Summer 2016
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am writing following our successful first full year of Reddot Academy, to look back on the year and let you know about some changes ahead of the 2016/17 season.
Firstly, thank you to all our players, parents and coaches for being part of Reddot and ensuring that the year was a success. Our thanks in particular go to Micky, Dan and Joe as coaches who have made sure that we are there, week in week out.
Secondly, we will be making a number of changes in the coming year, which is due to kick off on Saturday 10th September. In particular, these are:
· We have updated session times and ages (please see General Information sheets below). Please note that players should not arrive more than 10 minutes before their session starts.
· We are part of the Camden & Regents Park Youth League: U7s (5-a-side), U9s (7-a-side) and U 13s (11-a-side). Players can register on a first come, first served basis and must be members of the Saturday training sessions.
· We have reduced fee levels for this year:
o Saturday training sessions will be £300 for the whole year, down from £330. These will need to be paid in two installments of £150, in September and February. Fees are non-refundable.
o For those who also want to play in Saturday league games, this will be £100 per child for the whole season, down from £175 to £225 (depending on age) last year. These will need to be paid up front.
· Players will only be registered to play in training sessions and/or league games once fees are fully paid. In order to ensure you do not miss out, please send us your completed form and payment by Saturday 20th August. If we are unable to complete our league squads in time we need to pull out of the league and league fees will be refunded. We have a limited number of subsidised places: please contact us to discuss.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us on , or you can phone Jo on 020 7586 8731. In the meantime, please complete and return the form attached to this letter, and we look forward to building on the success of Reddot Academy this year.
Yours sincerely,
Micky Dowsett & Paul Perkins
Reddot Academy
The Winch
General Information
Reddot Academy is a community football club run by The Winch, a children’s charity in Camden. We run two different activities: weekly football training sessions and competitive league games in Camden & Regents Park Youth League.
Training Sessions
We run weekly football training sessions during school term time on Saturday afternoons at Camden Rhino Turf, near Camden Town:
1-2pm 3-6 year olds
1.45-3pm 7-9 year olds
2.45-4pm 10-13 year olds
(In certain circumstances, the coach may move a child to a different age group. We are committed to ensuring that every child enjoys developing as both a player and a person, so the decision of the coach is final.)
The annual cost of the weekly football training sessions £300 for the full year, payable in two installments of £150, in September and February. This includes a football kit when the child signs up for the first time. There is no registration fee.
League Games
We have three teams in Camden & Regents Park Youth League: under 7s, under 9s and under 13s. The league season runs from September to March with games expected every other week on Saturday mornings and additional friendlies.
The full season cost for children playing in the league is £100 per child. This goes towards coaches, league registration, pitch and referee costs. To be eligible for league games, children must be registered and paid up for training sessions.
Training Sessions
Reddot Academy plays at Camden Rhino Turf, a new astroturf pitch facility near Camden Town. It is accessible via public transport (numerous bus routes as well as Camden Road overground and Camden Town underground stations). There is some on road pay and display parking by the pitch.
Camden Rhino Turf
21 Castlehaven Road
Camden Road overground (4 mins walk)
Camden Town underground (6 mins walk)
24, 27, 31 and 168 bus routes (2 mins walk)
League Games
Reddot Academy plays in the Camden & Regents Park Youth League at The Hub, Regent’s Park. Football matches will be publicized directly via our WhatsApp group but can also be viewed online here.
Players need to meet 30 minutes before the publicized kick-off time.
The Hub
Regent’s Park
Reddot Academy Activities
I wish my child to register for (tick all that apply):
Training Sessions / ☐ / League Games / ☐Child’s Details
Name / Date of BirthAddress and Postcode
Parent/Guardian Details
Name / RelationshipHome phone / Mobile phone
Emergency phone (second contact) / Parent/guardian email address
Details of any allergy, dietary or medical information which we need to be aware of:
Details of any disability or events affecting physical ability which we need to be aware of:
Please read the following declaration and sign to give legal consent.
· I give permission for my child to participate in activities of Reddot Academy. I understand it is my responsibility to notify the coaches of any information about my child of which they should be aware and that football is a contact sport in which there is a risk of injury.
· In the event of injury or emergency, I give permission for my child to receive medical treatment as deemed necessary.
· I give consent for photographs and/or video footage taken to be using in publicity for Reddot Academy and The Winch.
· I understand that places may be limited and my child is registered only when confirmation has been given by Reddot Academy and The Winch.
I certify that the information given on this form is accurate and there is nothing else that The Winch should be aware of in relation to the activities of Reddot Academy.
Signature / Name (Printed) & DateThe Winchester Project | Charity No. 1055059 | Company No. 03177802
• A | 21 Winchester Road, London NW3 3NR • T | 020 7586 8731 • E |