Present:Dave Buckingham (President), Andy Thompson (Chairman), Katy Barlow (Treasurer), Vaughan Evans (Secretary), Steve McVaigh (Director of Rugby),Andrea Padgeon (Ladies Rugby), Ian Cameron (Press Secretary), Jon Amor (Director of Mini/Juniors), George Benson (Shop), Steve Spencer (Bar Stock), Kevin Hollings (Bar), Dave Woodcock, John Large.

1Apologies received from: -Sheryl Fairbrother (Membership Secretary), Sid Jones (Grounds),Kim Matley (Social Committee)

2Minutes of the last Management Committee meeting 11/01/11 were agreed

3No issues were raised. Minutes approved

4President Report

  • Chip fryer installed. However Health & safety concerns raised by installer. Further equipment/alteration required to bring up to standard at a cost of £800.

5Chairman Report

  • AT welcomed John Large to the meeting. JL has agreed to stand as Treasurer subject to AGM approval. In meantime JL will hold position of assistant treasurer. Approved by unanimous vote.
  • Thanked GB for assistance in ensuring new electric meter was fitted this week.
  • As it was impossible to gain a reading from the old meter it was agreed to pay British Gas as billed rather than risk receiving a bigger bill if BG investigated further.
  • Existing contract to be cancelled on 16thFeb and new contract with Scottish Power will commence 15th May.
  • RFU Club Development Roadshow attended by AT, VE and JA – well worthwhile. First Capital Direct Debit facility could be a major benefit e.g. subs could be increased without need of new mandates. Also Mini/Juniors could utilise Gift Aid to secure further income. Database that is built from payments could be used for a number of future club projects. Any movement towards scheme to be left until after club incorporation has been completed.
  • Complaints received regarding showers – valve units not working properly. Cost £750 to replace units – SM agreed to suggestion that Senior players raise funds to assist.
  • Alleged assault on Peter Bowden – cited Wigan player. Lancs Disciplinary hearing 3rd March. Trevor Jones to present on behalf of PB. £100 cost to be covered by PB. This is returned if other player found guilty.
  • Club to host Lancashire Colts Cup Finals on 1st May. Provisional booking already received for a Christening that day – will have to be assessed again if booking becomes firm.
  • Senior Colts play Aldwinians at home this Sunday – please support as if they win they will become the Division Champions (the first time a Fleetwood Colts side has achieved this. Post meeting note 16-3 win.

6Treasurer Report

  • Cashflowcontinues to be tight.
  • Bank balance at end Jan 2011 stood at £2640 with creditors of £7340 due in Feb.
  • Initial discussions with Barclays regarding Incorporation held.
  • 4 bank account signatories will be jointly and severally liable for the £5000 overdraft once the club becomes a Limited Company.
  • Proposed initial signatories – President, Chairman, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer the latter being replaced by Secretary after AGM.
  • Awaiting details of any change in bank charging tariff after Incorporation.
  • Rossall Astro rental invoices outstanding from last season now received totalling £1531.20. SM to query with Rossall re 3 hour sessions. JA stated that the amount is surprising but will honour previous agreement by Mini/Juniors to contribute towards rental.
  • Fax line now cancelled and rental refund received
  • Awaiting Macdonald’s payment

7Secretary Report

  • Asked committee members to think of possible nominations for the Lancashire Volunteer Awards.

8Commercial Director Report

  • No report

9Bar Secretary/Bar report

  • At the beginning of February Brewery increase an average of 4.5% across all the beers.

For the period 5/1 – 1/2/2011

Commencing Stock / 3862
Closing Stock / 3562
Cost Of Stock Used / 7424
Gross Takings / 8242
Less Misc Sales/Ullage / 446
Sub Total / 7796
Less VAT / 1300
Net Takings / 6496
Less Costs / 3295
Profit / 3201
% Profit / 49%

10Membership Secretary

  • None.

11Director of Rugby report

  • 1st XV Top of league
  • 2nd XV number of postponed games
  • 3rd XV a few more wins lately
  • Recruiting now for a 4th XV next season.
  • In talks with a Backs coach
  • New Prop recruited from Garstang
  • 10’s on – volunteers will be required to assist on the day.

12Ladies report

  • Away at Leigh in the Lancashire cup.

13Mini/Junior Section report

  • Now using Mike Turnpenny Coaches for transport which saves £150 per journey.
  • Risk Assessments to be revisited for Seal Of Approval purposes.
  • Recruitment – 22 schools written to inviting Headmaster’s to the club.
  • Rugby at the Reebok 16th April – not actively promoting as clash with 1st XV game at home to Upper Eden.
  • KM to meet with Mini/Junior committee to plan calendar of events for coming year.
  • Quote £3700 inc VAT for new tables and chairs for function room. When the invoice is paid there will be no further funds in Mini/Junior bank account.
  • £11000 has been spent by Mini/Junior section on club refurbishment work. AT thanked JA for all his hard work.
  • JA to look at financial projections to assist in planning/encouraging events.

14Social Secretary report

  • 13th March – England v Scotland 3pm KO – England playing shirt raffle

15Press Secretary report

  • 1st XV Reports submitted regularly to local press – heavily edited on receipt.
  • Friendly this Saturday 3rds v Blackpool 1pm KO
  • No 2nd/3rdteam sheets/reports received

16Grounds report

  • Wet
  • Posts now replaced on King George’s after 9 weeks without. Refund on rental will be requested or rent free use during summer for Rugby League pitch.


  • Quiet.
  • £100 balance in Raging Bull online shop.


  • DW informed committee that Wyre Borough Council had granted the premises licence and KH will hold the Premises Supervisors Licence. Tracy Hind (Child Welfare) will CRB KH.
  • M&AA’s completed – Board of Directors to be formed.
  • After discussion it was agreed that the Board would consist of 4 Directors being the DB, AT, KB and VE. Proposed by AP and seconded by DW.
  • Present club constitution to be included within Articles.


  • JAinformed committee of issues he was experiencing with U12’s – not following instructions, none receipt of subs and other problems. Agreed that U12 coaching staff to be invited to meeting with Senior Committee to discuss and resolve.
  • AGM date 28th April.
  • Agreed that Stena would rent club office until end of May.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 10thMarch7.45pm