Scaling up Shared Lives in Health Programme Evaluation: Proforma and Assessment Criteria
Name of organisation:Contact details of main lead:
- Please complete this proforma template.
- Please also attach your evaluation proposal explaining how you would meet the requirements of the project brief. Please limit this to no more than 4 sides of A4 in 12 point text.
Selection will be based on the detail given in your evaluation proposal and by describing and providing evidence of how you meet the following criteria. Please include evidence to support the criteria where you feel it is required.
Criteria for selection: Organisation / Description / Evidence of how you meet the criteria / Score (Shared Lives Plus & NHS England use only)1 / The ability to deliver the deliverables and meet our expectations and goals for this project / /10
2 / Commitment and the ability to work with Shared Lives Plus, CCGs, Shared Lives schemes, Shared Lives Plus members including Shared Lives carers and people who use Shared Lives and NHS England representatives to design the project evaluation / /10
3 / A proven track record of collaborative working / /10
4 / A suitable project lead, a strong team, and the ability to deliver in the event of unforeseen staffing issues / /10
5 / Clear partnership arrangements with an identified partner, if applicable / /10
6 / A proven track record of evaluating projects of similar size and impact / /10
Criteria for selection: Proposal
7 / A project plan with time line meeting the time requirements, with a clear description how of the deliverables and milestones will be met / Please complete on separate proposal using no more than 4 sides A4 in 12 point text / /10
8 / A fee (inclusive of VAT) which offers value for money / Please complete on separate proposal using no more than 4 sides A4 in 12 point text / /10
9 / Proposal demonstrates an understanding of the Shared Lives sector, the health sector and the project requirements / Please complete on separate proposal using no more than 4 sides A4 in 12 point text / /10
10 / Agreement that ownership of the research, evaluation and other intellectual property produced as part of involvement in this project remains with Shared Lives Plus Ltd / Please complete on separate proposal using no more than 4 sides A4 in 12 point text / /10
Please return this completed proforma plus proposal to 5pm, 18th February 2017
Registered charity number (England and Wales) 1095562Registered charity number (Scotland) SCO42743
Company number: 4511426