
Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1)  A community

a.  includes all populations of all species in a given area.

b.  features the living organisms interacting with the physical and chemical environment.

c.  is the sum of all places in Earth's atmosphere, crust, and waters where organisms live.

d.  includes members of only one species.

e.  is at a higher level of organization than an ecosystem.

2)  The level of organization where factors such as sunlight, rainfall, and temperature come into play is the

a.  digestive system.

b.  the flow of energy and recycling of nitrogen in a given area.

c.  plants producing oxygen in the Amazon basin is consumed by giraffes on the Serengeti.

d.  glucose.

e.  clown fish, sharks, and coral living together at the Great Barrier reef.

3)  Living organisms are members of all of the levels listed below; however, rocks are components of

a.  the community.

b.  the population.

c.  the ecosystem.

d.  the biosphere.

e.  both the ecosystem and the biosphere

4)  A(n) ______property is a characteristic of a system that does not appear in any of its component parts.

a.  efferent

b.  emergent

c.  elective

d.  energetic

e.  living

5)  All organisms are alike in their

a.  requirements for energy.

b.  participation in one or more nutrient cycles.

c.  ultimate dependence on the sun.

d.  interaction with other forms of life.

e.  all of these.

6)  The conversion of solar energy to chemical energy is known as

a.  metabolism.

b.  photosynthesis.

c.  chemosynthesis.

d.  catabolism.

e.  anabolism.

7)  Organisms sense and respond to changes both inside and outside the body by way of

a.  metabolism.

b.  photosynthesis.

c.  receptors.

d.  catabolism.

e.  anabolism.

8)  DNA codes for the production of

a.  proteins.

b.  minerals.

c.  inorganic molecules.

d.  vital gasses.

e.  water.

9)  Which of the following do not depend directly on sunlight for energy?

I terrestrial producers

II animal consumers

III decomposers

a.  I only

b.  II and III only

c.  II only

d.  III only

e.  I and III

10)  Nonliving entities do NOT possess

a.  energetic interactions.

b.  DNA.

c.  atoms.

d.  heat energy.

e.  complexity.

11)  About twelve to twenty-four hours after the previous meal, a person's blood-sugar level normally varies from 60 to 90 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood, though it may rise to 130 mg/100 ml after meals high in carbohydrates. That the blood-sugar level is maintained within a fairly narrow range despite uneven intake of sugar is due to the body's ability to carry out

a.  adaptation.

b.  inheritance.

c.  metabolism.

d.  homeostasis.

e.  all of these processes.

12)  Which of the following phrases would most likely be used in a discussion of homeostasis?

a.  respond to environmental stimuli

b.  limited range of variation

c.  rapid energy turnover

d.  cycle of elements

e.  structural and functional units of life

13)  The DNA molecule is most similar functionally to a

a.  pair of scissors.

b.  flashlight battery.

c.  computer memory chip.

d.  ballpoint pen.

e.  craft kit of ceramic tiles.

14)  Water is important to the interactions of biological molecules because it

a.  promotes hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions.

b.  stabilizes temperature.

c.  is an excellent solvent for polar and ionic substances.

d.  has strong cohesive properties.

e.  does all of these.

15)  The most likely reason that glucose dissolves in water is that it is

a.  an ionic compound.

b.  a polysaccharide.

c.  polar and forms many hydrogen bonds with the water molecules.

d.  a very unstable molecule.

e.  highly nonpolar.

16)  The solvent, cohesive, and temperature stabilization properties of water are due to its

a.  ability to promote hydrophilic interactions.

b.  ionic bonds.

c.  hydrogen bonds.

d.  ability to promote hydrophobic interactions.

e.  nonpolar nature.

17)  The column of water extending in tubes from plant roots to leaves is maintained by

a.  cohesion among water molecules.

b.  ionic bonds.

c.  covalent bonds.

d.  hydrophobic interactions.

e.  hydrophilic interactions.

18)  Sodium chloride (NaCl) in water can be described by any EXCEPT which of the following?

a.  Na+ and Cl- form

b.  a solute

c.  ionized

d.  forms hydrophobic interactions

e.  dissolved

19)  A salt will dissolve in water to form

a.  acids.

b.  hydrogen bonds.

c.  ions other than H+ and OH-

d.  bases.

e.  buffers.

T/F Mark “A” for “True” and “B” for “False”

20)  F A law of nature is a long-standing hypothesis that has not been disproved after many years of testing

21)  F The number of electrons in the nucleus defines the element, and the number of neutrons defines the isotope

22)  T Whether an atom will interact with other atoms depends on how many electrons it has

23)  F Bases donate while acids accept hydrogen ions in a water solution

24)  T Buffers are a set of chemical that can keep the pH of a solution stable


Match the following groups to the most appropriate description listed below.

a.  Archaebacteria

b.  Protists

c.  Fungi

d.  Plants

e.  Animals

25)  A Single-celled organism that lack a nucleus but are more closely related to eukaryotes than bacteria

26)  E Multi-celled consumers that ingest tissues or juices of other organisms; actively move about during at least part of their lives

27)  C Multi-celled eukaryotes that secrete substances that break down food outside the body and absorb the released nutrients

Numeric Response

In a brand new deck of cards, 13/54 are any of the suits while 2/54 are jokers. You counted 1662 cards, with these results:

·  Spades 404

·  Hearts 420

·  Diamonds 400

·  Clubs 356

·  Jokers 82

28)  How many jokers would you expect out of 1662 random cards? (no partial cards)


29)  Using the expected number of clubs as the mean (average), Calculate the standard deviation for the actual results. (hundredths place) n=1662


30)  Calculate the chi square value for the deck of cards. (3 significant figures)


ESSAY Answer

31)  Water is essential to all living things.

a.  Describe THREE properties of water. (3 points)

b.  Explain the ability of water to moderate temperature within living organisms and in organisms’ environments (1 point)


32)  Describe at least three (3) items that all organisms have in common. (3 points)

Characteristics of Life
1. All living things are made of cells.
2. All living things have DNA
3. All living things reproduce.
4. All livings things maintain homeostasis.
5. All living things grow and develop.
6. Living things obtain and use material and energy.
7. All living things adapt and evolve.
8. All living things respond to their environment


Explain how the sun and decomposers contribute to the energy/nutrient cycle (2 points)