
Enclosed please find materials for the March 20, 2016 NYCASC:

·  March Minutes

·  April Agenda

·  Birthday Bash Agenda


NYCASC will meet on April 17, 2016 AT 2PM at the Regional Service Office at 154 Christopher Street.

Chair/Vice Chair/Treasurer/Secretary, all Subcommittee Chairs, and Ad Hoc Committee Chairs, nominees and interested parties are asked to meet for Steering Committee at 12:30pm.

New Trusted Servant e-mail addresses: H&I Subcommittee:

Meeting List Coordinator:

Website Content Coordinator:


Birthday Bash is April 9th.

All Area Admin positions are up, except RCM Alt. and Treasurer as of April, so share this information with your groups. Elections will be conducted in May.

Events and Activities Subcommittee is scheduled to meet at the RSC on 1st Wednesday in April at RSO, 6:30PM

The next Public Relations Subcommittee meeting is scheduled following ASC meeting on Sunday April 17 @ 5:00PM.

NOTE: the financial statements will be circulated when I receive them from the Treasurer shortly.

See Area RCM for copies of “The Impossible Dream,” the History of NA in New York. Book is also available at the RSO in hardcover and $15.00 paperback.

Yours in service,

Dave C.

NYCASC Secretary

Minutes of March 20, 2016

NYCASC Post Office Address: / NYCASC Area meeting held at:
NYCASC / Greater New York Regional Service Office
PMB #329 / 154 Christopher Street, Suite 1A (basement)
70-A Greenwich Avenue / Next meeting – April 17, 2016 at 2:00pm
New York City 10011 /
Contact: Dave C, Area Secretary: / Or Roland W, Area Chair:

Ad Hoc Birthday Bash Committee Minutes:

1:35 – Birthday Bash Ad Hoc subcommittee will meet Saturday at 4pm at 154 Christopher, as the event is occurring before next Area

Steering Committee Minutes:

1:38 – Discussion of whether or not we need to redact the minutes. It has proven to take far too long to get the redacted minutes to Lou. Are we content to post the first names alone? This would eliminate the need for redaction as an extra step and the minutes could up immediately on receipt. Lou will make a motion to discuss in New Business.

The Birthday Bash Ad Hoc Committee meeting ran long, so steering concluded at 1:40 and reports were not given in the interest of time.

2:00 – Area Minutes:

Roll Call:

Roland W. / Chair / NYCASC
Tony C. (absent) / Vice Chair / NYCASC
Yvonne M. / RCM / NYCASC
Craig (absent) / RCM-Alternate / NYCASC
Pete R. / Treasurer / NYCASC
Dave C. / Secretary / NYCASC (Act. GSR Glad In Recovery)
Americo E. / Literature Dist. Chair / NYCASC (Alt. GSR Rec In The Low)
Kathleen T. / H&I Chair / NYCASC
Anthony G. (absent) / H&I Vice-Chair (absent) / NYCASC
Jim B. / Helpline / NYCASC (GSR Freedom Group)
Vacant / Events and Activities / NYCASC
Elizabeth B. / Meeting List Coordinator / NYCASC
Lou L. / Website Technical Coordinator / NYCASC
Wilvena / PI Chair / NYCASC
Kenny / Alt. GSR / Breaking the Chains
Edwin (new) / GSR / Step into Life
Pete / GSR / Solid Foundation
Eric A. / GSR / Recovery in the Lower
Daniel / GSR / You Get What You Need
Joyce L / GSR / Recovering Themes
Laureen Cuprill / Alt GSR / Recuperacion for Today
Ruben A / GSR / Meat & Potatoes
Ralph / GSR / Recuperacion on the LES
Leah R / GSR / Home Away From Home
Pete L / GSR / Solid Foundation
Thalia / GSR / Bleecker St.
Josh G / GSR / Only Game in Town
Eddie L / GSR / Recuperacion for Today
Eric A / GSR / Recovery in the Lower
Katharine / GSR / Practicing Principles
Vinny R / GSR / No Authority
Stephen M / GSR / It’s About Change
Denise / GSR / Living Free
Doyle / GSR / Breaking the Chains
Jim B / GSR / Freedom Group
John C / GSR / Recovery from the Heart
Cristine B / GSR / Village Spiritual Workshop
Kenny C / Alt. GSR / Breaking the Chains
Marissa M / GSR / Angels with Dirty Faces
Rich P / GSR / Green & Gold Group
Edwin A / GSR / Steps to Life
Marisa V / GSR / Midtown Matinee
Vanessa / Visitor
John R. / Visitor

2:10 - Roland opened the meeting at 2:10. John read the 12 Traditions. Eric read the 12 Concepts. Roland read the NYCASC Group Purpose

The group welcomes new members and visitors: John R (visitor), Vanessa (visitor), Edwin – new GSR for Steps to Life, Joyce – new GSR for Recurring Themes

2:18 - Corrections to last Area minutes: Leah R. was marked absent, though she was present – GSR for Home Away from Home

We had quorum at 2:19.

2:19 – Administrative Reports:

Roland – Chair Report:

·  Birthday Bash ad hoc committee met this morning. There are 4 facilities that H&I serves. These facilities will get 7 free tickets each for their residents to attend: Pride Site 1 & 2, Su Casa and Odyssey House. A schedule is set for speakers. We cut a check for $600 towards Birthday Bash items

·  A letter was sent to Region requesting that a person who caused an incident at last month’s H&I Subcommittee Meeting to be sanctioned.

·  We will have nominations for all subcommittee chairs today: Chair, Vice Chair, H&I Chair, Secretary and both Web Positions.

·  GSRs will be responsible for returning the tickets they do not sell. Tickets will also be sold at the door.

·  A letter from a doctor soliciting groups for patients was brought to Roland’s attention. He contacted the doctor and groups will not receive these letters anymore.

Tony - Vice-Chair Report: absent, no report

Evon - RCM Report:

·  The CAR motions were distributed at our last Area for the CAR Workshop held February 27th as was announced.

·  Please fill out the literature, service material, and Issue Discussion Topic survey by26 Marchif you haven’t already. You can find the link on the conference Also on our website,

·  CAR submission has been extended to March 30.

·  GSRs should email group CAR results to Evon at

Pete - Treasurer’s Report:

·  Ending balance (as of Feb. 29): $6,950.69 / Working balance: $2,195.28 / Birthday Bash Prudent Reserve has been spent - $200 for tickets, $300 for DJ, $600 allotted today for a food deposit, $800 allotted for a deposit on the space, $40 tip allotted for food delivery - $1,940 altogether.

·  Ticket sales so far are $810.

·  Discussion of posting ending balance and working balance on whiteboard during Area.

Dave - Secretary:

·  Agenda for Birthday Bash will go out with this month’s minutes.

·  Email Dave with Speaker Name and Topic for NA Birthday Bash

3:03 – GSR Group Reports:

·  Angels with Dirty Faces: Saturday 6:30-7:30, GSR – Marissa M. Nothing to report. No donation.

·  Bleecker St: Tues 8pm, 116 Baxter St, GSR – Thalia F. No changes Attendance good. Donating $29.

·  Breaking the Chains: 130 E 25th St., Wed at 7:15pm, GSR – Doyle R. All is well. Donating $44.

·  Cover to Cover: 25 Carmine, Mon 7-9pm, GSR – Danielle R. Nothing to report. Donating $100.

·  Freedom Group: Fri 7pm, 630 E 6th St, GSR – Jim B. Attendance is down slightly and we can use some support. Otherwise, everything is good. Donating $29.

·  Green and Gold Group: Tues. 6:30-8:00, Wagner JHS 220 E 76th St. (between 2nd and 3rd Ave.), GSR- Rich P. We do not have anything new to inform the area, trusted servants or the other GSRs.

·  Home Away from Home: 228 E 3rd St at 7pm, 7th Floor, GSR – Leah R. No change – all good. Donation mailed.

·  It’s About Change: 50 E 7th St, Fri 6:30-8:00, GSR – Stephen M. The group will be giving their group anniversary in July. Stephen M will be celebrating 25 years on Fri March 25. Serina will be celebrating 8 years in April. Donating $40.

·  Just for Today: Sunday 4:30pm, 743 E 9th St, GSR – Luz. The group is collecting for the group’s 30th anniversary in July. The group still in need of HI and PI members. The group will celebrate July 24 – Sunday from 4:40pm to 7pm. At this moment the group decided for the GSR to conduct the tally report for 2016 Conference Agenday. Donating $38.

·  Living Free: 334 E 14th St, M-F 1-2pm, GSR – Denise. Nothing new. Donating $322.

·  Meat & Potatoes: 50 E 7th St, between 2nd and 1st Ave, GSR – Ruben A. Group is doing well. Just created policy next month. Temporary positions are up. We will be having elections. Attendance is good. We now have literature for sale. Working on starting a Hospitality Commitment. Donating $99.

·  Midtown Matinee: 35th St., M, T, W, Th, F 1-2, GSR – Marisa V. Rent was paid, did not make enough money to pay maintenance. Attendance is low. Finished CAR and will be submitting it. Voted to bring the letter from the doctor soliciting patients from the meetings to Area. No donation.

·  NA Unity: Sun 6:00pm, 206 E 4th St, GSR – Lakis (today Danielle R. is standing in). Nothing to report. No donation.

·  No Authority: 8:15 at 460 W 41st, GSR – Vinny R. Group has finally reached goal for prudent reserve. We should be able to start donating to NYC Area by next month. No donation.

·  Only Game in Town: Sunday 6:30, GSR – Josh G / Richie. The group met at the new temporary location at Wagner Middle School on 76th St between the last two Sundays. Now it will meet for the first time at its new permanent spot at Lennox Hill Hospital at 131 E 76th St. I left flyers on the table about our new location. Also, March 27th there will be two 7 year anniversaries for Brett and Drew. Donating $200.

·  Practicing Principles: Thurs 7:45pm, 283 W. Broadway, GSR – Katherine. Donating $49.

·  Recovery from the Heart: Tues 6:30pm, 200 Madison St, GSR- John C. We donated $10. Recovery from the Heart is still in need of support. We are having Mary celebrate her first Miracle year next Tuesday at 6:30pm and I’m celebrating my first Miracle year April 26th at 6:30pm. All are welcome. We starting collecting for the Group Anniversary in September. D0nating $10.

·  Recovery in the 80s: 213 W 82nd St, Mon 8pm, GSR – Teddy M. We are having our group anniversary on May 23rd, regular attendance. All is well. No donation.

·  Recovery in the Lower: 630 East 8th St, GSR – Eric A. Revising our chairpersons and secretary’s format. Thursday March 31st, Saul is celebrating 23 years. Starting to collect for our group anniversary. Donating $36.80

·  Recuperacion for Today: 206 E 11th St, Fri 6:45-8:15pm, GSR – Eddie L/Alt. GSR Laureen. Group is doing well. Submitting CAR tally sheet. Donating $46 to Area and $46 to RSO.

·  Recurring Themes: Tues/Thurs 7:00pm, Beth Israel, GSR – Joyce L. I am a new GSR for Recurring Themes. This is my 1st Area Meeting. Donating $50.

·  Seize the Day: Wagner JHS 220 E 76th St (between 2nd and 3rd Ave), no GSR (Rich P. standing in). Nothing to report. No donation.

·  Solid Foundation: 130 E 25th St. Sunday 7:15pm, GSR – Pete. Nothing changed. Donating $46.

·  Steps to Life: 743 E 9th, GSR – Edwin A. New GSR. Group is going okay. Donating $30.

o  2nd Sun: 90-day panel

o  3rd Sun: Anniversary

o  4th Sun: Rotating 1st, 2nd and 3rd Step

o  5th Sun: IP meeting.

·  Village Spiritual Workshop: Mon 6:30-7:45pm, Middle Collegiate Church, GSR – Cristine B. Nothing to report. Donating $20

·  You Get What You Need: Friday 7:30pm, 40 E 87th St, between 1st and York. GSR – Daniel A. Elections next month. All positions open, save for Treasurer. Donating $25.

3:35 – Subcommittee Reports

(provided by Subcommittee Chair unless noted)

Wilvena – PR Chair Report:

·  Public Information Committee met Wed March 16. 10 in attendance. Committee reviewed what commitments in PR are possible within service boundaries (south of 23rd st). Service inventory of the institutions and facilities will be brought back to the next meeting: Mike M – schools, Nina – hospitals/methadone clinics, Sean – city parks, Dan – precincts, Richard – housing projects

·  No clean time is needed to participate in a poster drive. Practice the principles of the 12th Step and 5th Tradition and post the helpline number in communities so addicts can find a meeting.

·  Committee discussed the possibility of the next poster drive in our area at the Clinton 9th St. Ave. D housing projects – the date will be determined at the next meeting.

·  Committee requests a literature purchase of 5 GNYR PI subcommittee handbooks from the RSO.

·  Committee moved for the chairperson to contact the Regional PI Chair and the NAWS PR Manager regarding how to proceed to correct misinformation printed in the New York Times article dated 3/16/16.

·  In the spirit of unity and Tradition One, the Bronx Area asked members from this subcommittee to support their PI table for the Bronx Area Convention this coming weekend March 25-27 Hilton, Westchester Rye Brook, NY. The purpose of the table is to inform the Fellowship at the Convention about the purpose of PI and to sign up members to be contacted about PI.

·  Tradition One as it relates to PI work was read and discussed

·  OPEN POSITIONS: Legal and Judicial Coordinator, Education Coordinator, H&I Liaison, Community Coordinator