Announcements ~ January 1, 2017


Everyone is welcome. As a community of the people of God, the members of Faith Lutheran Church are called to welcome all people. We affirm that in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female” (Galatians 3:28). Christ has made us one.

Welcome to our visitors! We are pleased you are worshiping with us today. We invite guests to complete the Yellow “Guest” card found in the pew racks and leave it with an usher or place it in the offering plate. If you would like more information about Faith, please contact us at 920.775.4141 or .

Blank offering envelopes are available in the pews for visitors or if you forgot yours at home.

Children are welcome at all services. Worship bulletins for children and activity bags are available in the Narthex. If your child needs a break from the service, feel free to walk to the narthex/back of the church.

Today we will be celebrating communion at the rail. At the table of our Lord Jesus Christ, God nourishes faith, forgives sin, and calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel. The ushers will direct you to come down the center aisle and approach the altar. Those who are unable to kneel may remain standing. Please extend your hands in which to receive the bread. Both wine and grape juice are available (Grape juice is in the smaller portion of the chalice). Gluten free elements are available on the small table. All are welcome at the table. Those who are not communing may come forward for a blessing.


Faith’s Opportunities January 1-8

Monday Office Closed

5:00-7:00 P.M. Jazzercise

6:00 & 7:30 P.M. Televised Worship

Tuesday 10:30 A.M. Staff Meeting

12:00 P.M. Quilting

1:00 P.M. Televised Worship Comcast Ch. 20

6:00 P.M. Board of Evangelism

Wednesday 6:45 A.M. Men’s Bible Study

6:15 P.M. Worship

7:15 P.M. High School Bible Study

Thursday 8:00 A.M. Quilting

12:00 P.M. Pastor’s Lunch

1:00 P.M. Televised Worship

5:00-7:00 P.M. Jazzercise

6:30 P.M. Board of Stewardship

Saturday 8:00-9:00 A.M. Jazzercise

Sunday 9:00 A.M. Worship

10:15 A.M. Sunday School, Confirmation gr. 6 & 7

10:25 A.M. Adult Forum

Last Week - Attendance: Christmas Eve & Day: 555

Offerings to the Lord’s work: 13,001.50 ($6,816.00 needed per week to meet operating budget.)

Known to have been hospitalized or in need of prayer: Violet Rusch, Wendy Steinberg, Debbie Evenson, Harvey Draheim, Marta Hansen.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers the following who are serving in the military: Ian Anderson, Darcie Bauknecht, Daniel Brandl, Kyle Christiansen, Corey Evenson, Jamie Gilbertson, Steven Hecker, Gary Hildebrandt, Justin Mertzig, Tyler Olson, Chad Pohl, Steven Schmude, Andy Schnell. If there are others we should be remembering, please inform the church office.

This morning, we welcome Ethan Jacob Halverson into God’s kingdom and our congregation through Holy Baptism. Ethan was born September 6 to Bobbi and Jacob and his baptismal sponsors are Anderia Frank, Becki Freund and Bill Meidl. Grandparents are Dick and Sandy Halverson and Tom and Mary Meidl. Great-grandparents are Don and Jean Seehafer, Flory Wazny, Curt and Jane Mronzinski and the late Norbert and Rosemary Meidl. We rejoice at Ethan’s rebirth through water and the word!

Adult Forum will resume next Sunday at 10:25 A.M. Please read Chapter 9 in "The Story". If you have never been to Adult Forum this may be your opportunity to join in our weekly discussions as we study The Greatest Story Ever Told.Copies of the book are still available. Refills of coffee are always available. See you next Sunday.

Bus Trip

“Here I Stand” - Art of the Reformation Exhibit

January 13-14, 2017

Faith Lutheran will be sponsoring a coach bus trip to the wildly popular “Here I Stand” exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. We will leave in the early afternoon of Friday. Jan 13, stay at the Embassy Suites in downtown Minneapolis, then head to the museum and return in the evening of the 14. Cluster members will also be invited.

The exhibit, sponsored in part by Thrivent, brings the story of Martin Luther and the Reformation to life through astonishing artworks and historical objects, traveling outside Germany for the first time ever. You’ll see paintings, sculpture, gold, textiles, and works on paper—as well as Luther’s personal possessions and recent archaeological finds. More information can be found at

Time will be allowed to enjoy other exhibits within the museum.

Cost will be $10 per ticket, meals, plus your share of a hotel room ($81 rate, sleeps up to 4). There will be room for 56 people, and the trip will be approximately 6 hours each way plus stops. Sign up now in the Gathering Space to reserve your seat. See Faith Matters for details.

Friday, January 27th is Kid’s Night Out. We are having a game night and would love for everyone of any age to come join in on the fun. Let’s make this one an intergenerational event! Goes from 5-8pm. No charge for this event, but donations are welcome. If you have any fun games, please bring them along. Make sure you mark your name on your game so someone doesn’t take it by accident. A sign-up sheet is posted on Nikki’s door.

Join us for a ski/tubing trip Saturday, January 28 @ Sunburst. Cost is $30 for an all day lift ticket for skiing or snowboarding. Rental skis and snowboards are available for $15 and helmets are $5. You can also get a lesson for $8. Tickets for tubing are $15 for 2 hours and $22 for 3 hours. (Prices are based on a minimum of 15 total people attending from our group). Time of departure tbd. Sign up outside Nikki's office.

Attention all members of Faith interested in worship planning!

The Board of Lay Ministry, at the suggestion of our pastors, has set aside Sunday January 29, 2017 as a service to be planned by members of the congregation. If you have interest in working as a team player in planning this service, please contact Joan Pritzl at (920) 905-9791, or to volunteer. The team planning the January 29th service will be making decisions as to which hymns will be sung, method of serving communion, the liturgy setting & what liturgy items to include, as well as many other worship service options. Depending on the response, this may become an opportunity 2-4 times annually. The team will meet following the worship service on January 15th and/or January 22nd in the sanctuary. Please consider joining us!