The Powers Behind Alpha, Vineyard & the ‘TE’

- Link Data -

© 2003 Dusty Peterson & Elizabeth McDonald, Bayith Ministries email:

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This page is the repository for all information regarding the chart entitled

The Dragnet Behind Alpha, Vineyard, ‘Purpose-Driven’, ‘Toronto’ etc.

(Click to view the chart here but please note: you will need to use your “back arrow” to return to this page.)

This page currently comprises the following three sections:


1) Extra Links Omitted From Chart

2) How To Use The Table of Links

3) Table of Links Between Names


Some of the links in the table are included because someone has quoted another person favourably. The 'acceptability' of quoting idolaters is invariably based on the solitary occasion when the apostle Paul, speaking at the Areopagus, quoted a pagan poet (Acts 17:28). But this overlooks two crucial points: Firstly, Paul did not quote this heathen poet (note that he was not quoting a heathen teacher) when instructing Christians but when EVANGELIZING PAGANS. These are fundamentally different activities. Secondly, Paul made clear that the poet in question was one of "your own" - i.e. someone who, like the rest of them, needed to "repent" (v30) and be saved. (It is also surely relevant that Paul did not NAME the poet he was quoting.) As far as we have been able to ascertain, none of the people in our chart have made this point alongside their quotes. Indeed, there is usually no warning given at all.

It is bad enough to cite idolaters as sources of wisdom for Christians. (Can people really not find any Christian sources for the points they want to make?) It is even worse to fail to give a warning and disclaimer about that person’s idolatry.

1) Extra Links Omitted From Chart

The following are known links that had to be omitted from the chart for topological or readability reasons. Data for each of these links is included in the table below.

Boehme, Jakob /Leade, Jane / ==> / Freemasons
Freemasons / ==> / Alpha
Freemasons / ==> / Assagioli, R.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Assagioli, R.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Boehme, J. / Leade, J.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Freemasons
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Hall, F.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Jung, C.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Kenyon, E.W.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Semple McPherson, A.
Jesuits/Romanists / ==> / Teilhard deChardin, P.

There are many further instances of influence/co-operation that have only occurred after 1992 (so far as we can determine). Please see the full table below for details.


*Any links in the following table which do not appear on the chart itself, nor in the above table, are given in black and/or italics (see below for more). Any lack of strong connections can therefore be ignored for these entries.

* Orange, non-italic = includes at least one direct pre-1992 connection (only orange, non-itaicl links are shown on the chart).

* Orange, italic = no DIRECT pre-1992 connection, but at least one INDIRECT pre-1992 connection.

* Black, non-italic = no pre-1992 connections of any type, but at least one direct POST-1992 connection.

* Black italic = only INDIRECT, POST-1992 connections found so far.

* We do know of probable additional links, but the evidence we have collected for them is not yet conclusive enough. Although the data for these probable links is included in the table below, we will not add the relevant arrow to the chart (or the above table) until sufficient further evidence is found.

* We have included some solid indirect connection data in the table in support of direct connections, and this subsidiary data is clearly marked ‘INDIRECT’.

* Connections that are known to have taken place after 1992 are also included (clearly marked ‘POST-1992’) to show that this ungodly alliance is still very much in place.

* We are in the process of adding data for the various connections between each name (especially extant ones) and HTB/Alpha. See the entries ‘[Name] ==> Alpha’ for the data we have added thus far.

2) How To Use The Table of Links

From the chart, pick a link in which you are interested. Identify which bubble includes the start of the relevant arrow. Read the text in the bubble and simply find that name on the far left hand side in the following, alphabetically arranged list. You will be presented with the topmost entries of all the links that start from that name. Simply scroll through the list of links until you find the particular one you are interested in. There you will find all connections we currently know of between the two names.

(Please Note: The names in the table are always listed alphabetically. Please also beware of the accent on the end of Renovaré when searching this page electronically. Please also note that INDIRECT links can be found through looking at the data linking intermediate bubbles between two names.)

3) Table of Links Between Names

As far as we are aware, NONE of these connections came with caveats. For example, we have yet to note a single name on the chart who repudiates any aspect of the ministry of another name when quoting that other name. We define the difference between cooperation and association as follows: Attending a conference as an observer, where one of the speakers is apostate is one thing. Sharing the platform with him/her and failing to expose them for what they are, is quite another! Quoting them is one thing. Giving their NAME, but no disclaimer about their other beliefs is another.

Notes: (a) These are just the overt or undeniable links - how many extra, hidden ones are there? (b) In many cases the primary source reference is available from the cited source. (c) Critics of this table may be able to find a handful of links they believe to be arguable, but, even if they do so, that will still leave over 95% for them to explain away. (d) All emphases are our own unless otherwise stated. (e) Where you see “linked to HTB”, please see the extra table at the end of this page for details.

We hope shortly to provide some biographies - to show just how amazingly unchristian the names in this list are. In the meantime, you can find out about these people from websites like: or or And, for certain people in the chart, (for Schuller and Copeland), (for Copeland, Hagin and Wimber), (for the Sandfords), (for Branham), and

(for Schuller). Please note, however, that we do not necessarily endorse everything on these sites or even on the pages listed here.

Assagioli, Roberto [Click here for details of this name]

Assagioli ==> Alpha

■ INDIRECT: HTB cooperates with Willow Creek, yet the former associate director of spiritual formation at Willow Creek trained at Shalem Prayer Institute and has Tilden Edwards on the back cover of her most recent book - both of these have Assagioli’s strong influence [Data from Lighthouse Trails].

■ INDIRECT, POSSIBLY POST-1992: HTB stocks the book Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning. This is a book which positively cites Gerald May - who promotes Assagioli’s teachings.

Assagioli ==> Foster, R./Renovaré

■ “[Tilden] Edwards leads the prestigious Shalem Prayer Institute [where Renovare’s William Vaswig studied]... In his book, Spiritual Friend,he [Edwards] suggests those who practice contemplative prayer ... should turn to a book entitled, Psychosynthesis, ... [by] world famous occultist, Roberto Assagioli” [Ray Yungen, A Time of Departing, {p}].

■ INDIRECT: Madeleine L’Engle was influenced by Assagioli, but Renovare quotes L’Engle very positively [Renovare’s Perspective magazine, April 1997 - Vol. 7, No. 2 - page 4]. Madeleine L’Engle is also quoted favourably on Page 205 of the 25th Anniversary Edition of Foster’s book Celebration of Discipline [J. Sundquist].

■ INDIRECT: Gerald May, who influenced Renovare’s Vaswig, wrote a book called A Pilgrimage of Healing which was full of Assagioli’s transpersonal psychology [Ray Yungen, phone conversation with Dusty, 2004]. May was “one of Rev. Vaswig’s professors” [ It is MOST likely that May will have taught Vaswig about Assagioli.

■ “[A]n Esalen team visited Europe ... and discovered Roberto Assagioli’s psychosynthesis, ... This group then introduced Assagioli’s work to America. ... [At Esalen’s] second conference on “The Body and Spirituality” ... [participated] Sister Rose Mary Dougherty [a leader at the Shalem Institute where Renovare’s Vaswig studied] { }

■ INDIRECT: Assagioli strongly influenced Michael Murphy and others at Esalen (Murphy was a co-founder), and Esalen has strongly influenced Renovare (hence the latter’s endorsement of the Enneagram system devised by Esalen) { }

■ Gerald May is “number 2” at the Shalem Institute where Renovaré’s Vaswig studied, yet May makes extremely positive reference to Assagioli’s psychosynthesis movement [Ray Yungen, private phone conversation with Dusty].

Assagioli ==> Fox, G./Quakers

■ The Friends website contains pro-Assagioli material. See for instance the ‘Views and Reviews’ in its magazine Inward Light, Vol XLVII, Nos. 101 and 102, Spring 1986 (as at

Assagioli ==> Kelsey, M.

■ “Morton … tells us himself that one of his major influences was ‘the writings of … Roberto Assagioli’” [Morrison, op. cit., p433].

Assagioli ==> Schuller, R.

■ INDIRECT: Gerald Jampolsky wrote “one of the groundbreaking classics in the transpersonal movement … Based on concepts from A Course in Miracles”. Schuller has run A Course in Miracles and was endorsing Jampolsky as recently as 2004.

Bertolucci, John [Click here for details of this name]

Bertolucci ==> Alpha

■ INDIRECT: Bertolucci has cooperated with Yonggi-Cho – who has influenced HTB [{}].

■ INDIRECT: Bill Bright has influenced Alpha, yet “Speakers from Catholicism, mainline Protestant denominations and independent churches broke down the walls … at the Washington For Jesus Rally in Washington, D.C. Pat Robertson, John Meares, Dr. Bill Bright, James Robinson and Jim Bakker shared the microphone with Catholic Fathers Randall and Bertalucci” [sic] [

Bertolucci ==> Kuhlman, K.

■ Bertolucci appeared on K's TV program. The details are: video “V480 457 4/17/75” was of “Father J. Bertolucci. Same as V1074”. Audio tape “T1734 1975” is of “Father J. Bartolucci, [sic] TV 457. 883” {}

Bertolucci ==> Scanlan, M.

■ “[Jerry] Falwell was also one of the speakers at the 4/80 ‘Washington for Jesus’ rally. Fellow speakers were Catholic priests John Bertolucci, John Randall, and Michael Scanlon [sic]” [John Beard, ‘Jerry Falwell: General Teachings/Activities’

■ Bertolucci “is the author of several books, including Prayers and Blessings for Daily Life in

Christ (with Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR)” [

Bertolucci ==> Wimber, J. (/Vineyard)

■ “I studied leaders like … Father John Bertolucci” [Wimber, Power Evangelism, p124, quoted in Dager, The Vineyard, p14].

■ POST-1992: “I had the pleasure off [sic] attending the Charismatic Conference in Steubenville in 1995, when Fr. John Bertolucci, [and], John Wimber … were there.” [

■ Bertolucci is listed in the ‘Acknowledgments’ for Wimber’s book Power Healing.

Boehme, Jakob /Leade, Jane [Click here for details of these names]

Boehme/Leade ==> Alpha

■ INDIRECT: Gumbel quotes Newton approvingly and calls him a believer. {} but “Jacob Boehme was highly influential on subsequent thinkers, including Isaac Newton” [

■ INDIRECT: Gumbel quotes Paul Tillich approvingly in Questions of Life [p21], but Tillich “borrowed ideas from” Boehme [

Boehme/Leade ==> Branham, W. / LR

■ “The supposed, ‘Father of the Latter Rain’ George R. Hawtin (deceased) had a 32-volume set of journals he wrote from 1960-1982. I have every volume and Jane Leade’s prophecies are in there and they are used by Hawtin as well as George H. Warnock, Bill Britton, Rick Joyner, Clayt [sic] Sonmore, to proof-text the MSOG/NOLR doctrine. They, I know, have simply plagiarized Boehme and Leade’s writings.” [Bill --, personal email on file]

■ “Jane Leade’s 1619/1679 (false) prophetic article is found verbatim in Hawtin's writings ... [See] Hawtin, George R. ‘The New Attitude’ in Treasures of Truth: Here is the Mind That Hath Wisdom, Vol 9, pp. 103-106. Treasures of Truth, PO Box 99, Eagle, Idaho83616.” [Bill --, personal email on file].

■ The books of the central Latter Rainer, George Hawtin, include lengthy excerpts from the writings of Boehme and Leade [Bill --, telephone conversation with DP].

■ INDIRECT: Royal Cronquist’s widow admitted in a phone call to Bill -- that Royal knew FROM HIS COLLEGE DAYS that the NOLR was based on the doctrines and teachings of Jane Leade! (Cronquist knew the Latter Rainer George Warnock “quite well”) [Phonecall to Darlene Cronquist, May 29th 2003].

■ “I have … copies of letters from Warnock stating that he knew about Jane Leade and believed her prophetic declarations were genuinely from God for the times we are living in” [Bill --, email on file].

Boehme/Leade ==> Fox, G. /Quakers

■ “Fox and the Quakers espoused Boehme’s alchemistical and astrological cosmology” [Bill --, personal email on file].

■ “Jakob Boehme – German mystic and theosophist who founded modern theosophy; influenced George Fox (1575-1624)” [

■ “Fox was one of those who were influenced by Boehme” [

■ “Jacob Boehme’s Books were the chief books that the Quakers bought, for there is the Principle of Foundation of their Religion.” A Looking Glass for George Fox, 1667, p. 5. [quoted by Also, “This passage [by Fox] which records a striking personal experience is undated. It is strangely like an experience of the great German mystic, Jacob Boehme, whose works were published in England about the time Fox was beginning his missionary labors. … Muggleton, in his Looking Glass for G. Fox (second edition, 1756, page 10), says that the writings of Boehme are the “chief books” bought by the followers of Fox.” [

■ “Boehme was highly influential on subsequent thinkers, including … George Fox” [

■ “For the influence of Boehme on Fox … see studies in Mystical Religion, pp494-5; cf., also, Fox’s Journal for 1648, 8th ed., vol.I, pp28-9, with Boehme’s Three Principles, cap. XX, §§ 39-42; also, life of J. B. in “Law’s edition,” vol. I, p. xiii, or the Signatura Rerum.” [

Boehme/Leade ==> Freemasons

■ “Boehme’s teachings were also influential in the development of high grade Freemasonry” [

Boehme/Leade ==> Hall, F.

■ “Franklin Hall plagiarized Jane Leade’s prophecies” [Bill --, email on file].

Boehme/Leade ==> Jung, C.

■Jung positively cited Boehme dozens of times in his works. [Donivan Bessinger, Index of citations of Jakob Boehme in the Collected Works of Carl G. Jung,

■ “[I]t was in Jung’s writings that I discovered the rare letter written from John Pordage (1607-1681) to Jane Leade (1623-1704) explaining ... how to alter her state of consciousness” [Bill Mack, email on file].

Boehme/Leade ==> Schuller, R.

■ INDIRECT: Grubb was a huge fan of Boehme, yet Grubb appeared with Schuller on the latter’s ‘Hour of Power’ show in about 1991. Schuller called Grubb “a living legend” and, in an interview of Grubb, Schuller neither expressed nor showed any problem whatsoever with what Grubb was saying [

Branham, William /LR [Click here for details of this name]

Branham/LR ==> Cain, P. /KCP

■ Paul Cain’s mentor was William Branham [Roger Oakland, op. cit., p77].

■ Cain was part of the ‘Latter Rain’ group of the mid 20th century [{}].

■ “As a young man in the 1950s, Cain toured the country with William Branham” [Hilborn, op. cit., p9].

■ “Cain once called Branham ‘The greatest prophet who EVER lived in any of my generations’” [Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, (Word, 1997), p134].

■ “I know that our Lord has been very gracious to us this week, ... I want to say that a young minister, Mr. Cain, I believe it’s, if I’m not mistaken, Paul Cain, is going to continue the revival on, beginning tomorrow night at the regular time, I guess, of seven-thirty. You’re all accordingly invi—cordially invited out to Brother Cain’s meeting ... I pray that it’ll continue on and on as Brother Cain and these other ministers are ministering ... I pray Thee, Father, to be with Brother Cain as he ministers on here in this platform” [W. Branham, ‘Believe Ye That I Can Do This?’,].

■ Cain became Branham’s understudy [Bill Jackson, The Quest for the Radical Middle, p182].

■ Vineyard admits that the “parallels between [the LR] and Paul Cain’s message to the Vineyard” are “striking” [Jackson, op. cit., p187].

■ “For quite a while I have been embarrassed to say anything about the latter rain, because you are associated and identified with something that people don’t seem to appreciate in certain evangelical circles. So I have played it cool and haven’t said much about it. But I don’t care what they think any more... I believe we are going to have the latter rain and I am looking forward to it” (Paul Cain, Toronto church on May 28, 1995) [DITC website].

■ Bickle says “there have been a lot of ANOINTED people who came to hold strange doctrines. Their constituency bought into the false assumption that a person whom GOD uses in a GENUINE prophetic or healing ministry must be 100% doctrinally correct. The most notable example in recent history is William Branham” Bickle, Growing in the Prophetic, p72 – italics in original].

■ POSSIBLY POST-1992: Bickle writes: “A prophet of the stature similar to those in the Old Testament would face incredible temptations and pressures. William Branham’s prophetic ministry … was so unique that he came to be revered by some on a level with the Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha … Branham himself, wanting to be a teacher [instead of staying a prophet!], ended up promoting certain heresies [as if his ministry had previously been sound!].” Bickle then goes on to strongly indicate he sees Branham as one of God’s “prophetic people” and as a “prophet”, rather than as a FALSE prophet, and merely that “doctrinal errors … developed … at the END of his life” [Growing in the Prophetic, p118].