard

2.  Preservation of the Arabian Tahr

3.  Preservation of the Arabian Oryx

4.  Preservation of Oman’s Coral Reefs

5.  Preservation of Oman’s Heritage Sites (old forts, villages, etc.)

6.  Preservation of the Aflaj of Oman

7.  Project to reduce use of plastic bags

8.  Project to protect coastal waters due to desalination plants

Survey Design

1.  The survey should start with an introductory paragraph that explains the project.

2.  The survey should then ask basic demographic questions to identify factors that may influence the WTP.

3.  The survey should then present the respondent with a set of choices that will determine their WTP.

For Wednesday 5/3:

·  You will present a fully designed survey. It should have, in a well presented format,

-  The introductory paragraph

-  The demographic questions

-  The set of choices to determine WTP

·  Please email me the survey in a word document format by 9:00 am Wednesday morning.

Sample Survey

A Study of WTP for a Deforestation Project

While economic growth has provided many benefits to the country, the land development that has accompanied that growth has led to substantial deforestation. Last year along 20,000 hectares of forests were cut down to make room for business and residential developments. This deforestation has two negative effects. First, it encroaches on the habitat for native species, including the spotted owl, which is an endangered species. Scientists estimate that at the current rate of deforestation, the spotted owl will be extinct from this country in twenty years. The second negative effect is to increase the amount of soil erosion in this area, thus harming the agricultural sector.

As a result of these problems, the current project will set aside 500,000 hectares of forested lands and leave them as a preserve. This will necessarily limit economic growth and job creation. Economists have estimated this project will result in a cost of 0.5% of gdp, which amounts to an average of OMR500 per year.

To better understand the value of this project to society we are conducting the survey below and ask for your cooperation in completing it.

Demographic Questions

1.  In which region do you live

a.  X

b.  Y

2.  If the preserve offers recreational opportunities, I would visit the preserve

a.  0-2 times per year

b.  3-4 times per year

c.  5-6 times per year

d.  More than 6

3.  Indicate your gender

a.  Male

b.  Female

4.  What is your level of education?

a.  High School

b.  College

c.  Post-graduate

5.  What is your age?

a.  18 – 25

b.  26 – 35

c.  36 – 50

d.  Above 50

6.  What is your level of income?

a.  Less than 1000

b.  1001 – 1500

c.  1501 – 2000

d.  2001- 2500

e.  Above 2500

7.  Which of the following best describes your job?

a.  Manual work

b.  Transportation

c.  Office work

d.  Medical work

e.  Education

WTP Questions

1.  How much would you be willing to pay per year for this project?

a.  0 – 200

b.  201-400

c.  401-600

d.  601-800

e.  801-1000

f.  More than 1000

2.  How much would you be willing to pay if “X” amount of land was set aside as a preserve?

a.  0-100

b.  101-200