Instep School of Dance
Year End Dance Recital 2017
Tributes and Legends
Instep’s year end dance recital will be held on Saturday June 3, 2017 at the Wright Theatre in Mount Royal University. There will be a show at 10:00am and 2:00pm and each will run for approximately 2.5 hours. There will also be a dress rehearsal held at the theatre on Friday, June 2nd from 5:00 to 8:00pm. Student attendance will be mandatory for the dress rehearsal and both recital shows. Photos will be taken at the dress rehearsal after each class has performed.
Upon online registration for classes, as part of Instep School of Dance Inc. Policies and Release of Liability, you agreed to participate in the recital and to pay a maximum of $80 per costume per class. As stated in the agreement, if you do not wish to participate in the recital and pay for a costume, you must email the office by January 31, 2017 and receive a confirmation email from the office that you are withdrawing from participating. Failure by you to email the office and receive a confirming email from the office by the deadline will result in your requirement to pay for a costume.
We will be looking for volunteers to help out in various roles to ensure the show runs smoothly so watch for an email that will be sent out in May. Recital tickets will go on sale at the start of May and will be available for purchase through our website. Costumes will be measured and ordered by the end of January to ensure that they will be delivered in time for the recital. Costumes are special orders and cannot be refunded. Costumes will be charged directly to your account. Please ensure that your contact and credit card information is kept up-to-date on your account.
If you have any questions please call or email the office at (403) 208-7376 or